Talikala, Inc Philippines Expand view PO Box 80210 Davao City Talikala's goal is to improve the quality of life of women prostitutes and survivors of prostitution. Its objectives are to improve the reproductive health of sex workers; to work towards gender justice in society; to enhance sex workers' opportunities for self-sufficiency; and to create and provide support systems for sex workers
Philippines NGO Support Program (PHANSuP) Philippines Expand view Mezzanine Brickville Condominium 28 N. Domingo Street New Manila 1112 Quezon City Aims to limit the spread of HIV and the impact of AIDS in order to enhance the quality of life of indivivduals, families and communities by mobilising and actively building the capacity of NGOs and comunity-based organisations to develop, implement and improve their reprodctive health programmes. PHANSuP provides comprehensive support including financial, organisational and technical support to NGOs, and CBOs, local units of professional associations to build their capacity to carry out effective sustainable responses to reproductive and sexual health and HIV/AIDS. The resource centre will open in June 2002
Gabriela - Department of Women's Health and Services Philippines Expand view PO Box 4386 Manila 2800 Gabriela is an umbrella organisation which campaigns for women and children's issues. It is primarily an advocay group which consists of professional women. They are involved in HIV primarily from a health perspective, especially that of prevention and care. Resource Centre is open to the public
Health Action Information Network (HAIN) Philippines Expand view 26 Sampaguita Avenue Mapayapa Village II Capitol District 1127 Quezon City HAIN believes that health is a basic human right. Health is a development issue with economic, political and cultural dimensions. People must have access to accurate and up to date health information. HAIN is committed to people's empowerment through active and full involvement in decision-making. It works towards uplifting people's health by enabling them to access accurate health infomaiton so that they can make their own decisions and advocate for their rights. HAIN's resource centre is open to the public HAIN were the producers of the regional edition of AIDS Action until 2003. They now produce Health Alert. HAIN is a key partner in the Communicating for Advocacy project http://www.hain.orghttp://www.kalusugan.org
National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP) Philippines Expand view PO Box 2943 Manila 2/F SRA Annex North Avenue Quezon City Povides policy leadership and coordination in disability issues and concerns; provides support to and creates opportunies for capability building programmes for people with disabilities (PWDs), their families and communities; advocates for a "rights based" approach in helping PWDs and informs the public about disability concerns; monitors and evaluates programmes/projects for PWDs; conducts research and studies on disability concerns maintains a data bank and referral system; provides technical assistance to heads of government departments on the concerns, views and needs of PWDs; and establishes international linkages for resource generation and exchange of information and expertise. Its resource centre is open to the public http://www.ncwdp.gov.ph
Acupuncture Therapeutic and Research Center (ATRC) Philippines Expand view 82-A Malakas Street Diliman Quezon City ATRC's objectives are to make acupuncture and other forms of traditional medicine more accessible, to define scientifically the therapeutic and preventative capabilities and limitations of these procedures and to encourage acupuncture and traditional medicine in community-based health programmes where appropriate. The ATRC resource centre is open to the public
Buklod Center Inc Philippines Expand view 23 Rodriguez Street St Mabayuan Olangapo City Buklod's work with the women in prostitution is based on the recognition that prostitution is one form of violence against women and is a violation of women's human rights. Bukold seeks to raise the conciousness of, and promote solidarity among, bar women and urban poor women in Olongapo City. It also seeks to promote the welfare of children, particularly Amerasians. Buklod works to build and empower this community of women and children. Buklod's resource centre is open to the public
Pearl S Buck International Inc (PSBI) Philippines Expand view cor. Rizal and San Nicolas Sts 6541 Ormoc City Leyte The PSBI resource centre is open to the public
World Health Organization (WHO)|Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO) Philippines Expand view United Nations Avenue 2932 1000 Manila Their mission is to support all countries and people in their quest to achieve the highest level of health, defined in the WHO constitution as a state of complete, physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The resource centre is open to health and development professionals http://www.wpro.who.int
Remedios AIDS Foundation Inc (RAF) Philippines Expand view PO Box EA-84 1066 Remedios Street Malete 1004, Manila RAF's vision is of a society where all people, regardless of gender age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or economic status have access to quality sexual and reproductive health care and are able to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights. Their mission is to provide quality sexual and reproductive health information and direct services to people with a focus on vulnerable individuals and communties affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. RAF aim to empower individuals and communities to practice healthy lifestyles and behaviours through the provision of quality sexual and reproductive health information, education and communication (IEC) programs and also to work towards sustained, functional, efficient organisational mechanisms that would respond to the needs of RAF. The RAF resource centre is open to the public http://www.remedios.com.ph
International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) Philippines Expand view YC James Yen Centre Aguinaldo Highway Biga, Silang Cavite 4118 http://www.iirr.org/Asia/rgnlcenterasia.htm
Council for Health and Development (CHD) Philippines Expand view PO Box SM-463 Sta. Mesa, Manila http://www.compass.com.ph/~chd/