Intermediate Technology Consultants Ltd (ITC)

The Schumacher Centre
Bourton Hall, Bourton-on-Dunsmore
Rugby CV23 9QZ

Region Located 


+44 1788 661 103


Organisation Activities 

Target Group 

ITC provides high quality, independent and professional advice to governments, NGOs, aid agencies and the private sector. ITC's parent organisation, ITDG, is an international development NGO with teams of professionals in 8 countries, working directly with small-scale producers and entrepreneurs and the institutions that provide them with access to services, finance and markets. ITC provides advice, assistance and training and undertakes research in three main sector areas: Natural resources, Energy & Environment, and Manufacturing and Enterprise Development
The UK resource centre holds a collection of appropriate technology and development literature. It has over 40,000 publications, journals, videos and photographs, providing information on a range of development issues. The centre is open by appointment only, Monday - Friday, 9am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm. Visits should be booked at least 3 days in advance where possible