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WHO model list of essential medicines

March 2007

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This is a guide for the development of national and institutional essential medicines lists. It aims to identify cost-effective medicines for priority conditions, together with the reasons for their inclusion. The list has two sections; the first is the core list, and represents the minimum medicine needs for a basic health care system; and the second is a complementary list, presenting essential medicines for priority conditions

Infant and young child feeding in emergencies : operational guidance for emergency relief staff and programme managers

IFE Core Group
February 2007

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This document aims to provide concise, practical (but non-technical) guidance on how to ensure appropriate infant and young child feeding in emergencies. A number of elements are also applicable in non-emergency settings. It is intended for emergency relief staff, programme managers, national governments, United Nations agencies, NGOs and donors, and it applies to all countries. It includes six sections of practical steps, references, key contacts and definitions. Members of the IFE Core Group are: UNICEF, WHO, UNHCR, WFP, IFBAN-GIFA, CARE USA, Fondation Terre des hommes and Emergency Nutrition Network. It is also available in Arabic, Bahasa Indonesian, French, Portuguese and Spanish

UNAIDS practical guidelines for intensifying HIV prevention : towards universal access


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These practical guidelines are designed to help policy makers and planners to create an effective national response to HIV prevention, by ensuring that their response matches the epidemic dynamics and social context within their country and the populations who remain most vulnerable to and at risk of HIV infection. The guidelines encourage countries to know the national and local epidemiological scenarios and their current response; to match and prioritise their response; to set ambitious, realistic and measurable prevention targets; to tailor prevention plans to local epidemic scenarios and to use and analyse strategic information

Pain relieving drugs in 12 African PEPFAR countries : mapping current providers, identifying current challenges, and enabling expansion of pain control provision in the management of HIV/AIDS

HARDING, Richard
et al
January 2007

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This study aims to identify current opioid prescribing services and regulatory bodies within 12 African PEPFAR (Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief ) countries, and to examine the barriers to, and appraise the potential for, expansion in the number of opioid providers, for people with HIV and AIDS according to the World Health Organization pain ladder. It concludes that while there are common issues raised by services and International Narcotics Control Board competent authorities, it is clear that these key stakeholders have concerns regarding the potential roll-out of opioids

Changing children's lives : experiences from memory work in Africa


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This publication aims to share learning from the memory work that Healthlink Worldwide and six other NGOs across sub-Saharan Africa have developed in response to the HIV epidemic. The focus is on learning and analysis in the theory and practice of memory work as well as demonstrating its effectiveness as an HIV response. It is aimed at international and national level policy makers who design and support HIV initiatives, as well as practitioners, who implement responses to the HIV epidemic directly at a local and national level

How to improve the use of medicines by consumers

et al

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This manual focuses on selecting, testing, implementing and evaluating interventions to improve the use of medicines at community level. Two broad strategic areas are identified: communication strategies and strategies to create enabling environments. "What has become clear over the years is that there is no single model or approach that is the solution to all health communication challenges. Different techniques are appropriate in different contexts to deal with different priorities and problems. This manual will help you to build skills and experience to make that selection more effectively"

A model quality assurance system for procurement agencies : recommendations for quality assurance systems focusing on prequalification of products and manufacturers, purchasing, storage and distribution of pharmaceutical products


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This report is intended to assist organisations purchasing pharmaceutical products, vaccines or other health sector goods, or who are otherwise involved in the prequalification, purchasing, storage and distribution of such products. It addresses the general requirement for the quality assurance system that needs to be in place at all procurement agencies and sets out recommendations that these agencies should implement when evaluating product needs, assessing the products offered and the manufacturing and supply arrangements. It also describes principles of purchasing pharmaceutical products, how to receive and store them; good distribution practices; and monitoring and reassessment of products and contracted-out activities. This document was previously published as Annex 6 of the 40th Report of the WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations (Technical report 937, 2006).

