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Global public-private partnerships part I : a new development in health?


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The proliferation of public-private partnerships is rapidly reconfiguring the international health landscape. This article traces the changing nature of partnership and discusses the definitional and conceptual ambiguities surrounding the term. After defining global public-private partnerships (GPPPs) for health development, it analyses the factors which have lead to the convergence of public and private actors and discusses the consequences of the trend toward partnership between UN agencies and commercial entities in the health sector. Generic factors such as globalisation and disillusionment with the UN, and factors specific to the health sector, such as market failure in product development for orphan diseases, are examined. Reviewed are the interests, policies, practices and concerns of the UN, the private not-for-profit sector, bilateral organisations, and governments of low-income countires with respect to public-private partnership. While GPPPs bring much needed resources to the problems of international health, this article highlights concerns regarding this new organisational format



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A network bringing together research centres, universities, enterprises, government departments, trade unions and organisations of and for disabled people. Their common goal is to advance competitive employment and training opportunities for disabled people. Through its InfoBase, Gladnet collects and indexes a wide variety of documents, such as reports, goverment documents, external websites and project descriptions, that relate to employment and training for people with disabilities. Most of the InfoBase content falls into the following subject themes -- definitions, evaluation, human rights, legislation & policy, research, and statistics

Eldis globalisation resource guide


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The globalisation resource page on the Eldis website has the latest news on globalisation as well as links to over 1000 other documents and websites relating to globalisation. The themes of the resource guide cover production, trade and labour markets; capital flows, investment and debt; globalisation and poverty; global governance and institutions; watching the World Bank/IMF; corporate social responsibility; aid, growth and governance

HEARD website


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The HEARD website contains a wealth of resources related to specific HIV/AIDS interventions and prevention methods to be targeted at different groups (eg agricultural workers, the mining industry). The 28 AIDS Briefs offer sector-specific guidelines and responses for those involved in various professional, commercial and industrial endeavours. Check-lists are a standard feature, enabling operatives to plot their progress against requirements unique to their sphere of activity, and suggesting innovative approaches. There are also 11 sector specfic toolkits, seven of which are aimed at government ministries. There is also a quarterly newsletter "Heard All About It" and AIDS Analysis Africa, a bi-monthly publication that serves to analyse the impact of the AIDS epidemic on organizations, business and the economy, with a focus on Africa

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition


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This site links through to GAIN publications and information about the organisation’s project. There is also a variety of information about micronutrient deficiencies, including maps and data. GAIN’s mission is to reduce malnutrition through the use of food fortification and other strategies aimed at improving the health and nutrition of populations at risk. The organisation builds partnerships between the public and private sectors

Community problem-solving : strategy for a changing world

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This is a learning space for people and organisations from the public, not-for-profit and private sectors which offers information to support problem solving when working in a multi-stakeholder group. The site contains strategy tools, to help approach issues and work with other stakeholders more effectively, and programme tools, for responding to specific, substantive problems by learning what works and what does not work in a given area (e.g. housing, health, education, etc.)

