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The first mile of connectivity : advancing telecommunications for rural development through a participatory communication approach

PAISLEY, Lynnita

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Begins with the need to work at the 'first mile' of connectivity - essentially the prevailing conditions for rural communities - when discussing the value of new information communication technologies. Emphasises people and the communication process, and the various factors of community dynamics and context that frame any communicaiton initiatives, not the technology . Chapters cover a range of examples of participatory communication methods, such as Participatory Rural Communicaiton Appriasal, and the training of 'community animators'. Looks at examples of rural telephony and radio, telecentres, video and the Internet, and also discusses some issues connected to telecommunications infrastructure and regulation, such as rural networking co-operatives and parterships with the private sector

Health communication on the Internet : an effective channel for health behavior change?


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This article presents a theoretical rationale for using the Internet to conduct persuasive public health interventions. Through an examination of the conceptual bases of persuasion, it is posited that the World Wide Web and other Internet-based resources have many of the characteristics necessary for persuasive communication and may, in fact, constitute a hybrid channel that combines the positive attributes of interpersonal and mass communication. The notion that the Internet features many of the persuasive qualities of interpersonal communication makes it a prime candidate for the application of key behavioural science theories and principles to promote healthier behaviours. The broad reach that the Internet shares with many mass communication channels indicates an economy to Internet-based efforts to communicate with large audiences. It is concluded that if the Internet can be used for persuasive health communication and its reach continues to expand, it is time for public health professionals to explore the design and evaluation of Internet-based interventions directed at health behaviour change

The use of information and communication technologies in IDRC projects : lessons learned

GRAHAM, Michael
April 1997

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This study was designed to test some of Acacia's assumptions about the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in development by extracting lessons from previous project experiences. The overall objective was to provide input that would help shape the design and implementation of the Acacia programme initiative by answering questions about policies, organisations and interactions, resources, barriers, innovative solutions, empowerment, community involvement, and jobs and economic activity

Bridge builders : African experiences with information and communication technology

Office of International Affairs

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This volume tells sixteen first-person accounts of how information and communication technologies (ICT) have been successfully introduced into institutions for the benefit of scientists and engineers in sub-Saharan Africa. The authors provide case studies that focus on the lessons learned in designing and implementing projects dealing with scientific and technological information (STI) and that examine the impacts these projects have had. The projects demonstrate just how much can be accomplished through leadership, dedication, and determination

Measuring the impact of information on development

MENOU, Michel J

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This report documents an initiative that, through its methods and focus, aimed to provide a realistic starting point to understanding the impact of information on development. It consisted of a electronic conference, followed by a workshop through which ideas about information and evaluation were shared and built upon. The report weaves together the input of dozens of information users and providers, policymakers, information scientists, and others from the South and the North, and presents a preliminary assessment framework as a starting point to future work in this area

LASA Knowledgebase


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A free online guide to information technology (IT) for the voluntary sector. Includes guideance on: buying IT equipment, including the latest recommendation for a computer specification; developing databases, using the Internet; and managing IT systems

LEAP : the learning and evaluation action program

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The Learning and Evaluation Action Program (LEAP) is an initiative to promote a coordinated and comprehensive approach to learning about the use of knowledge and ICTs in international development. It hosts an e-mail discussion list called LEAP-Impact, a community of practice open to all individuals and organisations interested in the evaluation of information services, projects and products. The website includes posted messages, documents and links to further resources on knowledge management, learning and evaluation for development toolkit

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This website links to online guides and resources on subjects such as getting free or low cost computers, hosting websites for free, assessing your community's readiness for ICT and training documents to improve ICT skills

Plan nacional de telesalud


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The plan was designed to contribute to the decentralization and integration of the system of health of Perú and to universalize of the services of health with quality, efficiency and fairness for high-priority benefit of the populations excluded and dispersed through the incorporation of information and communication technologies

Global (Sexwise) : blended technologies offer sexuality education

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In some countries, even the most basic information concerning people's sexual well-being is rarely discussed or disseminated. Through Sexwise, the BBC World Service (BBC) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) have been working together in different regions of the world to speak to people in their own languages about sexual health and reproductive rights. This very brief report provides programme results and details of the ICTs used

Challenges and concerns

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This article follows on from several case studies presented on the Reproductive Health Outlook website. It draws together key issues based on a review of recent literature and project experiences. The main themes are around the significant financial, political, cultural and technological obstacles that affect the establishment of sustainable programmes, especially for computer-based ICTs. These obstacles have been identified as lack of affordability, lack of human capacity, lack of awareness of the benefits of ICT, lack of ability to use ICT proficiently, and lack of content suitable for local residents. ICTs that rely on access to the Internet need good-quality access to be truly useful

