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Prevention of mental handicaps in children in primary health care

Shah, P M

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Some 5-15 percent of children aged 3 to 15 years in both developing and developed countries suffer from mental handicaps... the primary health care approach involving families and communities and instilling the spirit of self-care and self-help is indispensable. Mothers and other family members, traditional births attendents, community health workers, as well as nurse midwives and physicians should be involved in prevention and intervention acitivites, for which they should be trained and given knowledge and skills about appropriate technologies such as the risk approach, home-based maternal record, partograph, mobilogram (kick count), home-risk card, icterometer, and mouth-to- mask or bag and mask resuscitation of the newborn...

Having a daughter with a disability : is it different for girls?

et al
October 1990

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This article provides advice to parents on how to support their daughters with disabilities to become independent and successful, and explores the difficulties that parents may encounter in finding the right balance between too much and too little protection of their daughters with disabilities. The authors discuss the differences in education for boys and girls, and the gender role expectations by society that young women with disabilities may encounter. Although the article was written for mainly a North American audience, it highlights many issues that may be of interest to anyone working with girls and young women with disabilities or with an interest in gender and disability issues
NICHCY News Digest, No. 14

Training in the community for people with disabilities

et al

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This set of 33 manuals is a key training resource for CBR trainers and workers trying to improve the quality of life of disabled people living in developing countries. The manuals present the WHO model of CBR, comprised of a system of 'local supervisors' and a 'community rehabilitation committee'. The manuals address disabled people, school-teachers and families. They cover rehabilitation activities for all types of impairment, as well as training on cross-impairment issues such as breastfeeding, play, schooling, social integration and job placement

Better lives for disabled women


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This book has brief explanations on relationships, sexuality and self-image, marriage, pregnancy and motherhood. The writer suggests practical solutions to sexual experiences and provides names and addresses for some organisations which may give additional help relating to disability and sexual experiences

Enabling education network (EENET)


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This extensive website focusing on inclusive education is regularly updated, primarily with publications written by people working and living in the South. The website’s resources database covers a wide range of themes including: action research and image-based methodologies, early childhood, emergencies, deafness, gender, parents, policy, teacher education, among others. The website also contains EENET’s newsletters, plus event and job vacancy announcements.
The website is also available from EENET as a CD-ROM

HIV and infant feeding


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This section of WABA's website provides resources and information on key issues such as what interventions should be put in place to prevent transmission of HIV through breastfeeding, while also protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding for the majority of children who benefit from it. It also tries to address the question of how to decide which children would be at greater risk from being breastfed. An additional difficulty is the need to encourage HIV-positive mothers to choose either exclusive replacement feeding or exclusive breastfeeding, since neither is common in low-income populations

Independent Living Institute Virtual Library


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A virtual library containing references and access to full text documents from around the world on independent living and related themes: for example women with disabilities, international access solutions and disability and development. Materials cited include reports, resource kits, training manuals, conference papers and journal articles. The database can be searched by author, by selecting a topic from a list of categories such as international development, human rights or UN documents, or by performing a free search. Search results are ranked to indicate best match to search query. There is also a database of organisations and companies working in the disability field

ADAPT - Knowledge Management Centre


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The Knowledge Management Centre, an ADAPT Oracle Project, was conceptualized by Dr. Mithu Alur with Mr. K. Harish. Its purpose was to use the knowledge gleaned over forty years and the experiences gained through the up scaling of the first model she set up, to create digitalization of content which is easy to understand, accessible and interactive

Getting ready

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This is the website of the School Readiness Indicators Initiative. This is a US multi-state initiative that uses child well-being indicators to build a change agenda in states and local communities in order to improve school readiness and ensure early school success. The initiative objectives are: to create a set of measurable indicators related to and defining school readiness that can be tracked regularly over time at the state an local levels; to have states and local governments adopt this indicators-based definition of school readiness, fill in gaps in data availability, track data over time and report findings to their citizens; to stimulate policy, programme and other actions to improve the ability of all children to read at grade level by the end of the third grade. This resource contains key news, updates and critical information materials. Although the focus is on the US, research on indicators and lessons learned can be adapted for other contexts

