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Medbox: Disability toolbox

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A toolbox within Medbox, an Open Source library for health related work, humanitarian action and development assistance. 

Categories within the Disability toolbox include: key resources; types of disability; physiotherapy and rehabilitation; humanitarian crisis; children with disabilities; and capacity building.

Other toolboxes available are: ebola; natural hazards; conflict; zika; TB; cholera; leprosy; polio; rapid response; refugee and specific hazards.

Newz Hook

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Newz Hook is an Indian news channel with a special focus on disability related news. It is accessible to visually impaired screen reader users, promotes sign language news for deaf and uses simple English. It has sections on features, accessibility, lifestyle, education, employment, technology and sport

The Lao Disabled Person's Association

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Established in 2001, the Lao Disabled People’s Association (LDPA) is a membership-based organisation for people with disabilities advocating disability rights and providing services to members based on their needs. 

The LDPA has over 11,000 members from across the country but seeks to represent the interests of all people with disability within Lao PDR irrespective of their membership status. The LDPA does this at a national and provincial level. The LDPA’s head office in Vientiane Capital works in partnership with several organisations on strategic advocacy and rights-based projects and also provides outreach, opportunity and empowerment at a provincial level where members are organised into groups.

Movement for global mental health

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The Movement for Global Mental Health (MGMH) is a virtual network of individuals and organisations that aim to improve services for people living with mental health problems and psychosocial disabilities worldwide, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) where effective services are often scarce. Two principles are fundamental to the Movement: scientific evidence and human rights

COVID 19 and the disability movement


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In the light of the COVID19 pandemic and with the aim to support a disability-inclusive response to the crisis, International Disability Alliance (IDA) has launched this hub-page to share the most recent updates and resources as they become available.


Links are provided to resources from IDA members, partners, by disability constituency, by United Nations system and by country. Recommendations are also available. 

COVID 19: Our Members Resources and Processes


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Inclusion International network is mobilizing to create resources and support to help reach people with intellectual disabilities concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. Information is provided for different countries and communities with some being in accessible formats.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic


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A collection of resources for people with intellectual disabilities concerning the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The collection includes "Easy to read" information in many different European languages, a video of 5 ways to keep safe and a list of resources in various European countries.

Science advice and COVID-19

International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA)

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In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, INGSA has created this information hub to aggregate and share the resources and discussions relating to how science advice and evidence functions in emergencies

CABI Global health database

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A fully searchable bibliographic database concerned with the study and practice of national, regional and international public health. The database has a Coronavirus collection. 


Each month the Global Health site has a monthly focus on an important public health issue and provides a related news item, a useful smart search, and a selection of focussed records, book chapters and CAB reviews.


May 2020's focus topic is Coronavirus and Mental Health

Disability data portal (Nepal)

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The Disability Portal is a centralised repository of data and information about disability in Nepal. It brings together data, studies and other resources on disability in Nepal and makes them openly available to all. The repository contains data and information from government, academic and civil society. The Portal is open for anybody to publish valid datasets and publications related to disability

Image Bank

Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

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The NHS have produced an ‘easy on the i’ information design service within the Learning Disability Service at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. A repository of images has been created to help support the creation of easy to read documents.

Early childhood counts : rights from the start


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The Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development, is a consortium of agencies, donors, NGOs and foundations that links with regional-based Early Childhood Care and Development networks involved in programming, research, policy-advocacy, monitoring and evaluation for young children (0-8) at risk in the South. It works actively to identify gaps, critical issues and emerging areas of need and interest related to ECCD . The site has useful information and contacts relating to children aged between 0-8 years.The library catalogue can be searched for useful publication details. Titles and abstracts as well as full documents can be downloaded

Inclusion in education


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This section of the UNESCO's education website hosts definitions of concepts, policies and publications relating to inclusive education. UNESCO has identified certain issues as 'flagship initiatives', to strengthen efforts at addressing the issues through partnerships between UN bodies and other stakeholders. Case studies, support materials for teachers and those promoting inclusive education, and a set of guides to the education of different groups of learners are also available in the online materials section

Include Repository of Accessible Digital Tools

European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)

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The Include Repository is a platform of existing and freely available digital tools that can support inclusive and accessible education for all learners in remote settings. This repository includes resources for the creation and presentation of accessible digital content. Alongside providing accessibility solutions for specific user needs and disabilities, it also aims to provide tools for use in high and low-resource environments.


This platform aims to provide a single catalogue of tools and resources, in one location, for teaching professionals and students to make their content more accessible or more easily access teaching materials. With the tools on this platform users can:

  • Produce content in more accessible formats.
  • Better meet the special education needs of learners.
  • Be empowered to access learning materials more independently


This platform has been developed by EASPD and the Inclusive University Digital Education (InclUDE) project

