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Early child development kit : a treasure box of activities


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"The Early Childhood Development Kit was created to strengthen the response for young children caught in conflict or emergencies. In complement to basic services related to young children's hygiene and sanitation, health and nutrition, protection and education, the Kit offers young children access to play, stimulation and early learning opportunities and permits them to retrieve a sense of normalcy"

Feel! think! act! : a guide to interactive drama for sexual and reproductive health and young people

March 2008

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This toolkit contains ideas for drama and discussion activities aimed at helping young people to learn about sexual and reproductive health issues and to gain skills in facilitating and using interactive drama tools and techniques. It is aimed at youth groups, community youth workers, community drama groups, teachers, people working in sexual and reproductive health and HIV programmes, and anyone who wants to use drama as a process of learning and action on sexual and reproductive health.
The toolkit is the result of teamwork between drama and sexual and reproductive health practitioners from six countries: Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, UK, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Growing pains : how poverty and AIDS are challenging childhood

SWIFT, Anthony

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This report looks at projects and programmes that aim to respond to the needs of very young children in southern and eastern Africa whose lives have been affected by both poverty and HIV. What is highlighted in the interventions that are examined is the effort of human beings in caring and supporting people and sharing resources

Harnessing the power of sport for development and peace : recommendations to governments


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This report presents evidence of the effectiveness of sport for development and peace through promoting the adoption of policy recommendations to governments for the integration of sport and physical activity into their domestic and international development strategies and programs. It provides comprehensive policy recommendations to national governments and represents the culmination of a four-year initiative. Each thematic chapters presents the context, evidence, and related recommendations. Detailed appendices are also provided

Sport in the United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities


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The aim of this publication is to protect and advance the human rights of disabled people with a specific emphasis on equal participation in sport. In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, this document examines how international development agencies and sports organisations can effectively promote the advancement, support research and monitoring of the involvement of disabled people in sport. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in community participation and disability and development

Another way to learn : case studies


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These case studies come from an initiative that supports non-formal education projects in Africa, South Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America. The long-term goal of these projects is to develop sustainable livelihoods for low-income, low-literate populations by addressing vulnerability to HIV and AIDS and drug misuse, a lack of education and social exclusion. Central to all of these projects are the creative and innovative methods used to communicate in a meaningful way, engage people and encourage their participation. The projects all focus on capacity building, empowerment, and creating learning opportunities. A DVD has been produced to accompany this publication

The forgotten tribe : people with disabilities in Zimbabwe

January 2007

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This report discusses prevalence and causes of disability in Zimbabwe, and explores issues such as poverty, gender, health and HIV, education, employment and sports. It is based on a 2006 survey by Progressio Zimbabwe. The report concludes with a chapter on lessons learned and policy recommendations. This resource provides useful information for people interested in the situation and life of people with disabilities in Zimbabwe

Laugh, run, and move to develop together : games with a psychosocial aim

MEUWLY, Michèle
HEINIGER, Jean-Pierre

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This manual was created following a project initiated by Terre des Hommes called "Movement, Games and Sport for children’s psychosocial development". The manual, a compilation of twenty games, provides a play tool which integrates the psychosocial approach and uses the phases of learning by experience

A community-based health education programme for bio-environmental control of malaria through folk theatre (Kalajatha) in rural India

GHOSH, Susanta K
et al
December 2006

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Kalajatha is a popular, traditional art form of folk theatre depicting various life processes of a local socio-cultural setting. It is an effective medium of mass communication in the Indian sub-continent especially in rural areas. Using this medium, an operational feasibility health education programme was carried out for malaria control. This study was carried out under the primary health care system involving the local community and various potential partners

Programme communication for early child development

KOLUCKI, Barbara
November 2006

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"This booklet explains how principles of programme communication are part of a holistic approach to Early Child Development (ECD). It is designed for programme planners, designers, artists, and communicators to improve their ability to use programme communication for holistic early child development"
Note: This is a companion publication to ‘Programming Experiences in Early Child Development’

Reflecting on social roles : identifying opportunities to support personal freedom and social integration

June 2006

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The purpose of this resource is to "to encourage thoughtful discussion of the meaning of ‘least restrictive and most integrated’ as criteria for service adequacy. With this tool, multiple dimensions of a person's life can be examined, including: home and neighbourhood, family and friends, work, learning, spiritual and religious, community association, sports and fitness, and creative expression"
Version 1

Soul City

January 2006

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The Soul City Institute for Health and Development Communication (SC IHDC) is a social change project which aims to impact on society at the individual, community and socio-political levels. SC IHDC is South Africa's premier edutainment project. The webiste includes details and publications about all major Soul City projects, including evaluation reports, advocacy material and training material

Index for inclusion : developing play, learning and participation in early years and childcare


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"The Index is a detailed set of materials to help settings increase the participation of young children in play and learning. The Index involves a self-review of all aspects of a setting, drawing on additional help as needed. It encourages the involvement in inclusive development of all practitioners, volunteers, management committee/governors, children, young people and their parents/carers. Actions to assist inclusion are prioritised and a development plan is drawn up, implemented and reviewed using the Index materials. These changes are sustained in the setting as the process progresses annually"
A CD Rom and an Index for Inclusion insert for early years and childcare are available when the resource is purchased from the publisher

Inclusion of persons with disabilities in China

GUOZHONG, Eric Zhang

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This article presents a situation analysis of disability in China. Over the last few years the conditions of over 60 million persons with disabilities in China have progressively improved, but they remain a vulnerable group often excluded in the transition processes currently taking place in the country. The paper analyses the legislative framework and explore how inclusion is promoted in areas such as education, employment, housing and culture

The HELP guide for community based rehabilitation workers : a training manual


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This is a training manual for community based rehabilitation workers based upon physiotherapist's work on a rehabilitation project in Cape Town, South Africa. The manual is aimed at trainers of rehabilitation workers who are assumed to have adequate medical knowledge. The manual is divided into the following 4 main topics: health in the community; normal body functions; conditions and treatment; management of patients. Each section contains a summary of the learning aims for the rehabilitation workers, and the teaching is based mainly on a question and answer format
Note: originally published in 1990 by SACLA Health Project

Working towards inclusive practice training : a resource to support the delivery of training in Gypsy/Roma and traveler culture for early years settings

MCGEE, Fiona

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"This resource is intended as a practical toolkit for those involved in delivering training in Gypsy/Roma and Traveller culture for early years settings...This pack provides both training exercises and play and learning activities. By offering both, practitioners not only have the opportunity to participate in training to increase their understanding of the Gypsy/Roma and Traveller community; but also have access to a range of culturally reflective and inclusive activities, which they can then use in their settings"

Ben ni walen : let’s agree and take action|Mobilizing for human rights using participatory theatre

SGANGA, Cristina

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"This Guide is a basic introduction to using participatory methods for exploring human rights issues with people in rural communities to encourage human rights organisations to adopt a long-term approach to raising human rights awareness Section I presents the background to the writing of the Guide and its context. It explains the approach proposed to mobilise rural communities, and it introduces the different components of participatory research and participatory theatre methodology. Section II contains information on the range of participatory theatre methods, and provides illustrative examples of how to use them to explore human rights issues with rural communities. Background information on the specific human rights issues used as examples is also included. The guide contains basic guidelines and suggestions rather than giving step-by-step directions on how to develop programmes, and users are encouraged to adapt the methods and adjust any part of the Guide to suit their own circumstances. This guide is useful for Human right organisations, theatre directors and group, and community development organisations"

