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Women with disabilities in development : intersecting invisibility, intersecting realities

August 2009

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"This report briefly reviews selected literature on the situation of women with disabilities in development, chosen from among the bibliographical references provided by participants in the e-discussion. Next, it will present a summation of the challenges that confront girls and women with disabilities in development as identified by the participants. Finally, it will conclude with recommendations from the participants on how development actors and others can help address these challenges"
A Report on the E-Discussion on Women with Disabilities in Development, March 2009

Women with disabilities Australia : submission to inform the development of the framework for the new national women's health policy

SWIFT, Karin
August 2009

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"This Submission focuses predominantly on the Framework for the new National Women’s Health Policy, in the context of human rights and women with disabilities. It examines what is meant by the ‘right to health’ and looks at women with disabilities’ right to health under the relevant international human rights treaties to which Australia is a party"

Gender and care : supporting resources collection

February 2009

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This collection show-cases existing work on gender and care, including a mix of research papers, policy briefings, advocacy documents, case study material and practical tools from diverse disciplines and geographical regions - all focusing on different aspects of care. Summaries and links to key resources are provided, as well as information on international frameworks and conventions relating to care

Gender and development in brief : gender and care

February 2009

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This bulletin aims to inspire thinking around how we can move towards a world in which individuals and society recognise and value the importance of different forms of care, but without reinforcing care work as something that only women can or shoud do. It offers an overview of why care is important and the approaches needed to bring about change, including an article which looks at innovative ways of challenging gender norms to bring about a more equal sharing of care responsibilities between men and women, and an inspiring example of home-based carers in Africa coming together to get their priorities heard

Realizing the millennium development goals for persons with disabilities through the implementation of the world programme of action concerning disabled persons and the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities

February 2009

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This report presents actions and issues to consider in order to meet the millennium development goals through the implementation of the world programme of action concerning disabled persons and the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by including and integrating their rights, well-being and perspectives in development efforts at national, regional and international levels

The disability monitor initiative – Middle East journal : issue 1

COTE, Alexandre
et al
February 2009

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This journal issue focuses upon the issues, challenges and debates of social protection and persons with a disability in the Middle East and contains informative articles about social protection in the Middle Eastern context regarding policy and good practices. This issue includes articles about social protection topics such as gate keeping and social services, and has a practical focus on the three issues of health insurance, cash transfer and exemption. It also includes a list of relevant publications

The journal is an advocacy initiative that gathers and disseminates information on relevant disability topics underpinning the move towards full participation and equal opportunities of people with disabilities. It is primarily based on field research consulting with people with disabilities, service providers, members of civil society, government officials and local authorities

The Disability Monitor Initiative – Middle East Journal, Issue 1

Gender and care : overview report

January 2009

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This overview report explores how we can move towards a world in which individuals and society recognise and value the importance of different forms of care, but without reinforcing care work as something only women can or should do. It includes recommendations for donors, government and educators

Women and health : today's evidence tomorrow's agenda

DE ZOYSA Isabelle

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This is a report on women and health - both women’s health needs and their contribution to the health of societies. Women’s health has long been a concern for the World Health Organization but today it has become an urgent priority. This report explains why. Using current data, it takes stock of what is known about the health of women throughout their lives and across the different regions of the world

Access to social services for persons with disabilities in the Middle East : multi-stakeholder reflections for policy reform

AXELSSON, Charlotte

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This report highlights the importance of ensuring access to services for persons with disabilities. It introduces mechanisms related to access to services and reflects on the roles and responsibilities of each main stakeholder, providing recommendations for regulatory mechanisms. It highlights good practices of service provision collected throughout the region from workshops, field visits and exchanges with stakeholders, providing recommendations for improving access to services for persons with disabilities. This report has been produced under the Disability Monitor Initiative Middle East. It would be useful for stakeholders and advocates interested in access to services for people with disabilities in the Middle East

Impact of rehabilitation care on the social inclusion of people with disabilities in Togo : survey of 30 lower limb amputees

TUBLU, Yawovi
et al

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This report details a study on the impact of health-related rehabilitation as a contributor to social inclusion for people with disabilities in Togo. It uses the 'disability creation process', a model which represents disability as a dynamic and complex process whereby an individual’s impairments alone do not define his/her disability, as a conceptual basis in the West African context. Through analysing the rehabilitation services provided with regard to their effects on the beneficiaries, the study highlights social obstacles and facilitators faced by people with disabilities. This resource would be useful for organisations and practitioners interested in the impact of health-related rehabilitation as a contributor to social inclusion for people with disabilities in Togo