Good governance for medicines : assessment instrument


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This briefing describes an assessment instrument that can be used when carrying out a national assessment of transparency and vulnerability to corruption as part of the WHO's programme to promote good governance for medicines

Multi-country regional pooled procurement of medicines|Identifying key principles for enabling regional pooled procurement and a framework for inter-regional collaboration in the African, Caribbean and Pacific Island Countries


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This is the report of the Department of Technical Cooperation for Essential Drugs and Traditional Medicine, WHO meeting which provided a forum for sharing experiences from the ongoing regional and global pooled procurement programmes and explored priority areas for inter-regional collaboration. The meeting brought together experts from various regional and global initiatives, representatives of sub-regional economic groups and development partners interested in pooled procurement and was organised to include plenary presentations on lessons learnt, i.e. strategies, achievements and constraints, and group work and discussions on the key principles of effective pooled procurement

A model quality assurance system for procurement agencies : recommendations for quality assurance systems focusing on prequalification of products and manufacturers, purchasing, storage and distribution of pharmaceutical products


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The long-term goal of these recommendations is the design and implementation of a uniform and harmonised system that will ensure procurement of pharmaceutical products of defined quality for supply to patients, based on a mutually recognised process of prequalification of products and manufacturers by means of product dossier evaluation and inspection of manufacturing sites. This document was previously published as Annex 6 of the WHO Technical Report Series No. 937, 2006

Neglected diseases : a human rights analysis

HUNT, Paul
et al

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This report introduces and explores some of the connections between neglected tropical diseases (those affecting people living in developing countries, particularly in rural areas) and human rights with a view to urging all parties concerned to work collaboratively in identifying the practical implications of applying human rights to the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, programmes and projects for neglected diseases

Vaccine anxieties : global science, child health and society

LEACH, Melissa

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"This book explores how parents understand and engage with childhood vaccination in contrasting global contexts. This rapidly advancing and universal technology has sparked dramatic controversy, whether over MMR in the UK or oral polio vaccines in Nigeria. Combining a fresh anthropological perspective with detailed field research, the book examines anxieties emerging as highly globalized vaccine technologies and technocracies encounter the deeply intimate personal and social worlds of parenting and childcare, and how these are part of transforming science-society relations"

Another way to learn : case studies


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These case studies come from an initiative that supports non-formal education projects in Africa, South Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America. The long-term goal of these projects is to develop sustainable livelihoods for low-income, low-literate populations by addressing vulnerability to HIV and AIDS and drug misuse, a lack of education and social exclusion. Central to all of these projects are the creative and innovative methods used to communicate in a meaningful way, engage people and encourage their participation. The projects all focus on capacity building, empowerment, and creating learning opportunities. A DVD has been produced to accompany this publication

Focus on pricing policies : EMRO ministers confront high prices


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The focus of this edition of HAI and WHO's bulletin for medicines prices surveys is a meeting of the regional committee of the WHO's Eastern Mediterranean region (EMRO) at which the results of 11 medicines pricing surveys carried out in the region were compared and discussed and it was decided to share information regionally

Health and the MDGs : the challenges ahead

CHAN, Margaret

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Although there has been much progress towards meeting the three of the eight Millennium Development Goals relating to health, there are still considerable inequalities to be overcome if they are to be met by 2015. The Director General of the World Health Organization sees the need to improve access to essential medicines as one of major challenges

Our future : sexuality and life skills education for young people. Grades 4-5

December 2006

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To help support young people, the Government of Zambia has a comprehensive strategy for sexual and reproductive health and HIV education in and out of school. This is the first in a series of three books which focus on young people of different ages. Each book contains learning activities and illustrations, which engage young people in understanding themselves and their world. They reflect on the virtues and skills needed to develop caring and loving relationships, make good decisions, solve problems and seek help. The topics and activities are designed to fit into the national curriculum or to be used in extra curricula activities in or out of school. The books are accompanied by a Teachers’ Guide

Ethical infrastructure for good governance in the public pharmaceutical sector

November 2006

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This paper focuses on the values approach for promoting ethical practices in the governance and management of pharmaceuticals within ministries of health. It recognises the need to coordinate and integrate such endeavours with existing legislative efforts to establish a legal framework and ethical infrastructure that adequately address the problem of corruption within the context of each country. The paper is a working draft for field testing and revision

