
Population Concern


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Studio 325, Highgate Studios
53-79 Highgate Road
London NW5 1TL

Works for the improvement of the quality of life worldwide by advancing the right of all people (with an emphasis on women and young people) to exercise free and informed reproductive health choices, and to have access to confidential family planning and sexual and reproductive health services

Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE)


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1317 F St. NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20004

Works to ensure that the population and health policies of international institutions supported by the United States government actively promote women's sexual and reproductive health. CHANGE takes its mandate from the Programme of Action of the 1194 International Conference on Population and Development, and other relevant agreements that call upon governments and international agencies to achieve these same objectives. Specifically we seek to translate the language of these documents into practical, operational and measueable within and across the areas of family planning, STDs and HIV, and gender violence. The resource centre is open to the public

Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS)


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6 Kiron Sankar Roy Road
Ground Floor, Room 3,
Calcutta 700 001

ERDS aims at the process of change particularly for the weaker sections of the population. It also aims to bring about an integrated and comprehensive socio-economic development, as well as to enhance its awareness among the rural people. The developmental activities being implemented by ERDS include sustainable agriculture, women and child development, education for all children, and elevation of the status of elderly people in society. Their resource centre is open to the public

National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research


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Orissa 754 010

The ojectives are to undertake, sponsor or co-ordinate the training for rehabilitation personnel; to conduct, sponsor , co-ordinate or subsidise research on biomedical engineering, surgical or medical procedures for orthopedically handicapped; to promote, distribute, subsidise the manufacture of prototype designed aid appliances; to develop models of service delivery programmes for rehabilitation; to undertake vocational training, placement and rehabilitation of the physically handicapped; to document and disseminate information on disability and rehabilitation in India and abroad; and to undertake any other action in the area of rehabilitation. The resource centre is open to the public

Spastics Society of Tamil Nadu (SPASTN)


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Opp. T.T.T.I., Taramani Road
Chennai 600 113
Tamil Nadu

SPASTN has disabled members of staff and management. SPASTN's technical support consists of a multidisciplinary team of a special educator, physiotherapist and a speech therapist who extend their services to other NGOs and screening camps for assessment and intervention. One year postgraduate and undergrad uate courses, as well as short courses are offered to government workers. Tailor made courses are offered to other NGOs. SPASTN activities include the production of paper-based special furnitur e; the distribution of prosthetic and orthotic devices, special seating, jams, jellies, sauces, candles, shirts, leather goods; hospital based newborn screening. The organisation has a resource centre and an enquiry service which is accessible by letter or telephone. The resource centre is not open to the public



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C-54 Top Floor South Extension II
New Delhi 110 049

Jagori is an oganisation working with the women's movement in India. They have taken up many of the issues the women's movement raised and intorduced issues for it to absorb. Jagori undertakes a variety of activities including offering training courses, organising campaigns, producing materials and runnind a resource and documentation centre. The centre is open to the public

South India AIDS Action Programme (SIAAP)


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4 First Street
Kamaraj Avenue
Chennai 600 020

SIAAP's aim is to help communities affected by HIV/AIDS to cope with the epidemic. Its objectives are to assist the development of community organisations as a complement to the NGO sector; improve the quality of service delivery through development and implementation of specific services; to influence policy towards better practice in HIV; to strengthen the community networks of people affected by HIV/AIDS; and to develop a centre of professional trainers for HIV in the region. The resource centre is open to the public

Training Organisation for Research and Counselling in Health (TORCH)


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45, Friends Colony East, Plot No 2
New Delhi - 110 065

TORCH is committed to reducerisk-taking behaviour and prevent the transmission of and infection with HIV in vulnerable groups through the process of informaion giving, training of peer educators, networking, advocacy and programme development. TORCH runs the NACO AIDS hotline for the Delhi region. It is also working with street children to reduce HIV risk-taking behaviour, with the support of CAPS and UCSF. It also provides a counselling service. Their resource centre is not open to the public

Action Research and Training for Health (ARTH)


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39 Fateipura
Udaipur 313004

ARTH's goal is to contribute to the improvement of health status among underpriveleged communities in India. It achieves this by carrying out operations research for enhancing access and quality of health care, applying research findings to health policies and programmes, training health providers and managers, providing reproductive and child health services and supporting efforts to improve women's social, educational and economic status. The resource centre is not open to the public

Friends of the Breathless Foundation


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6 Ankita
Aptt SNO260/2/16
Aunah, Pune 411007

Works in the fields of asthma, TB, occupational health, HIV/AIDS and disaster medicine. Focusses on advocacy, patient education, information dissemination promotion of networking materials production, distribution, adaptation and translation

Alternative for India Development (AID)


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No. 1 VGN Nagar,
Iyyappan Thangal
Chennai 600 056

This organisation aims to empower poor people to deal with their problems by themselves; to provide training, information and resource support for the strengthening of grassroots organisations; to promote education and health for all; and to enhance livelihoods. Their resource centre is open to the public

Centre for Research Information Publication & Traing (CRIPT)


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D No 14-1-442, 394-CIB Block
New Agapura
Hyderabad - 500 001

The main objective is to establish an information and resource centre for NGOs in different parts of India in order to promote and sustain voluntary action. CRIPT is currently processing and collecting information and resource centre material to equip their library and documetation centre in order to disseminate information to NGOs on development. The library is open to the public



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100 Church Road
Middlesex TW11 8QE

Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency working to see millions of people released from material and spiritual poverty through a network of local churches. Over the last 40 years, we have been gathering knowledge and sharing it with those who want to see poverty reduced and justice restored across the world. 

Tearfund resources are available to download free of charge including training materials, case studies, international magazine Footsteps and more. 

The Learning Zone Provides resources, case studies and advice for grassroots church and development workers and development professionals, and in-depth analysis for policymakers.
