
Disability, HIV and AIDS Trust (DHAT)


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Private Bag 0029
Suite 197
Postnet Mogoditshane

DHAT's main objectives and strategies aim to address issues of HIV and AIDS relating to people with disabilities (PWDs), which tackle vulnerabilities and increase the empowerment of PWDs

Southern African Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD)


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P. O. Box AE 901 AEH, Molapo Crossing
Ipelo House, Plot 103, Unit 3, Commerce Park

We are a leading Southern African disability-focused network engaged in coordination of activities of organisations of Persons with Disabilities in the Southern Africa region. The organisation was formed in 1986 by persons with disabilities as a federation of Disabled Peoples Organisations (DPOs) with a strong presence in 10 countries. In each of these countries, we coordinate our programs and activities through national federations of DPOs, as follows:

- Federation of Organisations of Disabled People in Angola (FAPED);
- Botswana Federation of Disabled People (BOFOD);
- Lesotho National Federation of the Disabled (LNFOD);
- Federation of Disability Organisations in Malawi (FEDOMA);
- Forum of Associations of Disabled People in Mozambique (FAMOD);
- National Federation of People with Disabilities in Namibia (NFPDN);
- Disabled People South Africa (DPSA);
- Federation of Organisations of Disabled People in Swaziland (FODSWA);
- Zambia Federation of Disabled (ZAFOD); and
- Federation of Organisations of Disabled People in Zimbabwe (FODPZ).


"To advocate for the rights of Persons with Disabilities as well as nurturing and strengthening its affiliates and other stakeholders in Southern Africa to ensure promotion of inclusive development and human rights for persons with disabilities."


SAFOD operates under the following motto: "Unlocking an Inclusive Society for Persons with Disabilities in Southern Africa."


"An inclusive society where Persons with Disabilities are treated with dignity, respect and on the basis of equality."


SAFOD delivers on its mission of strengthening DPOs in SAFOD member countries through training, research, coordination, information-sharing, promotion of human rights and stimulating persons with disabilities' political and social development.

First National Bank of Botswana Ltd (FNBB)


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PO Box 1552

FNBB is a financial institution with various departments. The Health, Safety and Welfare Department aims to provide quality social security and health services, guidance and counselling to employees and their families, to ensure a commitment to work and worker productivity