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Librarians and the use of information communication technologies in the provision of HIV/AIDS information in developing countries


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This insightful and well-researched paper presents examples of good practice in managing information in and among HIV and AIDS organisations. It focuses on the work of SAfAIDS in Zimbabwe to present innovative ways of working with information. With reference to technologies from radio to the Internet, information workers such as librarians can advance networking and information exchange in the sector

Health Canada unveils new health threat alert system

January 2005

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This brief article reports on a new global system to detect public health and bioterrorism threats, developed in Canada. The system will be used to track high-profile threats, as well as lesser problems such as contamination to food and water sources, natural disasters, and unsafe medical products, drugs and medical devices. WHO is a key recipient of the alerts, and is using the information to develop plans of action to control outbreaks

BolinOS : open source content management system

BARONE, Marcello

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BolinOS is a stable, easy-to-use Content Management System software package distributed as "open source" software. BolinOS provides a virtual desktop which helps the users to operate the software intuitively and makes building and management of contents easy. This website contains demonstrations which allow you to try BolinOS without installation, a list of websites created with BolinOS, documentation and the download link. BolinOS requires Apache, PHP and MySQL to operate

Making the difference : information and communication technologies as key enablers for equitable and sustainable development


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This booklet provides an analysis of the role of ICT in development and poverty alleviation strategies. Information and communication technologies support participation of non-state actors, promote good governance, transparency and efficiency and allow knowledge sharing and aid effectiveness through harmonization of aid projects

Access to health information


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This Key list highlights essential information resources on access to health information. Resources have been selected and reviewed by experts in the field. Any study of access in ICT and health should include a background analysis on digital divide issues generally; then a specific focus on access to health information delivered via ICT -- for health practitioners, researchers and for the public. ICTs present a significant tool for sharing information within various constituencies in the health sector. They also present the opportunity for health professionals in developing countries to access a wide range of medical journals online. Delivery of medical assistance via ICTs make access by the public a key issue

World disasters report 2005 : focus on information in disasters [summary]


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This report considers the quality of communication between aid givers and receivers, and what impact this has on vulnerable people. The report examines how information is handled before, during and after disasters. It analyses thematic issues such as consulting with affected people, assessing needs, mapping risks and sharing information. It looks at the role of both local and international media, and the impact of information and communication technology on humanitarian relief. The report calls on agencies to focus less on gathering information for their own needs and more on exchanging information with the people they seek to support

Piloting paperless data entry for clinical research in Africa

et al

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The study compared the accuracy of data entry using the current standard practice (a paper-based case report form with double data entry) with that using a personal digital assistant (PDA) in a clinical study in rural Gabon. The paperless systems functioned smoothly and no data were lost. The clinicians involved in this study preferred the handheld computers, and their use will be considered in future studies in an African clinical research network

An electronic medical record system for ambulatory care of HIV-infected patients in Kenya

et al

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The faculty at Moi University in Kenya and Indiana University in the USA opened adult and pediatric HIV clinics in a national referral hospital, a district hospital, and six rural health centers in western Kenya using a newly developed electronic medical record system (EMR) to support comprehensive outpatient HIV/AIDS care. The EMR contains more than 30,000 visit records for more than 4,000 patients, almost half taking antiretroviral drugs. This article describes the development and structure of this EMR and plans for future development that include wireless connections, tablet computers, and migration to a Web-based platform

Telemedicine and knowledge between medical and development discourses

MISCIONE, Gianluca

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This paper explores the implication of health care development through ICT on local norms of participation, and local accountabilities. Drawing on an example from the Amazon, the author notes the interplay between a telemedicine system and local knowledge. He suggests that ICT is an 'accountable structure' for a model of development based on linear transmition of knowledge rather than dialogue and participation

Gender and ICTs for development : a global sourcebook

VALK, Minke

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This book aims to document and analyse emerging experiences in the field of gender, ICT and develoment, and addresses policy, programmatic and theoretical issues and debates. Case studies explore the use of satellites, mobile telephones, wireless networks and applications such as Internet, email, distance learning, teleworking, digital radio and video. Some conclusions from the case studies are that: ICTs are not gender-neutral, because women seek to use them to break out of systematic discrimmination, and even gender violence; women use ICTs transform low-tech projects into more strategic initiatives that address gender inequities; links to policy and control of communication networks, of both new and conventional media are evident. The editors argue that there is a need to go beyond simply "women and technology" to focus on gender relations in communication and learning

