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Children and violence [whole issue]


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This resource examines..."violence by and to children, using the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as its framework. The focus is on interpersonal violence, both intrafamilial and extrafamilial. Sexual abuse and exploitation are included because, although they do not necessarily involve violence or coercion, the vast majority of evidence indicates their generally harmful physical and psychological effects. Children’s involvement in armed conflict is also discussed, as are the prevalence of violence involving children and the reasons why children become violent"

Nutrition surveillance in the Sudan : a community-based approach

ALAWIA EL AMIN, Mohammed Ahmed
IGABLA, A Mageed Ahmed

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In 1992, a pilot project for collecting information on the socio-economic and nutritional status of children and their mothers as part of the early warning system was implemented in two villages in Kassala Province, Sudan. The objectives were to test the feasibility of local participation in socio-economic and nutritional data collection, analysis and utilisation; to incorporate socio-economic data into the food and nutrition information system, and examine its usefulness in early warning. The pilot project also included the introduction of new parameters such as adult anthropometry, i.e. body mass index of the mothers of the children seen, to monitor the nutritional status of both children and their mothers at the same time. This led to very interesting results which played a major role in determining the type of intervention needed

