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This is a first exercise to connect different areas of debate, looking at the key trends of the future of work from a disability perspective and seeking to identify specific action needed in order to shape the future of work in a more disability-inclusive way.
Chapters include: Work and disability - overview of current situation; megatrends of future work and persons with disability (technological revolution, skills revolution, cultutral change, demographic change and climate change); and Roadmap for an inclusive future of work.
The following five key objectives for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the future of work have been identified:
1. New forms of employment and employment relations integrate disability inclusion
2. Skills development and life-long learning made inclusive of persons with disabilities
3. Universal Design embedded in development of all new infrastructure, products and services
4. Assistive technologies, existing and newly developed, to be made affordable and available
5. Measures to include persons with disabilities in growing and developing areas of the economy
Governments, companies, disability NGOs, trade unions and academia must be encouraged to commit and contribute towards achieving these objectives through different actions. An inclusive future of work can be reached through coordination and alliances among the different stakeholders