
Centers for Disease Control National Prevention Information Network (CDC NPIN)


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PO Box 6003
MD 20849-6003

The CDC NPIN is the US national reference referral and distribution service for information on HIV/AIDS, STDs, and TB, sponsored by the CDC. All of NPIN's services are designed to facilitate the sharing of information and resources among people working in HIV, STD and TB preventionn, treatment , and support services. NPIN staff serve a diverse network of constituents who work in international, national, state and local settings. The CDC NPIN resource centre is open to the public

Women Organised to Respond to Life Threatening Diseases (WORLD)


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414 13th Street 2nd Floor
CA 94612

WORLD is a diverse community of women with HIV/AIDS and other supporters working together to provide informaiton and support to women living with HIV/AIDS and their loved ones; to educate and inspire women with HIV/AIDS to advocate for themselves, one another and their communities; and to educate the public about women's AIDS issues and inspire a compassionate response for PLAs. The resource centre is open to the public

Population Council


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One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
New York, NY 10017
United States

The Population Council conducts research in over 50 countries to address critical health and development issues. Their work allows couples to plan their families and chart their futures. They help people avoid HIV infection and access life-saving HIV services. They also empower girls to protect themselves and have a say in their own lives.

The Council's capabilities include:

IMPLEMENTATION SCIENCE to identify service-delivery challenges and test solutions that improve family planning, reproductive health, HIV and AIDS services, and programs for adolescent girls;

POLICY RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS that provide data needed by national governments and international bodies to develop evidence-based health and development policies;

DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS to document the significance of the link between population and development;

BASIC BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH on new contraceptive and HIV-prevention compounds and delivery systems, as well as research to understand how HIV is transmitted sexually;

DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCTS that enable men and women to prevent pregnancy and protect themselves from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections and disorders of the reproductive system;

CLINICAL TRIALS of promising products to determine their efficacy and safety;

PRODUCT INTRODUCTION to ensure that technologies developed by the Council are available to the poorest and most vulnerable people worldwide.



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30 California Street
MA 02472

SatelLife is committed to building healthier communities through the power of information technology. Through our information services, health professionals can communicate with colleagues via our discussion groups and have access to current information via our e-mail newsletter

Outreach|Television Trust for the Environment USA (TVE USA)


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PO Box 820
VT 05482

Outreach Goal: To help improve the lifestyles and the environment of children and the poor in the developing world by supporting community based health and envionmental programmes through the provision of learning materials and by increasing awareness in industrialised countries of global environmenal and health issues, particularly the way in which they affect children and the poor in the developing world

The Global Health Council


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20 Palmer Court
White River Junction
VT 05001

This is the world's largest membership alliance dedicated to advancing policies and programs that improve health around the world. GHC has built a global coalition that promotes improvement and equity in health for all the world's citizens. Their mission is to mobilise effective action by advocating for needed policies and resources, building networks and alliances among those working to improve health, and communicating innovative ideas, knowledge and best practices in the health field

World Bank Publications


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PO Box 960
Herndon, VA 20172-0960

The World Bank publishes widely, covering a broad range of topics relating to social and economic development. Many documents and reports can be downloaded free online, and books can be purchased via the Online Bookstore. For print material, please see the Distributors and Booksellers page at,,menuPK:64132567~pagePK:64132581~piPK:64132591~theSitePK:379370,00.html
