This briefing paper describes the humanitarian impact of the Israeli government's policy of closure and restriction in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Closure policies have undermined or even broken links to markets, services and jobs, leaving rural communities facing impoverishment and unemployment, lack of access to services, a weakened agricultural sector, and increased vulnerability to Israeli settler violence. The recommendations in this paper focus particularly on the social and economic impact of closure on those living in Palestinian villages across the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The most urgent of these call for an immediate end to the Government of Israel's policy of closure of Palestinian civilian areas
This report contains statistics on children orphaned by HIV/AIDS from 88 different countries, analysis of the trends found in these statistics and principles for helping children. This is the third report in a series (previous reports in 1997 and 2000) and is a collaboration between USAID, UNICEF and UNAIDS. Critical points addressed in the report are that HIV/AIDS has created an orphan crisis, but that orphans due to other causes also need attention. AIDS threatens chidren's lives, and communities with a high proportion of orphans requiring urgent assistance. The crisis is such that no one can act alone and therefore collaboration is the key
This guide sees children as partners in community development. It gives ideas to community planners, policy-makers and workers on how children can be involved actively within their communities
This literature review covers key issues relating to children aged 3-12 and HIV/AIDS, including discrimination, grief, children's rights, and knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS. The impact on the child, family and community is discussed in detail, particularly in terms of the psycho-social impact of bereavement and how this impacts on the child at different stages in its development. Various community programmes within southern Africa are highlighted, which support children to develop life skills. The influence, role and practice of the media in working with and reaching children is addressed, and case studies of South African media projects such as Soul Buddyz and Takalani Sesame are provided
This list of books, articles and reports covers five topics: Policies, rights and statistics; Community and family impacts; Community and family responses; Children and communication; HIV/AIDS communication. Entries are carefully selected and many include thorough abstracts. It supports a literature review (also available online). It is searchable online through the CADRE website
This is a key report that documents community responses and coping mechanisms towards the HIV/AIDS pandemic in relation to children affected by AIDS (CABA) and orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). Fostering families are under enormous strain and local initiatives at the community level have been little studied or documented, and few organisations have sought to encourage their development. The paper analyses some of these initiatives and encourages external agencies to support them through building the capacity of local responses rather than imposing external solutions
This report brings together experience from a wide range of countries. It identifies underlying principles, which inform practice across a wide range of contexts, and provides brief illustrations from a number of countries. It aims to help education administrators and decision-makers to move beyond the making of policy commitments towards the implementation of inclusive education
This country report is one of the main outcomes of an Inclusion Europe project which was conducted in partnership with 8 local organisations of people with intellectual disability. Each chapter in the report describes the legislation, government policy, statistical info, views of NGOs and reactions of persons with intellectual disability and their parents on the subjects. The report also looks at the situation surrounding : awareness of the general public, employment, treatment and residential institutions
This publication contains stories of family-based advocacy organisations which have helped to transform education systems in southern Africa, South Asia, Europe and Australia. Quotes from family and community members provide valuable insights into the activities, thoughts and feelings of parents involved in fighting for the inclusion of their disabled children. The guide is especially useful for family and community members who may feel isolated and want to form a support group or advocacy organisation, and also for teachers, teacher educators and policy-makers
This booklet summarises the more comprensive report by the same title, which brings together experience from a wide range of countries and attempts to summarise knowledge and experience in relation to the development of inclusive education systems
This short pictoral brochure was developed for and with the Interagency Working Group on Household and Community IMCI, to support advocacy and explain, in simple terms, what comprises community IMCI. The brochure reflects that basic essential health care and preventive measures necessary for child survival should be considered a right of all children, and that community interventions are needed if these rights are to be first appreciated, and then (through advocacy, demand and appropriate provider and community response) realised
This article focuses on a set of training materials that has been developed to assist community partnerships in their efforts to plan and monitor services for children. These materials highlight eight elements of continuity and successful partnerships: (1) families as partners, (2) shared leadership, (3) comprehensive/responsive services, (4) culture and home language, (5) communication, (6) knowledge and skill development, (7) appropriate care and education, and (8) evaluation of partnership success. Results from a field study that included more than 200 reviewers and eight pilot sites are summarized. Results indicate that a majority of reviewers found the training materials easy to understand, relevant to their work, and up-to-date. In addition, data gathered from the pilot sites indicate that the partnerships found the materials practical and useful for addressing a variety of issues, including time constraints, communication gaps, differences in professional training, and funding limitations
This study, conducted in Zimbabwe, sought to better understand the relationship between a microfinance programme, Zambuko Trust, and how microentrepreneurs’ households cope with the impact of HIV & AIDS
This paper discusses the measures of child welfare that are available and how appropriate they are to creating child-centric, sustainable and rights-based approaches the poverty reductions strategies
This literature review examines the impact of poverty on the quality of life in families of children with disabilities in the USA. The article examines the impact of poverty relating to the five dimensions of family, including health, productivity, physical environment, emotional well-being and family interaction. It provides suggestions for policy, research and practices. This article is useful for people interested in the impact of poverty on the quality of life in families of children with disabilities in the USA
Exceptional Children Journal, Vol 68, No 2
There is limited research into the sexual lives of mothers, particularly mothers with disabilities. This article examines the barriers to sexuality facing mothers with disabilities. These barriers include: stereotypes that disabled mothers are not sexual, lack of resources for essential aspects of parenting, and difficulty in creating time for personal and private adult activities. Recommendations are presented based on the experiences of disabled mothers.
"This is not a typical academic article. Although it provides references and research information, the perspective is different. It intends to share stories from a lifetime of participant observation on disabled adoptive parents. This article provides a radical reconceptualization of the sexuality experiences of disabled parents"
Sexuality and Disability, Vol 20, No 1
This is a brief introduction to the concept of school readiness with a focus on the US. It presents a framework for community involvement in supporting children's transition to school, based on an 'ecological' view of child development. A variety of factors relating to the child development are considered and explored, including the different roles played by the child's family, early childhood care and education, schools, neighborhood, and the wider society