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Fighting the insidious killer : African teenagers battle HIV/AIDS through ICT|Combattre le tueur insidieux de jeunes adolescents africains se battent contre le VIH/SIDA par les TIC

BLOOME, Anthony

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Information and communication technologies complement other informtion campaigns designed to reach young people. The technologies that can link educators and activists - such as e-mail, CD-ROMs, discussion lists and the world wide web also have the potential to reach young people who use technology for fun, for learning and for communication, so long as they have access to these resources

Ethics and the Internet in west Africa : toward an ethical model of integration|Les enjeux éthiques d’Internet en Afrique de l’Ouest : vers un modèle éthique d’intégration

BRUNET, Patrick

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This book focuses on ethical questions related to the use of the Internet in west Africa. It examines the manner in which the spread of the Internet in Africa raises serious ethical issues; issues that should be identified to ensure that, in the future, the adaptation and integration of Internet technology will be compatible with the development of Africa's nations. The book is based on field suveys in five west African countries, two anglophone and three francophone. For each country, a portrait of Internet users' ethical behaviours was created. The book demonstrates how the Internet, by virtue of its content and how the technology is uses, is creating upheaval in the practices and modes of communication within African communities. The book culminates with a proposed ethical model for the assimilation of the Internet that could serve as a reference for development policies in each of the respective countries and, more broadly, throughout Africa

Use of remote sensing and a geographical information system in a national helminth control programme in Chad

et al

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The study designed and implemented a rapid and valid epidemiological assessment of helminths among schoolchildren in Chad using ecological zones defined by remote sensing satellite sensor data and to investigate the environmental limits of helminth distribution. The conclusion is that GIS and remote sensing can play an important part in the rapid planning of helminth control programmes where little information on disease burden is available.

The application of GIS technology to equitably distribute fieldworker workload in a large, rural South African health survey


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An accessibility model within a geographical information system (GIS) is used to predict average inter-homestead walking times and subdivide the study area into units of equal completion time. The method could be used to ergonomically design home-based care and tuberculosis directly observed treatment programmes and inform the siting of health facilities. The paper highlights the use of GIS technology as a powerful tool in developing countries

ICT opportunities and challenges for development in the Arab world

NOUR, Samia Satti OM

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This paper examines the status of ICT in the Arab world and the potential opportunities and challenges for this region. There is limited growth within the region with higher GNP countries having the most penetration. While ICT has the potential to increase development, it also may introduce competitive challenges, inequality in the region and the loss of unskilled jobs

Male, female or disabled : barriers to expression of sexuality


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"This research is based in social model of disability and emancipatory research paradigm, and it explores barriers to the expression of sexuality in a small group of disabled persons in Italy. It has been carried out exclusively through Emails, Newsgroups and Internet, and it also explores the role of internet-based information technologies in participatory and emancipatory research"

Information and communication technologies and health in low income countries : the potential and the constraints

October 2001

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The paper outlines the potential offered by technological progress in the information and communication technologies (ICTs) industries for the health sector in developing countries, presents some examples of positive experiences in India, and considers the difficulties in achieving this potential. It focuses on applications of technology in continuing education to health personnel, health and disaster service delivery, and governance. The authors highlight the substantial cost involved in providing wider access, the problem of resource allocation in poor countries and the need for training

Digital opportunities for all : meeting the challenge

May 2001

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This report examines in depth how ICT can be utilized to bridge the digital gap. It analyzes the causes of the gap, potential for bridging the divide, and a mix of strategies, policies and actions to take advantage of the digital opportunities, charting the roles of various players. The report is based on a mix of plenary meetings, informal consultations, meetings with stakeholders, and electronic outreach. It concludes that, when wisely applied, ICT oportunities can narrow the social and economic inequities and impact on development

Discovering the 'magic box' : local appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICTs)

MICHIELS, Sabine Isabel

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This paper discusses the lack of empirical evidence or analyses of local information and communication technology (ICT) applications, and their impact on people's social and economic lives. While there is a lot of information about the potential benefits of using ICT to alleviate poverty and promote equity, the lack of monitoring and evaluation in this area means that guidelines for the effective deployment of ICT, and its appropriation at the local level, have not evolved

Information communication technologies, poverty and empowerment

SKUSE, Andrew

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Provides a framework for pro-poor ICT based initiatives, in the context of globalisation and the rights to information and freedom of expression. Discusses 'old' versus new and emerging ICTs, concluding that the lure of technological and infrastructural solutions has tended to divert attention away from ICTs that poor people actually use - but that the convergence of old and new ICT presents opportunities. Suggests that donors should support the private sector and governments in developing pro-poor strategies. Advocates careful strategic planning and judicious use of appropriate media in every communications initiative

Can ICTs help the urban poor access information and knowledge to support their livelihoods?


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This paper is based on a research project undertaken by ITDG and funded by DFID in to the knowledge and information systems of the urban poor. Using an action research approach, the research team found that the urban poor do require knowledge and information to improve their livelihoods, but there are gaps in what is offered; that social networks are the biggest information source, followed by key informants; that a wide range of 'infomediaries' supplies information, but again their are gaps; and that although there are a number of cases of strengthening the knowledge and information systems of the urban poor, ICTs are not yet playing a major role here

Information and communication technologies and disability in developing countries : a technical note

WIMAN, Ronald

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This study highlights the role information and communication technologies (ICT) can play in the fight against poverty of disabled people in developing countries. The study addresses the possibilities and barriers ICT can cause for disabled people. It shows the role ICT can play in the provision of services and information for disabled people in the context of middle and low income countries

Information and communication technologies and small enterprise in Africa : lessons from Botswana


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The project reported here investigates what role new information and communication technologies (ICTs) may play in small enterprise development in Africa. Drawing on field research in Botswana, the project analyses the information and communication needs of these enterprises and assesses opportunities for ICT application. The authors note that holistic and integrated approaches are necessary for the successful utilisation of ICTs for small businesses in Africa

Enhancing communications and connectivity in Africa : the multilateral initiative on malaria (MIM) model | Medinfo 2001: Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Medical Informatics


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The article describes the MIM project. The US National Library of Medicine, working in concert with the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM), has developed and implemented a unique organisational and technical strategy to connect malaria research sites to the Internet for purposes of facilitating North-South scientific communications and access to electronic information resources on the Web. The model employs microwave and VSAT technologies, and shares bandwidth and costs among participating malaria research sites and their respective research funders in Mali, Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania and other sub-Saharan locations affiliated with MIM

Information and communication technology : poverty and development in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia


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This lengthy report examines the patterns of utilization, ownership and affordability of ICT in these two regions. It also discusses the application of ICT to the poor by the private sector, government and NGOs. The paper notes the significant gap between industrialized countries and these two regions and two internal gaps - between the richest and poorest and between the urban and rural areas. It also notes several principles for ICT use to alleviate poverty.

Report on communication strategies and information technology


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From the introduction: "This summary reflects the discussions at the Mexico Peer Learning meeting. It is not intended as a definitive text on communication strategies and the use of information technology by associations of grantmakers and support organizations supporting philanthropy. However it does provide very helpful substantive and procedural guidelines for developing an effective communications strategy to promote philanthropy. It does provide an overview of the field of knowledge management and a review of the options available for the optimum use of information technology."

