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101 great ideas for the socio-economic reintegration of mine survivors


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This document describes various programmes worldwide focusing upon the socio-economic reintegration of mine survivors. These involve a process whereby the economic development of individual survivors is tied to a plan to better the economic situation of the community of which they are members. The participatory planning process also includes conducting market studies to insure that the business ventures being contemplated are truly viable under current and anticipated market conditions. This document is useful for people seeking progamme ideas for the socio-economic reintegration of mine survivors and people with disabilities generally

AIDS and the family : policy options for a crisis in family capital


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This document highlights the role of family members in the care and support of peole living with HIV and addresses the issues and challenges of HIV and AIDS from a family perspective. There is information about HIV and AIDS and how the disease impacts family situations, focusing upon case studies in Sub-Saharan African countries. This report would be useful for people interested in the impact of HIV and AIDS on family members

Meeting report on the development of guidelines for community based rehabilitation (CBR) programmes


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This report discusses the links between poverty and disability, and community based rehabilitation (CBR). CBR is a strategy for socio-economic development and it is essentially about human rights. The key principles of CBR are poverty alleviation, education, health and rehabilitation and enabling people with disabilities to participate in the whole range of human activities. The report presents a CBR draft framework, a step-by-step practical guideline for CBR programme implementers. The meeting also identified steps to be taken to develop CBR guidelines

Identifying disability issues related to poverty reduction : India country study


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This country report describes the situation of disabled people in India. It gives an overview about the country, reviews the legislation, describes disability organisations and development agencies and lays out the results of a participatory programme. In addition to this, the report analyses the connections between disability and poverty by reviewing the current programmes and showing the gaps. The recommendations of the report urge to pay special attention to activities in the fields of inclusion, participation, access and quality

Identifying disability issues related to poverty reduction : Cambodia country study


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This country report describes the situation of disabled people in Cambodia. It gives an overview about the country, reviews the legislation and describes disability organisations and development agencies. In addition to this the report analyses the connections between disability and poverty by reviewing the current programmes and showing the gaps. The recommendations of the report urge to pay special attention to activities in the fields of inclusion, participation, access and quality

Identifying disability issues related to poverty reduction : Sri Lanka country study


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This country report describes the situation of disabled people in Sri Lanka. It gives an overview about the country, reviews the legislation, describes disability organisations and development agencies and lays out the results of a participatory programme. In addition to this, the report analyses the connections between disability and poverty by reviewing the current programmes and showing the gaps. The recommendations of the report urge to pay special attention to activities in the fields of inclusion, participation, access and quality

Social capital and children's wellbeing : a critical synthesis of the international social capital literature

October 2004

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This literature review looks at main international studies on social capital and children's and youth's wellbeing, presents a critical analysis of the concept and discusses its relevance as a reliable predictor of positive future outcomes for children and young people. It outlines both family social capital indicators - including family structure, quality of parent-child relations, adult's interest in the child, parent's monitoring of the child and extended family exchange and support - and community social capital indicators - which comprise social support networks, civic engagement in local institutions, trust and safety, degree of religiosity, quality of school and quality of neighbourhood. The article calls for further empirical scrutiny of social capital predictors, while accepting that the impact of social capital on children's future attainments is second only to poverty

Community group participation : can it help young women to avoid HIV? An exploratory study of social capital and school education in rural Zimbabwe

et al
June 2004

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Evidence shows that young people remain at risk of contracting HIV despite high levels of knowledge about HIV/AIDS. This paper argues that membership of local community groups in rural Zimbabwe is associated with greater avoidance of HIV and safer sexual behaviour. Group membership facilitates access to health information, supports informed hehavioural changes and connects young people to powerful and resourced groupings or institutions. It also looks at factors determining greater participation in community groups and efficient use of community social capital. It finds that young women with secondary education are disproportionately more represented in local groups and more likely to avoid HIV, concluding that there may be a synergistic relationship between school education and social capital

