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Facts for life

et al

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This resource consists of 14 chapters filled with practical information about how to ensure children’s rights to survival, growth, development and well-being. The topics address pregnancy, childbirth, major childhood illnesses, child development, early learning, parenting, protection, and care and support of children. The messages it contains are based on human rights, particularly the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The resource aims to provide families and communities with the information they need to save and improve the lives of children. Parents, grandparents, other caregivers and young people can refer to this practical source of information for answers to their questions related to childbearing and getting children off to the best start in life. The website includes a link to an interactive site for posting comments, sharing experiences and materials and discussing relevant issues

Equity and inclusion : a rights based approach

January 2010

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This policy report provides a practical understanding of equity and inclusion aimed to reach out to people who are excluded and marginalised by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH) in the world’s poorest communities. The purpose of this framework is to help implement WaterAid’s policy on equity and inclusion. The policy is divided into the following three sections: WaterAid’s position and approach; standards and indicators for equity and inclusion; and an explanation of terms and examples. This document is useful for people interested in international NGO policies on WASH equity and inclusion

Menstrual hygiene in South Asia : a neglected issue for WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) programmes

MAHON, Thérèse

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This report explores the reasons why menstral hygiene is not generally included in WASH initiatives, and the social and health impact of this neglect on women and girls. Examples are provided of successful approaches integrating menstral hygiene in WASH programmes in the South Asian region. This report is interesting for development practitioners interested in integrating menstral hygiene into WASH programmes

Accessibility diagnostic : reviewing the accessibility of WASH facilities

January 2010

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This paper presents the key findings of a study that evaluated the quality and accessibility of facilities built after a training by Handicap International in Madagascar. The study's methodolgy, results and recommendations are highlighted. This paper would be useful for people interested in inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene design for people with disabilities

Disability checklist for emergency response : general protection and inclusion principles of persons with disabilities/injuries


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Adapted from the 'Disability Task Force', this checklist provides useful guidelines about general protection and inclusion principles for people with disabilites or injuries in emergency situations. The following topics are highlighted: health, food and nutrition; water, sanitation and hygiene; protection; psychosocial support; reconstruction and shelter; livelihoods; and education. This checklist would be useful for practitioners interested in the protection and inclusion of people with disabilities in emergency situations

Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian emergencies : what should humanitarian health actors know


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"This document is for humanitarian health actors working at national and sub-national level in countries facing emergencies and crises. It applies to Health Cluster partners, including governmental and non-governmental health service providers. Based on the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings (IASC, 2007), this document gives an overview of essential knowledge that humanitarian health actors should have about mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) in humanitarian emergencies"

Accessibility standards : a practical guide to create a barrier-free physical environment in Uganda

Ministry of Gender
Labour and Social Development

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This guide promotes better accessibility for persons with physical disabilities in Uganda by providing information for constructors or developers to build accessible environments. It presents information about how to construct standard ramps, toilets, lifts, road in addition to wells, furniture and more. These accessibility standards are useful for Architects, policy makers and implementers on accessibility requirements during the design and implementation of construction projects

Disability inclusive flood action plan and WASH in a Bangladeshi community

BARI , Nazmul
January 2010

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“From October 2009 to July 2010, the Centre for Disability in Development (CDD), working in partnership with local non-government organisation (NGO) Gana Unnayan Kendra(GUK) and with the support of CBM Australia, implemented a pilot project titled Disability inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Project (DiDRR). The DiDRR project broadly addressed inclusive disaster preparedness with a sub-component on improved water and sanitation access for PWD. This case study focuses on the project actions and resulting changes regarding disability inclusive water and sanitation before and during floods, and how it benefited not only PWD but also the wider community”

Case study 10

Briefing for the day of the African child : reaching Millennium Development Goal 4 : what progress has Africa made and what more needs to be done?

