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Include Repository of Accessible Digital Tools

European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)

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The Include Repository is a platform of existing and freely available digital tools that can support inclusive and accessible education for all learners in remote settings. This repository includes resources for the creation and presentation of accessible digital content. Alongside providing accessibility solutions for specific user needs and disabilities, it also aims to provide tools for use in high and low-resource environments.


This platform aims to provide a single catalogue of tools and resources, in one location, for teaching professionals and students to make their content more accessible or more easily access teaching materials. With the tools on this platform users can:

  • Produce content in more accessible formats.
  • Better meet the special education needs of learners.
  • Be empowered to access learning materials more independently


This platform has been developed by EASPD and the Inclusive University Digital Education (InclUDE) project

