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Disabled village children : a guide for community health workers, rehabilitation workers, and families


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This well-known manual contains a wealth of information that is crucial for therapists, professionals and community groups. It deals comprehensively with all common childhood disabilities including polio, cerebral palsy, juvenile arthritis, blindness and deafness. It provides clear, detailed information and easy-to-implement ideas for rehabilitation at the village level, the development of skills, making low-cost aids and the prevention of disabilities

View of the Yeti : bringing up children in the spirit of self-awareness and kindredship


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Using the mythical creature of the Himalayas, the Yeti, as a symbol for the prejudices and assumptions that people prematurely make about each other, this book discusses bringing up children to accept and cherish diversity and helping them to thrive in an increasingly diverse world. The concept 'diversity' here includes language, gender, physical characteristics, social origin and religious beliefs. Directed to educators and caregivers of toddlers and preschoolers, the book takes insights from Dutch-, French-, and English-language literature and provides practical examples based on European issues and context

Manual : psycho-social support of orphans


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This manual is a tool for trainers to train concerned community members to assist distressed children, and to facilitate their interventions on the level of awareness, knowledge, skills and behaviour in relation to orphans. Its stated objective is to enhance the capacity of adults to listen and talk to orphans and children of terminally ill parents, and to understand their situation and their needs. In this way the community improves its capacity to cope with some of the consequences of AIDS. In the manual there are 16 modules that rely on participatory methods, each with detailed instructions for the facilitator and a handout for participants. The manual was produced by the Humuliza (Community Based Mental Health for Orphans) project team

Transition to school : looking forward


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This paper presents the findings of an Australian study to identify factors that influence children's transition to school. It looks at strategies for promoting children's adjustment to school, including the preparation of children for school, the involvement of parents in the transition, communication and collaboration between early childhood services and schools, and programme continuity

Women's reproductive rights in Nigeria : a shadow report

June 1998

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This report is intended to supplement the report of the government of Nigeria to the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). This report focuses particularly on reproductive rights, laws and policies related to reproductive rights, and the realities affecting women's reproductive rights in Nigeria. The report seeks to bring the human rights dimensions of health issues to the attention of bodies monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (Women's Convention). The report links various fundamental reproductive rights issues to the relevant provisions of the Women's Convention

Helping health workers learn : a book of methods, aids, and ideas for instructors at the village level


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This book on community health education provides a people-centered approach to health care and presents strategies for effective community involvement through participatory approaches. It discusses methods and experiences from at least 35 countries are discussed, focusing on the educational rather than medical. Activities suggested for the most effective and enjoyable community education include theatre, drawing, flannel boards, and other low-cost, popular teaching aids. It contains many illustrations, and is written in an accessible style

Inclusive ECCD : a fair start for all children

EVANS, Judith L

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"The basic thesis we will explore in this article is that quality ECCD programmes provide a model that can be used for the development of inclusive programmes for children of all ages. It is particularly important that these programmes be developed for children from birth onwards, as many of the biological and environmental conditions that result in children having special needs can be ameliorated through early attention. In our discussion on inclusive ECCD programmes, we offer a brief description of the history of attention to those who are differently-abled for the purposes of understanding how we have arrived at the concept of inclusion. Then we define principles of programming for inclusive ECCD programmes, and we identify some of the issues related to creating inclusive early childhood programmes, and, finally, we determine what we need to be working toward"
The Coordinators' Notebook, No 22

Lessons from the South : making a difference


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This is a report on an international seminar on Inclusive Education which brought together practitioners from Asia, Africa, Central America, the Middle East and Europe. The aim of the seminar was to share experience between programmes. The semiar discussed five main topics: policy; attitudes; school issues; practice; and monitoring and evaluation

