International Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care (ISTAHC) Canada Expand view 759 Square Victoria (RC4) Montreal Quebec H2Y 2J7 ISTAHC promotes Health Technology Assessment in health care decision making, and offers support to that end
Medical Devices Bureau|Health Canada Canada Expand view Ottawa Ontario WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Consultation in Public Health Aspects of Medical Devices
International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD) Canada Expand view PO Box 51030 375 des Epinettes Ottawa Ontario K1E 3E0
World Blind Union Canada Expand view 1929 Bayview Avenue Toronto Ontario M4G 3E8
HealthBridge Canada Expand view 1 Nicholas Street Suite 1105 Ottawa Ontario K1N 7B7
Infant Feeding and Action Coalition (INFACT Canada) Canada Expand view 6 Trinity Square Toronto Ontario M5G 1B1
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO) Canada Expand view 65 Wellesley St. E., Suite 403 Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1G7 Aims: Gathering and disseminating information; Analysis on key issues; coordination of the development of CBO/NGO's positions on these issues; Working as partners with key international agencies to ensure that the concerns and interests of CBO/NGO's are anticipated and represented; Strengthening the response in communities with fewer resources; Promote and support the work of CBO/NGOs around the worls in the prevention of AIDS and care and treatment for PWHAs
Canadian HIV/AIDS Information Centre Canada Expand view 1565 Carling Ave, Suite 400 Ottawa ON K1Z 8RI Distributes and develops HIV/AIDS information on care, support and prevention. It has a resource centre that is open to the public
Centre Canadien d'études et de coopération international (CECI) Canada Expand view 180 rue Sainte-Catherine Est Montreal Quebec H2X 1K9 CECI fights poverty and exclusion. It strengthens the development of disadvantaged communities. It supports initiatives for peace, human rights and equity. It mobilises resources and promotes the exchange of know-how. The CECI resource centre is open to the public
Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development (ICAD) Canada Expand view 1 Nicholas Street, Suite 726 Ottawa Ontario KIN 7B7
Disabled Peoples' International (DPI) Canada Expand view 902-388 Portage Avenue Winnipeg Manitoba R3C 0C8
Micronutrient Initiative (MI)|International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Canada Expand view PO Box 56127 250 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1R 7Z1
Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) Canada Expand view Health Resources Centre 400-1565 Carling Avenue Ottawa ON, K1Z 8R1 The Canadian Public Health Association is a national, independent, not-for-profit, voluntary association representing public health in Canada with links to the international public health community. CPHA initiate, encourage and participate in research directed at the fields of disease prevention, health promotion and healthy public policy. Publishes widely both in English and French on children and youth, communicable diseases and immunisation, nutrition, public health, ageing and substance use. Catalogue is available online and publications can be ordered electronically via the website.
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Canada Expand view 200 Promenade du Portage Gatineau Quebec K1A 0G4