Physical Address: Sango Street, Nyasibi Ward, Kahama Town Council, Plot No. 509, BLOCK ‘U'
P.O. Box No: 619,
City: Kahama, Region: Shinyanga, Country: Tanzania.
Region Located
Organisation Type
Organisation Activities
Target Group
Heroes Arts Foundation (HA Foundation) is the Non-Governmental Organization in Kahama Town Council, Shinyanga region-Tanzania established in 2016, to firmly and solemnly resolve and empower the marginalized groups by formulation of innovative solutions and the way of responding to the HIV/AIDs crisis, advocate for provision of affordable quality health care services as described on “client Service Charter” by the Ministry of health. It also informs their rights to health care utilization and other services, share common interest and experience while building condusive environment for prevention care and support.
Heroes Arts Foundation (HA Foundation) lays the platform for transforming the community livelihood by coordinating efforts, creativity and comprehensive approach to improve the quality of health and life of marginalized groups and facilitate sustainable behavioral change in the community.
HA Foundation is managed by independent non-partisan indigenous professionals whom have been experiencing practically & technically on various fields of capacity buildings of humanitarian sectors and community development projects as they have had special trainings (TOTs) to the sectors of humanitarian interventions, Human rights, child protection and capacity building programs.