
ActionAid International

South Africa

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PostNet Suite No 248
Private Bag x31
Saxonwold 2132

ActionAid International works in 35 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Through long term development, relief and peace building work, ActionAid aims to secure lasting improvements in people's quality of lives and to support poor and marginalised groups to secure their basic rights to live a more fulfilled and dignified life. ActionAid works in partnership with over 2,000 civil society partners ranging from village-based AIDS support and women’s credit groups to national peasants’ movements and global education campaigns. ActionAid also works with national and local governments in poor countries to ensure that they respect, protect and fulfil their citizens’ human rights. ActionAid’s work reaches 13 million of the world’s poorest people and it employs 1,800 staff - 90% of them from developing countries

Woman Being Concern


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K405, Tower Bridge Business Complex
100 Clement's Road
London SE16 4DG

Woman Being Concern's main mission is to mobilise the grassroot communities towards achieving sustainable development in Africa as well as other parts of the world where there is need to improve the quality of life of disadvantaged people. In order to do this, the organisation seeks to empower women and community-based organisations (CBOs) through functional education, raising awareness of human rights and promoting social changes (including improved quality of health) that are real, positive and lasting.

Youth Career Initiative (YCI)


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International Tourism Partnership
Business in the Community
137 Shepherdess Walk
N1 7RQ
United Kingdom

ITP’s Youth Career Initiative (YCI) offers young people who are particularly vulnerable the opportunity to gain the skills and experience they need to take the first step in their career.

The three-month programme starts with classroom training in basic hospitality and English language skills. Then, through our unique partnership with world-leading hotel companies, we offer hands-on experience within the hotel industry.

We support young people, aged 18-24, who have faced a wide range of barriers, including people from low income families, those living without parental care, survivors of human trafficking, refugees and people with disabilities.

YCI creates an opportunity for both professional and personal development, equipping our graduates with the practical skills and self-belief to reach for greater goals.

The Albino Foundation


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The Albino Foundation Suite 22A, O’ neal Centre, Ebitu Ukiwe Street, Jabi District, Abuja.

Established in 2006, the Albino Foundation (TAF) is principally an organisation established for persons with albinism and other vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities. The foundation is an independent non-governmental organization registered in Nigeria with the Corporate Affairs Commission. TAF is a special focus organization advocating for the recognition and respect of the rights and socio-economic inclusion of people living with albinism. The Foundation works to create awareness of the social challenges that Persons with albinism face in Nigeria and the world, by working with governments, development institutions in Programme areas that improve the health, education and social wellbeing of persons with albinism in Nigeria; as well as assist and empower them to find their rightful place in society. The Foundation now bears national spread cut across the 36 states of the federation and FCT-Abuja. The foundation equally partners with some disability organisations and institutions in Nigeria to ensure that persons with albinism and other vulnerable groups are socially and economically empowered.

Terre Des Hommes Switzerland


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Terre des hommes
Avenue de Montchoisi 15
CH-1006 Lausanne
4018 Basel

Created in 1960's, the mission of Terre de hommes has been to come to the aid of children in need.  The mission aims to defend the rights of children, in times of war and natural disasters or distress.  Terre de hommes has developed in two core areas: healthcare and child protection.
