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Counting on communication : the Uganda Nutrition and Early Childhood Development Project

VERZOSA, Cecilia
April 2005

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This publication presents the activities and lessons learned from a project which sought to halve malnutrition among preschool children, raise primary school enrollment, reduce dropout and repetition rates, improve psycho-social and cognitive development, and increase the number of mothers practicing appropriate childcare. A strategic communication programme was designed to help mothers and other caregivers adopt new behaviours needed to achieve project outcomes. It helped the project team identify necessary changes in behaviour, knowledge or attitude for all target audiences; frame project-related issues relevant to different stakeholders, such as parliamentarians, mothers, community leaders, educators, and local government administrators; craft persuasive messages according to their needs, concerns and perceptions; and use the most appropriate communication channels. The communication strategy included a: national advocacy effort aimed at parliamentarians, health and education ministry officials, district and community leaders; multi-media campaign that emphasized three behaviour change interventions; training programme for health workers and pre-school teachers on their role; and monitoring and evaluation component to ensure that materials were disseminated via cost-effective channels of communication and that messages reached target audiences. Lessons learned emphasize the value of developing a comprehensive communication strategy during project design.

Children at play : a childhood beyond the Confucian shadow

BAI, Limin

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This article presents a historical overview of Chinese attitudes to children's play activities. While Confucian and neo-Confucian scholars based their pedagogical teaching on an idealised image of childhood and showed a hostile attitude to play, games and toys, traditional China accepted children's right to play. Furthermore, a dualism between play activities and daily life activities was alien to Chinese traditional society, and games were rather understood as interwoven into daily life in many ways. This paper can be particularly useful to researchers and practitioners keen on exploring the cultural foundations of childhood and children's education in contemporary China

Children and disability in transition in CEE/CIS and the Baltic States


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This report presents the status of children with disabilities in the former Soviet Union and Baltic States (i.e. CEE/CIS). It explains existing rights and education, healthcare and recreation facilities that are provided for children with disabilities. The concerns of children with disabilities and their parents are highlighted on various issues. This report would be useful for people interested in the status of children with disabilities in the former Soviet Union and Baltic States

"We like the thinking" : theatre for development training and coaching

December 2004

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This evaluation report presents the method for theatre development training and coaching as demonstrated in the Village Development Programme in the Savannakhet Province. The report examines the programme and presents lessons learned and recommendations about its application Village
Development Programme Evaluation
Savannakhet Province, Lao PDR
9 August - 8 September 2004! : introducing disability arts and culture

ABBAS, Jihan
et al
April 2004

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This report "addresses the definition and scope of cultural activity by disabled artists, scholars and activists through a range of media (print, video/film, performance and other) in North America and internationally...It makes explicit the implications of cultural activities for different sectors of life in Ontario but also for the global movement of disabled people towards full inclusion"

World youth report 2003 : the global situation of young people

UNITED NATIONS. Department for Economic and Social Affairs

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Overall, young people today are better off than previous generations, but many are still severely hindered by a lack of education, poverty, health risks, unemployment and the impact of conflict. The World Youth Report 2003 provides an overview of the global situation of young people. The first ten chapters focus on the priority areas of education, employment, extreme poverty, health issues, the environment, drugs, delinquency, leisure time, the situation of girls and young women, and youth participation in decision-making as identified by the World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY) adopted by the General Assembly in 1995. The remaining five chapters address some of the newer issues that were later identified as additional priorities for youth and were adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 2003

A parrot on your shoulder : a guide for people starting to work with orphans and vulnerable children


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This fully illustrated activity guide aims to meet the needs of people who want more meaningful engagement with children by providing activities that will help them get started. The guide provides advice on children's participation, as well as 30 detailed examples for activities aimed at engaging children actively in discussions. The guide includes activities for ice breakers and energisers, group work and co-operation, observation, active listening and analytical skills, drama, mime and role play, painting and drawing

Camp management toolkit


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This toolkit addresses the technical and the administrative as well as the social aspects of camp management. It focuses specifically on individual camp managers, camp management teams and camp management agencies. It compiles and complements the existing sectoral guidelines for various assistance and protection activities in camps.
The toolkit is part of a holistic process that aims at covering the full spectrum of camp management activities. The objectives of the Camp management toolkit are: (a) to define and compile information on all aspects of camp operations; (b) to define roles and responsibilities in relation to each topic; (c) to provide both practical and reference tools to support the daily work, including checklists, monitoring forms and practical guidelines; (d) to consider vulnerable groups in the coordination of the camp.
Camps for displaced persons must always be seen as part of a larger context. Strengthening the capacity of the local community to cope with a large influx of displaced persons should be a priority, and supplementary humanitarian assistance to the local community should always be considered

Disability rights toolkit


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This toolkit includes six different documents: 1) toolkit on disability, human rights and sport, 2) background paper on the need for a convention and its current status, 3) chronology of international events in the development of the human rights approach to disability, 4) the existing international human rights treaty framework, 5) a website resource list, and 6) organisational fact sheets

Early years children promote health : case studies on child-to-child and early childhood development


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This is a collection of case studies of child-to-child health promotion activities and experiences. The focus is on early years children, who have been shown to be capable of peer-to-peer support. Through their involvement in health and development, children are able to contribute to the development of their communities, learning skills and shaping their personalities. The case studies included describe the experiences of children involved in education, HIV/AIDS and Memory Work, and contributing to the creation of resource centres in emergency settings and learning centres for community development

Seeing in the dark

ALLEN, Simon

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This paper is a reflection of the 'Seeing in the dark' project. It outlines the process, describes the installation, the project community and ownership, and evaluation tools used, and describes some significant outcomes. "‘Seeing in the dark’ was developed to respond to the challenge of finding new, innovative and appropriate advocacy tools for marginalised and vulnerable communities to strengthen their voice in their response to their own health and development needs. To explore the ways in which experiential understanding of disabilities can be developed, an approach that embraces working methods in both the arts and development was employed, resulting in the creation of an installation or interactive space"

Sida et theatre : comment utiliser le théâtre dans le cadre de la réponse au VIH/SIDA? Manuel pour les groupes de théâtre

June 2003

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This French language publication offers theatre groups accurate information on HIV and AIDS, ideas on how to sensitise audiences to HIV and AIDS, how to write a script and other useful related topics

Tied up in a rope of sand. TFD : cultural action or development utility?


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Discusses the tension and synergy of culture and participatory development through examples of theatre for development experiences in Mali and Namibia. The author describes performances and processes for setting up performance activities in villages, some of which had their own forms of narrative drama, and others which developed these with external support. The article discusses the implications of importing and imposing cultural forms to achieve project goals, and contrasts this with the ethos of theatre for development, which seeks to engage community members in a dialogue with development workers in order to foster participation in and ownership of development activities

Fun inclusive : sports and games as means of rehabilitation, interaction and integration for children and young people with disabilities

et al

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This handbook looks at the activities used in the GTZ (German Agency for Technical Co-operation) pilot project called "Rehabilitation through sports activities for children and young people in war-affected countries". The project aimed to strengthen disabled children both physically and mentally by promoting their rehabilitation, social integration and capacity for self help. The handbook provides basic guidelines for the implementation of sports and games as a means of rehabilitation and integration, building on the experiences from workshops in Angola and Cambodia, which tested 12 games. It includes an evaluation sheet that can be adapted and used

