WHO standards for prosthetics and orthotics. Assessment package. Assessment guide


Publication Date 

April 2023
32 p

The Assessment package has been developed for countries to evaluate the implementation of the WHO Standards for prosthetics and orthotics. It enables identification of areas in need of strengthening and facilitates relevant planning. The complete Assessment package consists of four components:

Assessment guide: gives directions on how to organize and implement the assessment.
Assessment tool: Excel instrument used to carry out assessments and record results.
User manual: explains how the Assessment tool should be used.
Planning document: Excel file into which the recommendations that are generated by the Assessment tool can be pasted for easy use in subsequent planning.


Before undertaking the assessment, stakeholders at the country level should familiarize themselves with the package components and the WHO standards for prosthetics and orthotics (Parts 1 and 2). A PowerPoint presentation describing the assessment process and a video presenting the main assessment steps and key functions of the tool are also available to download from the links below. It is recommended that assessments are undertaken in collaboration with the ministry of health and other ministries responsible for assistive technology, prosthetics and orthotics, and/or rehabilitation.

Related links:

Assessment guide

Assessment tool

User manual

Planning document

PowerPoint presentation

PowerPoint presentation in pdf


Regional Focus 

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