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Inter-agency network for education in emergencies (INEE)


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The Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) is a network of interested parties from international agencies and institutions working together to provide better access to education in the aftermath of emergencies. This website describes the main purpose of INEE and features information about their members and task groups. It also provides informative sections on knowledge and capacity, policy and coordination, links to events on education matters, and related resources

Bernard Van Leer Foundation


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The Bernard van Leer Foundation is an international grant making foundation with the mission to improve opportunities for children up to age 8 who are growing up in socially and economically difficult circumstances. The foundation primarily works to support programmes that are implemented by local partners by focusing upon strengthening the care environment, successful transitions from home to school, and social inclusion and respect for diversity. Their website highlights information about the foundation, their programmes and grants, and the countries where they work. It also features links to related publications, a newsroom and a blog

Teachers can help everyone learn


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This poster highlights the role of teachers in supporting learners with disabilities. It is useful for anyone interested in inclusive education teachers
Note: This poster can be used as a promotional tool for the INEE Pocket Guide to Supporting Learners with Disabilities

An inclusive education guide for families


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This guide is for families to help them seek inclusive education opportunities for their disabled child. It encourages families to think of themselves as allies to their disabled children by thinking about disability using the Social Model of Disability. The Guide helps families ask questions of schools and to be more confident to seek out a school that is inclusive of all children from the local community

Advocacy and training toolkit


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"The toolkit was developed by disabled people from France, Italy, Iceland and the UK and is based on learning and evidence from visits to each of these countries. The toolkit offers information and advice to disabled people across Europe to encourage their participation and leadership in the implementation of inclusive education for disabled children and young people"

An inclusive education guide for professionals


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This guide is based on evidence and learning in terms of what works for the inclusion of disabled children and young people in mainstream education in specific countries. The Guide offers practical advice and information to those professionals already working with disabled children and their families and also to those professionals unfamiliar with this area of work

Access for people with disabilities


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This website presents information to promote the use of ICT for access to information and knowledge for persons with disabilities. It provides useful links to education related information about meetings, news, resources and websites

Education for children with disabilities : improving access and quality


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"This Guidance Note provides information on how to improve educational access and quality for children with disabilities. It gives an overview of the global context, provides best practice case studies and clearly signposts practical tools and resources"
Guidance note : a DFID practice paper

Disability awareness


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This website presents a collection of teacher resources that addresses disability awareness. The units highlight the story of a teenager named Nodira who shares her experience living with a disability. The lesson plans, videos, multimedia and stories in this collection illustrate the challenges of children with disabilities face, as well as how children are being supported

Help in higher education


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This resource contains a support pack for higher education institutions to students with epilepsy. This pack contains: a free guide to epilepsy, an epilepsy questionnaire, dedicated online resources for students to manage their epilepsy at university, and online course for higher education staff


Note: this resource is free however users need to fill out the form provided

Video catalogue


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This database provides internet videos about inclusive education and related issues. The database can be searched using drop down menus for themes relating to inclusive education and different world regions

Inclusive teaching, learning and assessment


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This online guide to the inclusive education policy of Plymouth University highlights the policies and directives that have been undertaken to ensure that there is a barrier-free access to education for all of its students. This accessible guide presents inclusive learning and teaching to support staff with the continual process of reflection and engagement with what inclusivity means for their subject, school or faculty and their students. It contains research-informed resources, guidance and videos about inclusive teaching and learning

Inclusive education Canada


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This Canadian inclusive education website is a hub for parents, teachers, and other education professionals to discuss and share ideas on best practice on inclusive education. This website features a news section and additional information on inclusive education in the form of reports, articles and other publications. It also has a promotion section which details events and other awareness raising activities

Do2Learn : Educational resources - Printable picture cards


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View2Do gives schools and families a powerful tool to create, share, network, and teach, all in an engaging visual medium ideal for students with learning and communication differences. Resource picture cards to teach daily living, social and behavioural skills are available with or without text and cover the topics of: healthcare, self-help, activities, home and school, social, safety, calendar and technology. Black and white picture cards are provided to help you make your own schedules, story strips and talking back cards. They can be printed as full-size coloring pages, in one or two-inch sizes with or without words. Printed and cut out, these can be used singly or grouped together.  

Special educational needs teaching resources

TES Global

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Strategies, advice and ideas to support inclusive lessons for students with special educational needs. Resources and ideas to support teaching and learning written by teachers. Topics include: attention deficit/and hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD); cognitive impairment; Down's Syndrome; gifted and talented; hearing impairment; independent living; individual planning; mental health; organisation; physical aids; sensory impairment; social skills; special needs behaviour management; specific learning difficulty; speach and language; and visual impairment. 

Inclusive transition


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Challenges faced by learners during education transition from class to class or school to school and ways in which these transitions can be made more inclusive and supported are presented. 

Accessible digital textbooks for all


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UNICEF and its partners are driving an innovative solution called Accessible Digital Textbooks for All, to make textbooks available, affordable and accessible for children with disabilities in all contexts. By adding specific features to digital formats and following Universal Design for Learning principles, textbooks can be made accessible to students who are blind or have low vision, to those who are deaf or hard of hearing, and to those who have intellectual, developmental or learning disabilities, among others. The initiative brings writers, publishers, teachers, organizations of persons with disabilities, technologists and ministry of education representatives together to develop the guidelines needed to produce textbooks in accessible digital formats. They jointly set standards for features like narration, sign language, interactivity and the audio description of images.


UNICEF is currently piloting the Accessible Digital Textbooks for All Initiative in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Uruguay throughout 2019, 2020 and into 2021. The goal of the pilots is to test and validate the process of creating quality accessible digital textbooks with the ministries of education and different stakeholders using curriculum-based content, and to measure the learning outcomes for children with and without disabilities using them.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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These resources have been collected to support the provision of education in places affected by COVID-19.


Collections provided are: key educational resources; advocacy; child friendly resources; child protection; coordination; country response plans; distance learning; early childhood education; gender; guidance for schools; guidance for teachers; guidance for parents and caregivers; health nutrition and WASH; inclusion; mental health and psychosocial support; recovery.

Inclusion in education


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This section of the UNESCO's education website hosts definitions of concepts, policies and publications relating to inclusive education. UNESCO has identified certain issues as 'flagship initiatives', to strengthen efforts at addressing the issues through partnerships between UN bodies and other stakeholders. Case studies, support materials for teachers and those promoting inclusive education, and a set of guides to the education of different groups of learners are also available in the online materials section

Include Repository of Accessible Digital Tools

European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)

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The Include Repository is a platform of existing and freely available digital tools that can support inclusive and accessible education for all learners in remote settings. This repository includes resources for the creation and presentation of accessible digital content. Alongside providing accessibility solutions for specific user needs and disabilities, it also aims to provide tools for use in high and low-resource environments.


This platform aims to provide a single catalogue of tools and resources, in one location, for teaching professionals and students to make their content more accessible or more easily access teaching materials. With the tools on this platform users can:

  • Produce content in more accessible formats.
  • Better meet the special education needs of learners.
  • Be empowered to access learning materials more independently


This platform has been developed by EASPD and the Inclusive University Digital Education (InclUDE) project

