Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children (IAC) Ethiopia Expand view C/o ECA PO Box 3001 Addis Ababa
Water Action (WACT) Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 13367 Addis Ababa Aims: Support the integration of health education and sanitation programmes with water supply activities to protect the community from water borne and communicable diseases. To tackle the problem of water water of those most vulnerable and needy communities. Reduce the suffering of rural women by alleviating the drudgery of fetching water. Assist participatory environmental protection programmes and small scale irrigation development in order to combat land degredation and increase food production.
African Center for Women (ACW) Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 3001 Addis Ababa The overall objective of the centre is to mainstream gender issues into politics, programmes, and structures of member countries and to promote the empowerment of women so that they play a more effective and significant role on political, social and economic life
Integrated Holistic Approach Urban Development Project (IHA UDP) Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 6889 Addis Ababa The basic objective of the Project is to reduce the effects of poverty and enable the target people for self-dignity, self-respect and self-worth
Jimma University Ethiopia Expand view P O Box 378 Jimma University with five faculties: Medical Sciences; Public Health; Business; Technology; and Agriculture. Also runs a busy 250 bed rural hospital. Aims to support and educate staff to supply appropriate services. The Resource Centre is not open to the public
Ye-Alem Birhan Integrated Development Association (Ye-ABIDA) Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 120172 Ye-ABIDA aim to alleviate poverty through an integrated intervention project thereby reducing vulnerability to natural and man-made claamities
Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 7117 Addis Ababa Aims to advance public health measures for the promotion of health, prevention of diseases, treatment of the sick and rehabilitation of the disabled. It tries to do this through bringing together health professionals; making health policy recommendations; promoting professional standards, the advancement of research and networking; advancing research;and working with sister associations
AIDS Resource Centre Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 26171 Code 1000 Addis Ababa Based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, ARC provides information services on HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and tuberculosis (TB). Services include central library and clearinghouse, journalist outreach training, and materials development. The ARC serves a wide range of organizations and individuals, including government agencies, local and international NGOs, health service providers and health professionals, public health professionals, community, political, and religious leaders, universities and other educational institutions, students and researchers, journalists and reporters, and the general public. The site gives access to online databases of materials, conferences and organisation; factsheets (for bothe national and international audiences); antiretroviral information; and a section for journalists
National HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office (HAPCO) Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 122326 Addis Ababa
Ethiopian Muslims' Relief and Development Association (EMRDA) Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 7515 Addis Ababa
African Child Policy Forum (ACPF) Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 1179 Addis Ababa
Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 1530 Code 1250 Addis Ababa The ECDD works collaboratively with other organizations in Ethiopia to promote “inclusive development” – the inclusion of disability issues and people with disabilities in mainstream government and NGO development projects and programs. Main objectives/activities - create awareness about disability and development issues, promote human rights and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities, promote and facilitate inclusive development, increase self-reliance of organizations of disabled people, increase educational opportunities for students with disabilities in higher education and TVET, and provide support services
African Development Forum (ADF) Secretariat Ethiopia Expand view African Development Forum (ADF) Secretariat Economic Commission for Africa PO Box 3001 Addis Ababa
Save the Children Sweden, Eastern and Central Africa Region Ethiopia Programme Ethiopia Expand view Save the Children Sweden, Eastern and Central Africa Region Ethiopia Programme Box 3457 Addis Ababa
The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development Ethiopia Expand view The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development Tikur Anbessa Hospital PO Box 32812 Addis Ababa