HARTILL, Richard G
June 2009

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This briefing document reviews examples of the progress that Africa has made in reaching the Accelerated Action Towards Africa Fit for Children 2008 - 2012 as adopted by the African Union and Member States in the agreed actions related to Enhancing Life Chances and Child Survival and looks at what more needs to be done. The commitment, "Enhancing Life Chances", entails strengthening health systems to provide quality maternal and child health services; scaling up essential interventions to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality and reduce neonatal mortality; scaling up a minimum package of proven child health interventions; and supporting family and community based actions that enhance children’s health, nutrition and well-being including potable water, improved sanitation and hygiene, appropriate young child feeding practices and food security measures

A period is no longer a full stop

June 2009

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This article describes a UNICEF-funded initiative in Tamil Nadu, in India, to develop and trial sanitary napkin vending machines in government schools and colleges. A compact electronic incinerator for disposal of soiled napkins also was trialled. Overall these initiatives led to improved menstrual hygiene practices. This information is useful for people interested in menstral hygiene practices

How can donors help build global public goods in health?

DAS GUPTA, Monica GOSTIN, Lawrence
April 2009

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"Aid to developing countries has largely neglected the population-wide health services that are core to communicable disease control in the developed world. These mostly non-clinical services generate 'pure public goods' by reducing everyone’s exposure to disease through measures such as implementing health and sanitary regulations. They complement the clinical preventive and treatment services which are the donors’ main focus...Donors need greater clarity about what constitutes a strong public health system, and how to build them. The paper discusses gaps in donors’ approaches and first steps toward closing them"

Is menstrual hygiene and management an issue for adolescent school girls?|A comparative study of four schools in different settings in Nepal

March 2009

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This report presents a study of adolescent schoolgirls’ perspectives and experience of management of menstrual hygiene. Data were collected from 204 adolescent school girls from four government secondary schools. Recommendations include: accurate and adequate information, address the lack of privacy (e.g. locks on toilet doors) and making sanitary pads available and affordable. This report is useful for people interested in adolescent school girls' menstrual hygiene management

Diarrhoea : why children are still dying and what can be done


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This website focuses on a package of proven prevention and treatment measures for diarrhoea. It is divided into sections which include: the global burden of diarrhoea, the basics of diarrhoeal diseases; where we stand today in preventing and treating childhood diarrhoea; and a seven-point plan for comprehensive diarrhoeal control. The website is a version of the UNICEF/WHO report 'Diarrhoea: why children are still dying and what can be done'. It would be useful to the general public, health workers, government, NGOs, United Nations organisations, policy makers and private sector workers

Diarrhoea : why children are still dying and what can be done

WARD, Tessa
et al

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"The objective of this WHO/UNICEF report is to focus attention on the prevention and management of diarrhoeal diseases as central to improving child survival. It examines the latest available information on the burden and distribution of childhood diarrhoea. It also analyses how well countries are doing in making available key interventions proven to reduce its toll. Most importantly, it lays out a new strategy for diarrhoea control, one that is based on interventions drawn from different sectors that have demonstrated potential to save children’s lives. It sets out a 7-point plan that includes a treatment package to reduce childhood diarrhoea deaths, as well as a prevention package to make a lasting reduction in the diarrhoea burden in the medium to long term"

Assessment of district performance in making progress towards MDGs in Bangladesh

DE ROOY, Carel
WANG, Siping

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This brief paper seeks to make a trend analysis over the 2000 to 2006 period using eight indicators that could be compared over time to assess progress made in Bangladesh towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The indicators are: * Infant mortality rate (IMR), * Proportion of births not attended by skilled health personnel, * Proportion of children six to 59 months without supplementation of vitamin A, * Proportion of households without consuming iodized salt, * Proportion of households without access to an improved water source, * Proportion of households without access to an adequate sanitation facility, * Proportion of primary school age children not attending school, and; * Proportion of children under-5 without a birth registration

Summary and policy implications vision 2030 : the resilience of water supply and sanitation in the face of climate change


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This resource summarises the evidence for the impact of climate change on water and sanitation technologies in the near to medium term. It aims to help policy makers, planners, operators and communities in making practical decisions based on clear criteria, to improve the resilience of their water and sanitation services. It is part of a larger set of materials, including a full technical report and a set of background reports and guidance notes

