Information and communication technologies in Africa
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[From foreward:] This literature review and annotated bibliography explore the evidence for the potential of ICTs (information and communication technologies) to assist in Africa's development, and the extent to which ICTs are changing the 'shape' of Africa. The review begins by introducing ICTs and the information economy in the African context. The literature selected for the bibliography is then reviewed thematically under a number of headings: Overview of ICTs in Africa; Information infrastructure; Information economy; Information management; Socio-cultural and political issues; Education and training; and Gender. The review reveals that, despite many constraints, the use of ICTs is growing in Africa and there have been successful developments in infrastructure, information management, networking and gender-related issues. However, the literature has also revealed considerable variation between different African countries in their adoption and use of these technologies. The literature reviewed relates primarily to anglophone Africa and generally excludes telecommunications issues, as these are already well documented in other publications. In essence it is hoped that this publication will act as a window of opportunity for more nationally and locally focused empirical research and will make a contribution to understanding the research opportunities and challenges that still face most African countries