Wealth gap in health

May 2004

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Despite imporvements in public health in the last half-century, large disparities in health exist between and within countries. Differences among socio-economic groups can be pronounced, but are easily masked by national data that are used for monitoring and reporting progress. A recent analysis of data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) programme provides clear evidence of the gap between rich and poor in a range of health and population indicators. This wallchart uses the recent research and analysis to shed light on how the poorest women and children are faring compared with their better-off peers. Selected health and population indicators are provided for 53 developing countries, including fertility, infant and child mortality, nutrition, and the use of family planning and other health services

Improving the health of the world's poorest people [whole issue]

CARR, Dara

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This bulletin examines the facets of the rich-poor health divide, factors that play a role in in health disaparities, and approaches for improving the health of the poor (socio-economic health service and health financing). It also provides indicators for monitoring progress to diminishing the disparities. In recent years a great deal of research has become available on health inequalities within low-income countries. This report provides the latest data on how the world's poorest people are faring on key indicators of reproductive and child health

Double burden : a situation analysis of HIV/AIDS and young people with disabilities in Rwanda and Uganda


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This analysis was carried out by Save the Children UK after reports from the field suggested that disabled people were not accessing HIV prevention information or services, despite being at higher risk of infection. It outlines ways in which disabled people are not fully included in safer-sex communications: for instance blind people hear talk about condoms, but have never held one; the necessity to have a sign-language interpreter for deaf people compromises their right to confidentiality; young girls with disabilities are more likely to be raped and are less able to negotiate safe sex. It recommends the greater integration of disabled people into health and HIV communications and further research to develop disabled-friendly means of communication

Lessons learned workshop : a review of assistance programs for war wounded and other persons with disabilities living in mine-affected countries


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This review is the result of a workshop in May 2004 which brought together rehabilitation specialists from Africa, Asia, Europe and Central America to review assistance programmes for war wounded and persons who are living in landmine-affected countries. Lessons learned regarding emergency and continuing medical care, physical rehabilitation, psycho-social support, economic integration, capacity-building and sustainability, access to services, data collection, and coordination are presented in some detail, with reference to achieving the aims outlined in the International Campaign to Ban Landmines' Guidelines for the care and rehabilitation of survivors (1999)

Outreach and partnerships


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Accessibility does not lead automatically to an inclusive society. Disabled people must be involved in all activities. This guide gives museums and libraries some ideas on how they can improve their outreach to disabled people. Although it has been produced for the UK, it is also relevant for other countries

Employment at every level

DELIN, Annie

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Museums and libraries have to be enabled to employ disabled people. This guidebook gives employers some ideas on how to include disabled people in their human resources. Although it has been produced for the UK, it is also relevant for other countries

Persons with disability : study commissioned by the Corporate Planning Unit of the City of Joburg as a component of the human development agenda


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The aim of this research is to highlight problems with, and identify gaps in, the human development agenda as they relate to persons with disability in the City of Johannesburg. The research report also gives an overview of the methodologies applied.
The report is useful for organisations and persons who want to learn more about the situation of disabled persons in Johannesburg. Also it is of interest for researchers and organisations that are developing research methodology and policy

Model national personal assistance policy


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Social policy is often characterised by legislation and administration hindering people who depend on it to benefit from it. This paper suggests we recognise the right of disabled people to have the power of decision. The concept of direct payments can help to provide better quality services which are person-centred and which help to eliminate monopolies in the field of social work

Measuring welfare for small but vulnerable groups : poverty and disability in Uganda


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When vulnerable groups such as disabled people are surveyed, representative welfare estimates from non-purposive sample surveys becomes an issue. This paper takes the example of Uganda and describes the connections between disability, poverty, wellbeing and social welfare. This is possibly the first time that statistically representative information on income poverty amongst disabled people has been generated for a developing country

Disablism : how to tackle the last prejudice

PARKER, Sophia

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This paper starts from the lived experiences of disabled people. Based on a series of interviews with disabled individuals and representatives of government departments and disability organisations, it argues that the current legislation-dominated approach to bringing about positive social change is only a start on the journey to eradicating the subtle but sometimes life-destroying impact of disablism

