International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP) Switzerland Expand view International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations Avenue de France, 23 1202 Geneva Switzerland ILEP members support medical, scientific, social and humanitarian activities throughout the world to cure and rehabilitate people affected by leprosy and to prevent and eventually eradicate the disease. Almost half of all new leprosy cases detected each year are found in members' programmes. Between them ILEP members contribute an annual budget of $US60 million to anti-leprosy work, funding more than a thousand projects in 97 countries
Swiss Society of Biomedical Engineering|Paul Scherrer Institut, Dpt of Radiation Medicine Switzerland Expand view CH-5232 Villigen PSI
World Health Organization (WHO)|Department of Health Facilities and Services Provision Switzerland Expand view CH-1211 Geneva 27 Besides the Department for Health Facilities and Services Provision, WHO has departments covering Radiation Medicine, Laboratory Technology, Diagnostic Imaging, and Clinical Technology
Ameda Egnell AG Switzerland Expand view CH-6331 Huenenberg/Zug Bosch 106 Ameda/Egnell makes a range of products including suction pumps
Ingersoll-Rand International Sales Limited Switzerland Expand view Air-Compressor Group Fribourg Branch Route Des Arsenaux 9 CH-1700 Fribourg 5 Ingersoll-Rand makes various motors and compressors, and provide spare parts for older models_
Maternal and Newborn Health/Safe Motherhood Unit|World Health Organization (WHO) Switzerland Expand view CH 1211 Geneva 27
Action Programme on Essential Drugs|World Health Organization (WHO) Switzerland Expand view CH 1211 Geneva 27
UN Non-governmental Liaison Service (UN NGLS) Switzerland Expand view Palais des Nations CH-1203 Geneva 10
UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR)|World Health Organization (WHO) Switzerland Expand view CH 1211 Geneva 27
Task Force Sight and Life Switzerland Expand view PO Box 2116 CH-4002 Basel
WHO Library and Info.Networks 4 Knowledge (LNK) Switzerland Expand view Avenue Appia 1211 Geneva 27
International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) Switzerland Expand view c/o GIFA PO Box 157 CH-1211 Geneva 19
Department of Mental Health|World Health Organization (WHO) Switzerland Expand view CH 1211 Geneva 27
Diabetes Programme, Division of Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health (NMH/DIA)|World Health Organization (WHO) Switzerland Expand view CH 1211 Geneva 27