
University of Manchester|Faculty of Education


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Primary Health Care Courses
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL

Primary Health Care unit's main aim is to provide and teach two modules in Primary Health Care. One module focuses on Primary Health Care as Education for Development in which the students examine the nature and causes of ill health from historical, political, socio-economic and international perspectives. The other module is on Participatory learning and Action for primary health care in which the students examine and criticise a range of approaches to education for health. The students are given the option of whole courses, advanced diploma or a masters degree. The Unit has a resource centre that is open to the public

Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA)


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Tavis House
1-6 Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9NA


The Centre for Policy on Ageing, established in 1947 by the Nuffield Foundation, has a long and distinguished record as an independent charity promoting the interests of older people through research, policy analysis and the dissemination of information.

The Centre aims to raise awareness of issues around all aspects of ageing and to support good practice. Its overarching focus is to discover and advocate what older people themselves want and need. 

An important and unique aspect of the Centre’s work is to act as a hub to encourage the creative exchange of thinking and information on ageing issues. A key element of this work is making knowledge on ageing issues widely accessible to share learning and underpin policy initiatives to support older people. CPA collaborates with national and local government, practitioners, the academic community, voluntary groups and older people to sustain a network of learning around ageing. 

Information Service – The Centre’s information experts collect, summarise and disseminate research evidence and good practice for users in all sectors through a unique group of online databases and customised services. CPA has built up an unrivalled international reference collection that is a vital source of knowledge on ageing issues and it is currently the only organisation in the UK systematically collating this data. Reliable information is essential to underpin more effective ways of working, making the most of funds to support an ageing population. 

Policy and Research – CPA's policy and research work covers a broad range of issues having an impact on ageing and old age, including health and social services, residential and community care, living arrangements, financial inclusion, independent living, citizenship, and rights and risk. In particular it is concerned with the analysis of public policy as it affects older people, research into related issues and the promotion of good practice in service design and provision. The Centre has a reputation for innovative thinking and backing pioneering work.

Publishing – CPA Publishing produces books, reports, briefing papers, seminar papers, codes of practice, occasional papers and selected reference titles from the Information Service. 

Networks – The Centre works in partnership to influence policy and encourage debate on issues affecting older people. It is engaged with many statutory and voluntary groups concerned with older people and contributes to advisory groups, expert working parties and forums on a diverse array of issues.

Conferences, workshops and seminars - CPA brings together people from different backgrounds to discuss topical issues in small and informal settings -the involvement of older people in influencing policy development is one of the Centre's primary objectives."

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)


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Keppel Street

The LSHTM mission is to contribute to the improvement of health worldwide through the pursuit of excellence in research, postgraduate training, advanced training and consultancy in international public health and tropical medicine. To achieve this the school will enhance it's role as: Britain's national school of public health; a leading institution in Europe for research and postgraduate education education in public health and tropical medicine; and an internatinoal centre of excellence in public health and medicine in developing countries. The LSHTM resource centre is open to the public

Refugee Studies Centre (RSC)


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Queen Elizabeth House
21 St Giles
Oxford OX1 3LA

The RSP is part of the University of Oxford's International Development Centre. RSP's aim is to increase understanding of the causes, consequences and experiences of forced migration. Independent of governments and assistance agencies, RSP provides a neutral forum for discussion between refugees, researchers, practitioners and policy makers. The resource centre is open to any serious reseacher

Nuffield Foundation


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28 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3JS

Supports the establishment and improvement of health policy and provision in developing countries (South and East Africa), and promotes links between those countries and the UK. It does this by funding activities that develop the expertise and experience of practitioners and policy makers

Centre for International Co-operation & Appropriate Technology (CICAT)|Delft University of Technology


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PO Box 5048

Responsible for the promotion and coordination of the Delft University of Technology's efforts in the field of development cooperation. CICAT's main activities are associated with inter-institutional linkages in which different academic partners in the Netherlands cooperate with one or more research institutes abroad. CICAT can provide technical assistance with engineering activities, especially water management, sanitation and construction engineering. The focus of the Documentation Centre collection is on the technological aspects of development cooperation. The resource centre is open to the public

International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC)


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Visiting address
Bezuidenhoutseweg 2
2594 AV The Hague
The Netherlands

Postal address
P.O. Box 82327
2508 EH The Hague
The Netherlands

IRC facilitates the creation, sharing and use of knowledge so that water and sanitation sector staff and organisations can better support poor men, women and children in developing countries to obtain water and sanitation services they will use and sustain. This is achieved by offering publications, training courses, advisory and education services, research and advocacy activities. IRC's library contains over 16,000 items, much of it is grey literature. The resources can be searched using the on-line database, which can be searched by subject, author, title, publisher, date and type of publication. It provides links to 1100 documents and Web pages on the Internet. Publications can be ordered online and some can be downloaded from the website.

The Wellcome Trust|Tropical Medicine Resource


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210 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE

The Tropical Medicine Resource (TMR) is part of the Wellcome Trust, Europe's largest medical research charity. It produces interactive distance learning materials which support training and development within the international health community. The main output of the department to date has been the CD-Rom based series "Topics in International Health (TIH)". The CDs cover diseases of international importance, such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS - and complement scientific research funded by Wellcome Trust grants nd carried out in Wellcome Trust Centres overseas. Operates a Resource Centre that is open to the public
