Resources search


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The i4d website aims to reflect the role and relevance of ICT in various development sectors such as rural development, gender, governance, micro-finance, education, health, wireless communication, local content, culture and heritage, and more. It hosts a range of up-to-date and interactive features that supplement the news and features content of their printed magazine 'i4d', and also allows for user interaction via discussion forums, regular e-newsletters, letters to the editor, and other online activities

ICTD within the framework of the MDGs

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This webpage features a brief article exploring the connections between ICTs and development., particularly with regard to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Links to several useful reports on ICTs and the MDGs are also provided

CIDA's strategy on knowledge for development through information and communication technologies


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A report on the Canadian International Development Agency's strategy on Knowledge for Development through ICTs. The strategy is intended to ensure that local ownership is achieved through consultative processes involving government, civil society, and other groups within developing countries to decide how ICTs can best serve their country's economic and social development

Tecnologías de la información aplicadas a salud en zonas rurales de América Latina


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The objectives of the programme 'Enlace Hispano-Americano de Salud' are oriented to offer low-cost possibilities of communication and services of access to information for health personnel in the countryside of Latin America where conventional telephony is not widespread. The services are based on the exchange of information between colleagues, specialist consults and access to specialized documentation through facilitators. The technologies allow access to the Internet through radio systems and are based on the use of electronic mail

Telehealth North Network

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This website describes the telehealth network for an extensive region in the north of Canada - a less-developed region of an industrialised country. The site has considerable information about telehealth programmes and other related projects and also provides multimedia clips from some of the featured enterprises

Information society : emergent technologies and development communities in the South

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This website contains Information Society Research Group/ DFID research project reports on ICT and telecommunications use in Ghana, South Africa, Jamaica and India. These reports analyse ICT usage and impact on development opportunities in urban and rural sites. The reports discuss the impact of ICTs on health and welfare, civil society, education, gender equity and livelihood/economy in these environments

Information technology [chapter 16] | Reaching out


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This chapter outlines WHO's internal strategy for improved knowledge management in the Asian region in response to the SARS and Avian Influenza emergencies; with ICT aiding staff to work together to share knowledge, experience, systems and infrastructure. In the countries where WHO has offices, the information and communications technology (ICT) environments vary considerably, which can make it difficult to ensure all WHO staff have the same level of access to the information and services they need. Focuses on health mapping using GIS technology, and health information systems in China

Open Source Initiative OSI


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Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-profit organisation that promotes open source software. Even if source code of software is disclosed, it is not considered open source unless the software is provided with a software license which fulfils the Open Source Definition established by OSI. This website contains the Open Source Definition, list of OSI approved licenses, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on open source software, and other information on OSI

Free Software Foundation


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Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a non-profit organisation established to promote free software and its movement, especially GNU Project, which is a major provider of quality free software. This webpage provides useful information on free software, such as the Free Software Directory and a list of hardware that is free software compliant. FSF Project stresses the difference between free software and open source software in philosophy as well as in practice, and the relevant essays are available in the ‘essays’ section

Debian : the universal operating system


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Debian is one of the most widely used Linux distributions, known for its fidelity to free software philosophy. Debian provides a powerful package management system called APT (Advanced Packaging Tool), which makes installation, upgrade and uninstallation of software packages very simple. The distribution can be downloaded from links found in the Debian website

The content management comparison tool


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Because there is a wide selection of Content Management System (CMS) software packages available, it is difficult to research and determine which one is the most suitable for your needs. This website allows the potential CMS users to choose and compare the specifications and features of different CMS



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Mambo is one of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) that is distributed as "open source" software. This website provides basic information on Mambo, demonstrations that allow you to test Mambo without installation, installation requirements and the download links. Although Mambo was designed to work in English only, the site offers packages that enable Mambo to handle other languages. Mambo requires Apache, PHP and MySQL to operate

Open PHP Nuke : progressive content management


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Open PHP Nuke is a Content Management System software package distributed as "open source" software. Open PHP Nuke supports easy operation like drag & drop, and supports UTF-8 and multilingual contents by default. The website provides answers to frequently asked questions, tutorials, forums and the download links. Open PHP Nuke requires Apache, PHP and MySQL or other DBMS to operate

MySQL database products


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MySQL is one of the most popular open source Database Management Systems (DBMS). DBMS enables efficient management of a large amount data, and some application software (such as some CMS) utilises the ability to manage the data. Although it requires some special knowledge, you can create your own database using DBMS. The website provides download links and detailed documentation which includes instruction on installation and operation

OpenOffice : free office suite

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Expand view is a software package that is similar to and highly compatible with Microsoft Office. It is distributed as "open source" software, and is available for various platforms, including Microsoft Windows and Linux. includes Writer (word processor), Calc (spreadsheet), Impress (presentation programme), Draw (graphic editor), Base (relational database programme) and other tools. The software, as well as installation and operation manual, can be downloaded from the website

LASA Knowledgebase : open source software


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This website offers understandable information on software licenses and the usefulness of open source software in practice. The articles help readers to consider the benefits, potential risks and difficulties of using open source software. Operating systems (Linux distributions) and OpenOffice (office suite compatible with Microsoft Office) are included in the discussion

UNDP-APDIP international open source network


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IOSN is a Centre of Excellence for Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in the Asia-Pacific Region, established to facilitate and network FOSS advocates in the region. The website provides useful information on FOSS, especially for governments and education institutions. The contents include an introduction to FOSS, developing-country specific issues and FOSS for education, government or network infrastructure. Training materials, other useful resources and links are also available at the website

Learning resource center (LRC) toolkit


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This comprehensive toolkit contains practical information and training materials on the technical aspects of running a resource centre. There are sections on databases, the Internet, marketing, writing grant proposals, searching for health information, computer software, and many more

The world starts with me!

World Population Foundation (WPF)
Butterfly Works

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This is an online curriculum in sexual health and rights education, HIV and AIDS prevention, life and creative skills, for young East Africans. The programme is aimed at 12-19 year olds, both school going young people and early school leavers. It combines IT skills building and creative expression. It aims to contribute not only to the improvement of the sexual and reproductive health of young people, but also to their social and economic development

