Amar Jyoti Rehabilitation and Research Centre India Expand view Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust Karkardooma Vikas Marg Delhi-110 092 Amar Jyoti provides rehabilitation services with the following objectives: creating opportunities for education, medical care, vocational training and employment of disabled people; organising integrated cultural and sports activities for all round development; mainstreaming disabled people for equality and dignity. Its activities include the organisation of mass contact programmes, awareness generation through health Melas (fairs), pilot study programmes resulting in early intervention, and the dissemination of health education through puppet shows, street theatres, handbills and posters. Its resource centre is not open to the public Amar Jyoti prints the Hindi edition of Disability Dialogue (Akshamata Samrad) and the newsletter Reaching Out Amar Jyoti documents lessons learned through its work by writing time bound reports and taking photographs. Key lessons that have been learned learned are the importance of community and family acceptance of disabled people and the importance of providing disabled people with information on health, medical and rehabilitation services. Knowledge and experience sharing is done with most NGOs working in operational area. Sharing lessons learned takes place through the placement of foreign experts in the organisation, workshops for staff development organised by foreign agencies and its through publications
Centre for Women's Development Studies (CWDS) India Expand view 25 Bhai Vir Singh Marg New Delhi-110001 Aims: To see women as active participants in politics and in plans for national development and not merely as passive recipients of marginal hand-outs. To focus attention on women's pressing and special needs for maternity protection, child care, literacy, education widening opportunities for and resources form various sections of society. To re-examine educational and other values generating processes which promote mystification, ignorance and distortion regarding women and the roles insociety. The CWDS resource centre is open to the public
National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD) Indonesia Expand view PO Box 1226 JI Percetakan Negara 29 Jakarta 10560 Aims to develop health science and technology by means of promoting partnerships and co-ordinating all potential health research and development resources regularly and continuously; and to encourage decision makers and the community to make use of health science and technology to support policy, assist in resolving health problems and overcome obstacles in implementing the health programme. The library is open to the public
China Disabled Person's Social Service Advisory Center (CDPSSAC) China Expand view PO Box 2619 Beijing In charge of making and implementing the Work Programme for Disabled Persons During the Period of the 10th Five Year National Development Plan, 2001-2005. Disseminates rehabilitation information; offers all kinds of rehabilitation services; has set up a group of national experts to guide the functional training in families, communities and organisations all over China. Also runs various training workshops and conduct applied research projects and international cooperation projects
Fiji Council of Social Services (FCOSS) Fiji Expand view P O Box 13476 Suva FCOSS provides support and training, and channels funding to small NGOs working in family welfare.
Papua New Guinea Institute for Medical Research (PNG IMR) Papua New Guinea Expand view PO Box 60 Goroka EHP The aim of all of the Institute's research is to provide effective interventions, leading to improvements in people's health and the control and prevention of disease. Its research programmes are firmly based in the community, with community-based staff and active involovement from the participating communitites. the resource centre is open to the public
National Food and Nutrition Institute Poland Expand view PO Box 02-903 61/63 Powsinska St Warsaw The main aims are the research and implementation activities in the field of: physiology and biochemestry of nutrition; the health quality of food; aetiology, pathogenesis prevention and treatment of diet-related diseases; food saftey and systems of assurance of its quality; microbiology of nutrition; composition and nutritional value of food; popularisation of the knowledge on the hygenic and health aspects of food, nutrition and health promotion. The resource centre is open to the public.
Child-to-Child Uganda Uganda Expand view PO Box 1 Kyambogo University Kampala
Key Centre for Women's Health|University of Melbourne Australia Expand view Victoria 3010 This is a post-graduate teaching and research centre. Aims to investigate women's health through a multi-disciplinary perspective. Collaborating centre with WHO
Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) Ireland Expand view Unit 2.5, The Tower Trinity Enterprise Centre 199 Pearse Street Dublin 2 ENN aims to improve emergency feeding and food aid policy, practices and strategy for NGOs, policy makers and donors; and increase awareness of issues related to food aid for practioners and non-practitioners working directly and indirectly in the food aid sector. The resource centre is open to the public
Centre for Health Policy and Strategic Studies (CHPSS) Nigeria Expand view PO Box 7597, Ikeja Lagos Aims to enhance human health in Nigeria through building capacity for advocacy in health workers, enhancing knowledge about public health, engaging in health service research for evidence-based decision-making, and disseminating health information. Resource centre open to the public
Centre for Development Studies (CDS) Egypt Expand view 4 Ahmad Pasha St (City Bank Bldg) 4th Floor, Garden City Cairo Mission: to support individualised organisations realise their full potential and foster self-determined, self-sustaining change. This mission is premised on our behalf that participation is imperative to learning and change. CDS operate based on a need response mode, with a wide array of stake holders, International society, government and private sector organisations. Our approach relies on bringing stakeholsers to realise and appreciate their interdependence and work together to bring about meaningful change. The CDS resource centre is open to the public
Centre for Educational Development / Jordan University Jordan Expand view Zip No 11942 The CED aims to provide in-service training courses for teaching and administrative staff, to design and produce teaching/learning materials in a variety of formats, to organise and implement training courses for health workers in a wider range of professional specialities, to provide health literature and information using medicine and Internet, to promote community health, and to provide IT support to teaching and learning at the University. The CED resource centre is open to the public.
Concord Video and Film Council UK Expand view Rosehill Centre, 22 Hines Road Ipswich Suffolk IP3 9BG Concord activities include supplying films, videos and tape/slide programmes for hire and sale on social issues and health. The resource centre is open to the public.
Midwives Information and Resource Service (MIDIRS) UK Expand view 9 Elmdale Road Clifton Bristol BS8 1SL MIDIRS aims to be the central source of information relating to childbirth. It disseminates this information to midwives and others, both nationally and internationally thereby assisting them in improving maternity care MIDIRS disseminates information relating to childbirth to its members through Midwifery Digest and its Enquiry Service. Information is drawn from a database of over 83,000 articles, with about 500 new references being added each month. The database can be searched through MIDIRS website if you are a member. Membership costs £11.25/quarter (students), £14.25/quarter (UK-based individuals), £16.50/quarter (European-based individuals), and £18.25/quarter (for individuals from the rest of the world)