Resources search

vi family network


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This website provides low vision resources and information about upcoming low vision events in Australia. It also hosts the Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register and an online parent forum and social network. This website is useful for people interested in visual impairment information and networks in Australia

Comprehensive community based rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT)


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This website provides information about the NGO Comprehensive community based rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT). CCBRT comprises two community-based rehabilitation (CBR) programmes in Dar es Salaam and Moshi, a disability hospital, and an active international training programme. The website features general information about the organisation, current initiatives, details about their partners and related publications. This website is useful for people interested in CBR in Tanzania

Teachers can help everyone learn


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This poster highlights the role of teachers in supporting learners with disabilities. It is useful for anyone interested in inclusive education teachers
Note: This poster can be used as a promotional tool for the INEE Pocket Guide to Supporting Learners with Disabilities

Journal of policy and practice in intellectual disabilities (JPPID)

JANICKI, Matthew P
et al

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"The Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities is a forum for description of evidence-based policy and practice related to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It features content related to policy development, service design, working methods and treatment procedures, and financial, administrative and legal frameworks"
Published quarterly

EFC publications : disability country profile 2012


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This resource presents the national level European country reports that examine the effect of the economic crisis, and its consequences in terms of austerity measures, on the rights and status of people with disabilities. In particular, the reports focus on the impact on the delivery of social services and income supports and allowances particularly aimed at people with disabilities

Canadian working group on HIV and rehabilitation


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The Canadian working group on HIV and rehabilitation (CWGHR) is a national, charitable organization that responds to the rehabilitation needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. This website presents general information about the working group, featuring their members, publications, research and newsletters. It also provides detailed education information and resources for people living with HIV, health and social care providers and employers. This resource is useful for anyone interested in HIV and rehabilitation


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This is a web-based educational resource for health professionals responsible for the management of spinal cord injury (SCI). It is comprised of seven learning modules, each subdivided into various submodules. Six of the seven modules address the educational needs of all disciplines involved in comprehensive SCI management. The seventh module addresses prevention of SCI. Each submodule includes an overview, activities, self-assessment questions and references. The content of the learning modules is relevant to students and SCI healthcare professionals

The self-advocacy toolkit for mental health services users

NTULO, Christian A

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"This toolkit is has been developed to guide advocacy efforts for groups of people with mental disorders at local and national level. Its activities are participatory by nature so as to add flavour to every group meeting. It uses the term "activity leader" to promote shared leadership, and provides a variety of activities for the groups to choose from as they plan for and execute their advocacy campaign"

Realife trust


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This website presents information about Realife, an action research development agency. The agency's original purpose was to work alongside up to 10 local families and to develop a range of initiatives based on their needs and preferences. Every project undertaken since then has been a result of requests from local people to set something up that they simply cannot find from their local authority or other voluntary agency. Information is oprovided about the services they offer and related news and resoruces

Disability benefits scheme database


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The database provides information on disability benefits in low and middle income countries in an excel spreadsheet format. The database focuses mainly on tax-financed disability benefits, but also includes some examples of social insurance schemes

Rural rehab South Africa (RuReSA)


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This is the official website of Rural Rehab South Africa (RuReSA)  which represents “rural rehab on professional bodies and to the Department of Health, especially with regards to developing rural friendly policies. RuReSA aims to create a network of personal and professional support for rural therapists, including the sharing of information relevant to the disability, rehabilitation and public health fields within and outside South Africa.” The website contains news & events, projects & campaigns and related resources. It also contains areas featuring a chat group and an area to sign up for membership 

My disability matters


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“My Disability Matters” is a membership website created for and by people with disabilities. The website shares news and opinions on about disability issues in Australia, with a special focus on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

INCLUDE: A Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) learning community

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INCLUDE is an online learning community for community-based rehabilitation (CBR) that aims to inform and support CBR managers and interested stakeholders around the world.

It is an online programme that guides the user through different information modules based on the Community-based rehabilitation guidelines: health, education, livelihood, social and empowerment.

INCLUDE also provides tools to assist users to reflect on their own thoughts and experiences, and case studies that show CBR in action. INCLUDE allows the user to develop an action plan around management and the five components and corresponding elements of the CBR matrix.

These action plans can be stored and built on over time, and shared with others in the CBR community.

