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Investing in a comprehensive health sector response to HIV/AIDS : scaling up treatment and accelerating prevention


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This document presents WHO's strategic and resource framework for WHO's HIV/AIDS programme for January 2004 to December 2005. It describes the work of WHO in providing support to countries as they develop and implement their national scale-up plans. It encompasses activities in five functional areas: strategic information; advocacy and policy; technical and normative guidance; country capacity-building; and operations research and knowledge management

Making commitments matter : a toolkit for young people to evaluate national youth policy

UNITED NATIONS. Division for Social Policy and Development

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This toolkit is meant for national youth organisations and/or representatives working with youth. It can be used as a tool to assess a country's progress in reaching the World Programme of Action on Youth (WPAY) goals; prioritise an organisation's work, and based on findings initiate actions at the national level. It should be used as a starting point for determining what has been done to better the lives of young people since 1995 in their community. In addition to providing methods for evaluating this progress, the toolkit also contains concrete tools to further youth work

Health care systems in transition : Estonia

JESSE, Maris

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"The Health Care Systems in Transition (HiT) profiles are country-based reports that provide an analytical description of a health care system and of reform initiatives in progress or under development. The HiTs are a key element of the work of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. HiTs seek to provide relevant comparative information to support policy-makers and analysts in the development of health care systems in Europe." Contents: 1. Introduction and historical background 2. Organizational structure and management 3. Health care financing and expenditure 4. Health care delivery system 5. Financial resource allocation 6. Health care reforms

Understanding and challenging HIV stigma : toolkit for action

KIDD, Ross
September 2003

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This toolkit was designed for NGOs, community groups and HIV educators to raise awareness and promote actions to challenge HIV stigma and discrimination. Based on research in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia, the toolkit contains more than 125 exercises. In addition to these exercises there is a supplementary volume of further activities to support the toolkit. The toolkit is developed to support participatory learning and encourages participants to move from awareness to action. Organisations are encouraged to pick modules and exercises that fit their needs or to integrate exercises into an existing training programme

Participation of organizations and partners for persons with disabilities in the PEAP 2003 revision

July 2003

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This document was produced by national organisations of and for disabled people in Uganda. It contributes to the Ugandan government's review of its Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP), and describes disabled people's situation in the country regarding poverty. The document goes on to make a series of recommendations to the Ugandan government on reducing disabled people's poverty, through incorporating a disability focus in the four pillars of the PEAP - economic growth and transformation, good governance and security, actions which directly increase the incomes of the poor, and actions which directly increase their quality of life

Resource centre manual : how to set up and manage a resource centre

et al

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Contains practical information on all aspects of setting up and managing a resource centre, from planning, fundraising and finding a suitable location, to collecting and organising materials, developing information services, and monitoring and evaluating the work of the resource centre. It assumes that most readers will use manual systems for organising information, but also explains how computers can be used in resource centres, including e-mail, Internet and databases. It describes how to select database software, and contains a detailed review of three leading database programs. It includes a list of organisations and publications that can provide further information

Transport for all : what should we measure?


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Environmental factors are addressed in this paper in regard to accessibility. Asking questions alone raises awareness about access effectively. Including disabled people themselves in decision-making is essential and leads to empowerment, better planning of the urban development and relevant evaluation indicators

International consultation to review community-based rehabilitation (CBR)


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This document summarises the outcomes of the international consultation. The main conclusions were that human rights play a role in CBR, CBR has to be supported by national governments, various sectors have to cooperate and that UN agencies, governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have to promote CBR as a poverty re-education strategy

Equal opportunities for people with disabilities : a European Action plan


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This paper is one of the outcomes of the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003. It sets the frame for the work on a multi-annual Action Plan for the EU. The major issues of this paper are accessibility for employment, lifelong learning, the value of new technologies and accessibility of the environment

Community-based strategies for breastfeeding promotion and support in developing countries


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This review examines the role of communities and community-based resource persons in providing support for appropriate feeding practices and access to skilled support when mothers need it. This document is based on a literature review and an analysis of three projects in Madagascar, Honduras and India. It assesses the impact of interventions, the mechanisms through which behaviours can be changed, and the factors that are necessary to maximise and sustain the benefits of interventions

Organization of services for mental health : mental health policy and service guidance package


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"This publication aims to: present a description and analysis of mental health services around the world examining different services and their organization and activities; review the current status of service organization around the world; make recommendations for organizing services; discuss crucial issues in the organization of services; discuss barriers to the organization of services and suggest solutions. The publication is intended to be useful to a range of people, including policy-makers and health planners, governmental and non-governmental organisations, and people with mental disorders and their families"

Learning from complexity : the International Development Research Centre's experience with Outcome Mapping

EARL, Sarah
August 2002

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Outlines the principles of 'Outcome Mapping' a method developed by IDRC to assess impact of development work. The approach recognises that the impact of an organisations work is difficult to disentangle from the range of other factors influencing development in a particular place. It focuses on the effect the development project or organisation has on the behaviour, relationships, activities and actions of key people and partners it works with, or that are within its sphere of influence. It begins with a workshop to design a programme and monitoring system, followed by a series of self-assessment workshops to monitor change and refine strategies

Participatory research with older people : a sourcebook

March 2002

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This sourcebook takes the belief that participatory research with older people should form a key element of local and national government policy-making in areas such as health, employment and social welfare; programme planning by international aid agencies; and advocacy for and by older people. It has been produced to meet the need for a non-specialist sourcebook to help with all stages of participatory research with older people, and offers a clear overview of the whole process

Advocacy toolkit : practical action in advocacy

GORDON, Graham

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This second volume of Tearfund's Advocacy Toolkit is a step-by step guide to planning an advocacy activity, large or small, and consists mainly of tools and exercises. The introduction describes the planning process and outlines a Summary Advocacy Strategy. The following sections describe five parts of the planning cycle in detail

Learning for change : principles and practices of learning organisations


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This paper describes both the theoretical side of organisational learning, and a range of practical tools and methods. The theory is based on an 'eight function model' which is integrated in the project cycle: creating a learning culture, gathering experience, accessing external learning, communication systems, mechanisms for drawing conclusions, developing an organisational memory, integrating learning into strategy and policy, and applying the learning. The tools include action learning sets, advice network mapping, case study development, exchange programmes, exit interviews, and others. The paper includes a list of further reading resources

Multi-stakeholder processes for governance and sustainability : beyond deadlock and conflict

et al

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"This book is about how people and organisations from very different backgrounds can work together in an increasingly complex political, social and economic environment.... "[It] puts forward a framework for designing multi-stakeholder processes (MSPs), aiming to contribute to the advancement of such mechanisms as will produce practical solutions. MSPs seem a promising path, both around (inter)governmental processes and independent of them"

