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IAC CI-AF newsletter

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Up-to-date information on progress made in the campaign against harmful traditional practices at regional, national and international levels. Includes reports from Africa, information on international meetings and measures taken at the UN and country levels for the eradication of female genital mutilation
Once a year

HIV update

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A round-up of the latest HIV news, for people living with HIV in the UK and beyond.

Oasis|the WaterAid journal

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Articles focus on WaterAid-funded projects in Africa and South Asia, concentrating on the provision of safe water supplies, effective sanitation and hygiene promotion
Twice a year

AIDS treatment news (ATN)

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Reports on experimental and standard treatments for HIV/AIDS and related conditions. Includes interviews with doctors, scientists, other health professionals, and people with with HIV and AIDS. Also contains reports on conferences and meetings

Africa renewal [formerly: Africa recovery]

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Covers a variety of development related issues in Africa, with a specific country focus for each issue. Issues relating to debt, the environmental, political and economic aspects, are included, as well as latest developments in diseases and disease control
Four times a year
Free online

Leprosy review

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Aims to contribute towards the better understanding of leprosy and its control. Contains original papers on all aspects of leprosy, including research
45.00 GBP
Some free copies available on request to organisations unable to pay
Free online

Malaria matters|featuring Netting news

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Provides access to operational research, technical advances and lessons learned about malaria and insecticide treated bednets. Each issue contains a feature article on current research, events or concerns, summaries of projects, products, meetings and reviews of recent articles, books or newsletters. Contributions and suggestions from all readers are welcome
Produced irregularly

Field exchange

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Contains short articles written by field personnel working in the food and nutrition sector of emergency response, including operational aspects of feeding programme design and implementaiton, including the role of management and structural factors; policy issues related to feeding programme design. Listings of conferences, meetings, courses and training workshops
Three times a year
Free online
Print: free to individuals

Participatory learning and action [formerly: PLA notes]

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PLA is primarily aimed at sustainable development practitioners, researchers, students and activists. The majority of our readers come from the global South.

The journal's articles include reports on fieldwork and practical workshops around the globe. The popular "tips for trainers" section features suggestions and resources for practitioners.

Although regular publication of the journal ceased in 2013, user feedback and an external review have shown that the content continues to form a useful resource for all those engaged in participatory work. We have made the full archive available online, so that development workers, researchers and community workers can continue to access all of the material.

African journal of reproductive health

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A multi-disciplinary international journal that publishes original research, comprehensive review articles, short reports, and commentaries on reproductive health in Africa. The journal strives to provide a forum for African authors, as well as others working in Africa, to share findings on all aspects of reproductive health, and to disseminate innovative, relevant, and useful information on reproductive health throughout the continent. Peer-reviewed
Three or four times a year

Global immunization news (GIN) (formerly: Immunization focus)

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Aims to update health and immunization decision-makers on the latest issues and debates in vaccine development and delivery, focusing on policy and research of interest to developing countries. The articles are largely analytic, in-depth features and status updates on topical issues

The lancet

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Contents lists, summaries of all articles and some articles in full are available free online. There is a free email alert service
Print and online: 153.00 GBP
Online: 128.00 GBP

The Weekly Epidemiological Record

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The Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER) serves as an essential instrument for the rapid and accurate dissemination of epidemiological information on cases and outbreaks of diseases under the International Health Regulations and on other communicable diseases of public health importance, including emerging or re-emerging infections.