Greenstone digital library software

New Zealand Digital Library Project
University of Waikato

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This website supports open source software for building and distributing digital library collections. Its user interface is available in more than 30 languages and its librarian interface in; English, French, Spanish and Russian. Manuals and self-study tutorials are also available

NFE-MIS handbook : developing a sub-national non-formal education management information system


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This manual provides "an easy-to-use methodology for setting up a Non-Formal Education Management Information System (NFE-MIS). This includes a conceptual framework for NFE, prototype data collection tools, and guidelines for the development of NFE indicators as well as for data analysis. The methodology presented in this Handbook uses a practical, step-by-step approach...At the national level, the NFE-MIS aims at providing policy-makers and planners with reliable, relevant and timely data to allow for informed decision making, better planning and delivery of NFE as well as for monitoring and evaluation of the development of NFE"

Do unlikely partners contribute to an informed society? [whole issue]

MCBEAN, Bridget
December 2004

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This brief resource highlights the link between development and innovation, and knowledge and information accessibility. The process of creating an informed society depends not only on the availability of information technology and infrastructures, but also and primarily on people, as the creators and users of knowledge. The paper calls for improvements in the e-readiness of developing countries, higher literacy levels and better protection of the right to information

Comunicaciones para salud en países en desarrollo : ¿lujo o necesidad?

MARTÍNEZ Fernández, Andreés
November 2004

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Presents the preliminary results of the project Hispano-American Connection of Health Program - EHAS- Alto Amazonas, that investigates how the new information and communication technologies can help improve the processes of primary health care and to have a positive impact in the health of the people

Health information technology in primary health care in developing countries : a literature review

November 2004

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This study explores the debate and initiatives concerning the use of information technology (IT) in primary health care in developing countries. The literature from 1992-2002 was identified from searches of the MEDLINE, Latin American and Caribbean Health Science Literature Database (LILACS), Cochrane Library and Web of Science databases. For the analysis of advantages, problems and perspectives of IT applications and systems, 52 articles were selected according to their potential contribution to the primary health care processes in non-developed countries. countries. These included: 10 on electronic patient registries (EPR), 22 on process and programmatic action evaluation and management systems (PPAEM) and 20 on clinical decision-support systems (CDS). The main advantages, limitations and perspectives are discussed

Séminaire national d'information et d'échange sur l'utilisation des NTIC dans le domaine de la santé

DIAKITE, Filifing
September 2004

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An article giving a survey of a seminar organised by the network ToguNet (ICTs stakeholders' network in Mali) with support from the International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD). Attending this national meeting were those in charge of the administration of health, the private sector, health community centres and ToguNet members.Various presentations were given on the use of ICT in the health sector in Mali

Mobile phones keep track of HIV treatments

KHAN, Taman
September 2004

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Thi article reports on the Cell-Life project, which has developed a software and data management systems to allow health workers use their mobile phones to monitor patients' treatment. The data is transferred to a central database, which clinic staff can access over a secure Internet connection. In a successful pilot project 80 HIV counsellours where trained, and through the use of their mobiles are now able to keept track of nearly 800 patients

The role of information and communication technologies in the development of African women | Le rôle des technologies de l'Information et de la communication dans le développment des femmes africaines

RADLOFF, Jennifer
PRIMO, Natasha
August 2004

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This paper presents the findings of a study commissioned by the Association for Progessive Communications on the role of ICTs in empowering women in Africa. It provides examples of good practice and includes recommendations to civil society organisations on how to create an enabling environment for women to access and use ICTs for development. The crucial link between understanding the gender dimensions of the information society - in terms of what women's needs are and a thorough understanding of conditions of access, policies - and the potential ICTs have of boosting the economic, political and social empowerment of women, and the promotion of gender equality is explored. An extensive resource list and examples of successful initiatives form the field are included in appendices

The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in African public library services

July 2004

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This article concerns the use of computers in public libraries in developing countries. To investigate the current level of use of ICTs and plans for the future within the public library environment, a survey was undertaken of 22 public library services in ten English-speaking African countries. The results indicate great disparities in the level of access to computers between the countries, and within country, and indicate a need for more funding and appropriate training

