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The center for deaf-blind persons


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This website describes the work of the Center for Deaf-Blind Persons in Israel, which provides a variety of rehabilitation services and programmes including a learning centre, a social recreational club, an early identification programme, an ulpan for deaf-blind new immigrants, a psycho-drama workshop and a role model programme for children with Usher syndrome. In addition, specific deafblind information is given for related research articles, personal accounts of disability, international links and details of Israeli disability rights and services

Bernard Van Leer Foundation


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The Bernard van Leer Foundation is an international grant making foundation with the mission to improve opportunities for children up to age 8 who are growing up in socially and economically difficult circumstances. The foundation primarily works to support programmes that are implemented by local partners by focusing upon strengthening the care environment, successful transitions from home to school, and social inclusion and respect for diversity. Their website highlights information about the foundation, their programmes and grants, and the countries where they work. It also features links to related publications, a newsroom and a blog

Envisioning new meanings of disability and difference

et al

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This website presents information about The Envisioning project where women living with disabilities and physical differences took part in arts-based workshops. Project participants created images of disability and difference that challenge the viewer to question the "less than" or "better than" judgments made regarding physical appearance and to explore alternative ideas of disability and difference. The artists’ stories and images are presented, as well as general information about the project

Moving forward toolkit : a guide for practitioners in the field of sport for youth in emergencies

Mercy Corps
Schwery Consulting

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This toolkit aims to help young people to recover from the traumatic effects of emergencies by providing practical tools that support sport and play programming to promote healthy physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. It offers recommendations and guidelines for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating sport and play programs in post-emergency settings
Note: a zip folder is provided for the toolkit templates

TOP sportability


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TOP Sportsability is a free online resource for schools and offers practical advice to teachers, learning support staff, and other sports practitioners. It consists of video clips and downloadable content showing ideas and strategies around the inclusion of young disabled people in physical activity
Note: Registration is required. Type 'YSTINCLUSION' into the 'Promo' box on the programme's website which allows the user to register and create a personal login

The inclusion club


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The inclusion club is an online international community that provides opportunities for people with disability to participate in sport and physical activity. This website provides resources, tools, case studies, good practices, videos and models on disability sports
Note: Free registration is required

Youth disability advocacy service


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"The Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) is raising voices, expanding choices and creating change for young people with disabilities in Victoria, Australia. YDAS works alongside young people with disabilities between the ages of 12 and 25 to raise awareness of their rights and to support them to achieve what they want." This website gives information about their services, projects and advocacy activities. Links are provided to resources, news and events. This resource is useful for people interested in advocacy services for youth with disabilities in Australia

KING, R. A. & S.

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This is an international web site designed by and for people with disabilities, which is devoted entirely to accommodation and leisure venues which are accessible to people with disabilities. The web site is BrowseAloud enabled and presents information on accessible tourism and venues from around the world, as well as details of global organisations and information regarding equipment rental and repair. Additionally there is information for tourism providers. Users can also access self-assessment forms and surveys on accessible holidays and accessible transport

Newz Hook

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Newz Hook is an Indian news channel with a special focus on disability related news. It is accessible to visually impaired screen reader users, promotes sign language news for deaf and uses simple English. It has sections on features, accessibility, lifestyle, education, employment, technology and sport