Living conditions among people with disabilities in Mozambique : a national representative study

EIDE, Arne H
January 2009

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"This report provided results of a study of living conditions among people with functional limitation in Mozambique. Two comparative studies of different indicators of living conditions were carried out. These studies include: (i) a comparative study of households with and without family member(s) with functional limitation and (ii) a comparative study of individuals with and without functional limitation. In addition, a detailed study that specifically addresses the situation of individuals with functional limitation was also conducted"

The impact of HIV/AIDS on older people in Cambodia

JOHN, Kylie

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This report presents the findings of a study in 15 rural villages to obtain information on the roles of older people in HIV/AIDS affected households and to identify potential interventions to meet their financial, psychosocial and other support needs. Research methods included case studies, in-depth interviews and focus groups with older carers of children in Cambodia to understand their problems and to explore their support needs. The findings demonstrated that the HIV/AIDS epidemic has led to significant changes in the responsibilities and needs of older people and that older people in HIV/AIDS affected households are vulnerable to extreme poverty, and at times, destitution. The report concludes with recommendations for possible local response interventions to address the needs of older people impacted by HIV/AIDS

Promoting access to the built environment

WILM, Susanne
NOE, Christiane
November 2008

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“"These guidelines on 'Promoting Access to the Built Environment' reflect international standards and recommendations about accessibility in the built environment, and have been developed to assist CBM, its partners and other interested agencies in creating a more fully accessible environment"

A guide of understanding victim assistance in the context of AP Mine Ban Convention

October 2008

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This guide highlights the strategic approach on victim assistance adopted by the States Parties and assists relevant States Parties in applying it. It provides information about a broader view of victim assistance and guidance for each state party to develop a national strategic approach by offering relevant help for landmine victims through emergency first-aid care, rehabilitation services, psychological assistance and economic reintegration. It recommends that each State to complete a situation analysis to take specific, measurable, achievable, relevant steps in a set time frame to raise efficiency and promote sustainability of services
Note: this guide is a companion to "Victim Assistance in the Context of the AP Mine Ban Convention: Checklist"

Victim assistance in the context of the AP Mine Ban Treaty : checklist

October 2008

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This checklist is a tool to be used by States Parties in developing a comprehensive victim assistance response in the context of broader efforts concerning healthcare, rehabilitation, reintegration and human rights and achieving the aims of the Nairobi Action Plan in the six thematic areas of victim assistance
Note: This is a companion piece to "A Guide to Understanding Victim Assistance in the Context of the AP Mine Ban Convention"

Parenting behaviours and children's development from infancy to early childhood : changes, continuities and contributions

GUTMAN, Leslie Morrison
May 2008

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This study investigates how children and parenting behaviours change from infancy to early childhood, how parenting influences concurrent and future child development, and whether parenting itself is affected by and responsive to child development. Also investigated was whether individual indicators of socioeconomic status moderate (i.e., strengthen or weaken) these associations. Results showed that mothers with higher levels of education provided more interactive and engaged parenting

Evidence for the effectiveness of rehabilitation-in-the-community programmes

EBENSO, Bassey
FUZIKAWA, Priscila L
March 2008

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"The present literature review identified 29 reports from 22 countries in Asia, Africa and Central America reporting on the outcomes of rehabilitation-in-the-community programmes in low and middle income countries published between 1987 and 2007. Interventions included home visits by trained community workers who taught disabled persons skills to carry out activities of daily living, encouraged disabled children to go to school, helped find employment or an income generating activity, often involving vocational training and/or micro-credit. Many programmes had a component of influencing community attitudes towards disabled persons. The information collected shows that such programmes were effective in that they increased independence, mobility and communication skills of disabled persons, helped parents of disabled children to cope better and increased the number of disabled children attending schools. Economic interventions effectively increased the income of disabled persons although they rarely made them financially independent. CBR activities result in social processes that change the way community members view persons with disabilities, increase their level of acceptance and social inclusion and mobilise resources to meet their needs"
Leprosy Review, Vol 79, Issue 1

Global trends in disability rehabilitation and their implications for leprosy programmes

THOMAS, Maliakal Joseph
March 2008

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This article explores the global trends in disability rehabilitation and the implications for leprosy programmes. It provides a brief summary the Biwako Millennium Framework of the Asia and Pacific decade to gain a better understanding of current issues and the implications for leprosy rehabilitation programmes
Leprosy Review, Vol 79, Issue 1

