International Family Health (IFH) UK Expand view 40 Adler Street London E1 1EE IFH aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health of disadvantaged people in resource-poor settings, based on the principles of empowering women and men to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health; meeting unmet needs; increasing access to integrated and high quality services; gender equity; and diversity of families
Education for Development UK Expand view Building 33, University of Reading London Road Reading RG1 5AQ At the request of partner organisations, Education for Development has worked in Africa, Asia and Europe. It offers training, research and consultancy in education and training for adults in literacy, agriculture, multimedia, organisations and small business development. Its core areas of work are within 'non-formal education and training. Providing flexible and context-sensitive services at the request of partner organisations, firmly rooted in commuity partnerships and ownership'. Central to its work is the disssemination and sharing of good practice from its experience as a northern NGO
ActionAid International South Africa Expand view PostNet Suite No 248 Private Bag x31 Saxonwold 2132 Johannesburg ActionAid International works in 35 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Through long term development, relief and peace building work, ActionAid aims to secure lasting improvements in people's quality of lives and to support poor and marginalised groups to secure their basic rights to live a more fulfilled and dignified life. ActionAid works in partnership with over 2,000 civil society partners ranging from village-based AIDS support and women’s credit groups to national peasants’ movements and global education campaigns. ActionAid also works with national and local governments in poor countries to ensure that they respect, protect and fulfil their citizens’ human rights. ActionAid’s work reaches 13 million of the world’s poorest people and it employs 1,800 staff - 90% of them from developing countries
Woman Being Concern UK Expand view K405, Tower Bridge Business Complex 100 Clement's Road London SE16 4DG Woman Being Concern's main mission is to mobilise the grassroot communities towards achieving sustainable development in Africa as well as other parts of the world where there is need to improve the quality of life of disadvantaged people. In order to do this, the organisation seeks to empower women and community-based organisations (CBOs) through functional education, raising awareness of human rights and promoting social changes (including improved quality of health) that are real, positive and lasting.
Y Care International (YMCA) UK Expand view 3-9 Southampton Row London WC1B 5HY The international development agency of the YMCA movement. Focuses on the needs and contributions of young people in the developing world, who face the severest of economic and social conditions. They aim to provide financial support for projects that aim to promote self-sufficiency. Funds are chanelled through local YMCAs, which develop projects with their local communities. They aim to broaden the opportunities available to marginalised young people and enable them to escape the poverty trap. They also aim to raise the awareness of development issues in the UK