
National AIDS Programme


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PO Box 30205
Ministry of Health
Ndeke House, Lusaka

The Ministry of Health aims to provide equity of access to cost effective quality health care, as close to the family as possible. We coordinate and liaise with Ministries of Education, and Community Development and Social Services (CDSS), and also work with NGOs and international organisations involved in the delivery health services

Salvation Army Chikankata Health Services


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Private Bag S2

The aim of the organisation is to encourage community participaiton and ownership of personal health. Its objectives are to deliver holistic health as close to the family as possible

St Francis Hospital


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Private Bag 11

This is a district general hospital, supplying first level services to a catchment population of 200 000, and second level surgical services to a population of 1 million. There is a nursing and midwifery training school, and it also acts as a training hospital for medical students, both local and abroad. The resource centre is not open to the public

Luanshya Humanist Society


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PO Box 230
Mpatamatu Luanshya Copper Belt

The main aim of the Society is to promote community-based health programmes such as to teach and disseminate health education information to the community on prevention of communicable disease, promote family planning, to train young people on vocational courses especially design, and tailoring

Central Board of Health (CBOH)


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PO Box 32588

Provides comprehensive health policy guidelines and strategies for effective health care delivery at all levels as well as the monitoring and evaluation of health programmes. CBoH has a resource centre that is open to the public. It has a countrywide network of hospitals and clinics.

Afya Mzuri


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Plot 10487B Manchinchi Road
Olympia Park
PO Box 51232

Afya Mzuri is a Zambian non-governmental organisation that has been in existence since 2000. Following a review of its operations in 2009, the revised primary strategic and operational aim of Afya Mzuri over the next five years is to build upon its known expertise in the collection, management and dissemination of HIV and AIDS materials in Zambia via an expanded central Resource Centre and enhanced provision of decentralised information services. This expansion will include one of remit, strategically linking HIV and AIDS to the related issues of TB, STIs, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health, and Malaria, while providing extensive repository, archive and materials distribution facilities, together with comprehensive database and web services.

Family Health Trust (FHT)


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PO Box E243

FHT contributes to NGOs' response to the impact of HIV and AIDS in Zambia and is involved in projects to promote anti-AIDS clubs and other activities for young people, a drop-in information service, care and support for orphans and home-based care .

Kondwa Day Center for Orphans


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Kondwa Day Centre Ng'ombe Compound P.O. Box 33652 Lusaka

The name Kondwa means "Be Happy." Kondwa is a day center, whose mission is to give hope to the lives of orphaned children in one of the most deprived areas of Lusaka, Zambia in Africa. Children from the ages of 3-9 years old, who have lost one or both parents, mostly to AIDS or HIV related disease, are provided with education, food, medical attention and love. Children in counseling workshops are encouraged to tell their stories and recount their memories. The process of remembering helps children to deal with loss, grief and transition. The center provides for the psycho-social and material needs of more than 90 children