Electrical Engineering Department|Swaziland College of Technology (SCOT) Swaziland Expand view PO Box 69 Mbabane Certificate, 18 months, Biomedical Course
International Baby Food Action Network Swaziland Expand view Centrepoint Dlanubeka House PO Box 781 Mbabane http://www.ibfan.org/english/gateenglish.html
The AIDS Information and Support Centre (TASC) Swaziland Expand view PO Box 1279 Manzini TASC aims to support the reduction of HIV infections and AIDS. Its objetives are to reach out to vulnerable individuals and groups, communities and the general public with appropriate HIV/AIDS prevention messages; to work in close collaboration and cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and other stakeholders in skills building and networking; to provide a daily voluntary client walk-in service for counselling, testing and education; and to operate a daily telephone help-line. The resource centre is open to the public
Sight and Life Swaziland Expand view Sight and Life PO Box 2116 4002 Basel http://www.sightandlife.org
Small Arms Survey Swaziland Expand view Small Arms Survey Graduate Institute of International Studies 47 Avenue Blanc 1202 Geneva http://www.smallarmssurvey.org