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Celebration to "make the right real" : promotion of the United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities in Myanmar

DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE (DSW) Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement of Myanmar
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This report provides a summary of the first event on the rights of persons with disabilities in Myanmar. It was designed and prepared by the Government of Myanmar in collaboration with local persons with disabilities and international partners. The report presents the speeches and examples of media coverage
Celebration to "Make the Right Real": Promotion of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Myanmar
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
27 June 2012
Note: Contact the publisher for text format

Disabilities, human rights and international cooperation : human rights-based approach and lived experiences of Ugandan women with disabilities

KATSUI, Hisayo

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"This study investigated human rights--based approaches of international and development cooperation towards the equality of persons with disabilities in Uganda...A case study method as well as a participatory research approach among others was applied to create evidence-based and in-depth knowledge on the theme, particularly from the viewpoint of women with disabilities and deaf women on the grassroots"
Publication series number 8

Miss landmine Cambodia pageant : provocative art or pejorative ‘project’?


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In 2007, a Norwegian theatre director Morten Traavik arrived in Cambodia to stage a beauty pageant, with funding from the government of Norway, for girls and women who had lost limbs in landmine explosions. This opinion article analyses the project which "continues to raise questions about what it means for a foreign project to offer 'freedom' and 'opportunity' to women with disabilities in Cambodia and stoke debates about the sexualisation of women with disabilities from the global South"

Improved and standardized method for assessing years lived with disability after injury

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"This article presents the results of study that aimed to develop a standardized method for calculating years lived with disability (YLD) after injury. The method developed consists of obtaining data on injury cases seen in emergency departments as well as injury-related hospital admissions, using the EUROCOST system to link the injury cases to disability information and employing empirical data to describe functional outcomes in injured patients. The novel method for calculating YLD after injury can be applied in different settings, overcomes some limitations of the method used to calculate the global burden of disease, and allows more accurate estimates of the population burden of injury"
Bull World Health Organ, 90

Chapter 3 : the right to participation in political and public life

LORD, Janet E

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This chapter focuses on Article 29 of the CRPD and the participation of people with disabilities in political and public life. It highlights the barriers faced by people with disabilities and provides recommendations for ways to increase participation
Chapter 3 from "Human rights. Yes! : action and advocacy on the rights of persons with disabilities" by LORD, Janet E and DEFRANCO, Allison

Disabilities and decent work in the Pacific. The case for disability inclusive employment.

COCCO, Bernardo
LAL, Iresh

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This publication aims to highlight some of the challenges faced by persons with disability in accessing decent jobs and to identify relevant labour standards and other policy interventions that could advance disability in the workplace and assist Pacific Island countries address these challenges. It also celebrates the experience of eighteen people with disabilities in Fiji and Vanuatu who have been able to secure employment – sometimes against all odds and barriers. As employees or as self-employed persons, their stories emphasise the “business case” for hiring a person with disability. They are hard-working, reliable, loyal and productive workers. Through their own strong determination, access to education and vocational training, they have overcome the barriers to employment that too many other people face. They are a role model to all of us and show that it is not a person’s disability, but, rather, their ability, that makes them good employees and productive members of society

Effective poverty reduction and empowering women : a win-win situation?|CCTs in Latin America

HERZOG, Karolin
October 2011

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"Building on the conceptual issues surrounding the discussion of the feminisation of anti-poverty programmes and its translation into CCTs (Conditional cash transfer programmes), this paper therefore calls for more deliberately gender-sensitive programme designs to address women's capabilities for income generation and for the inclusion of men in order to transform gender relations and create more equality"
Discussion papers on social protection, Issue No 12

Mainstreaming disability into disaster risk management in Indonesia and Philippines : lesson learned from the project


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This report compiles the lessons learned during Handicap International’s initiatives to mainstream disability into disaster risk management (DRM) through programmes implemented in Indonesia and Philippines.  It presents an overview of the programmes and the lessons learned that were identified and selected with a potential for replication or adaptation by other actors in other contexts, either as a full approach or with a focus on a specific component.

The lessons learned were identified through the development of case studies highlighting important steps of the project, a review of all available documentation, including project reports, proposal and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with project partners; notes of workshops, trainings and meetings; as well as interviews with key stakeholders.

This document was developed to accompany a training manual for DRM stakeholders, which provides practical tools and modules on how to implement disability-inclusive DRM. Both documents can serve as resources for DRM stakeholders aiming at mainstreaming disability in their initiatives

Support to organisations representative of persons with disabilities

GEISER, Priscille
ZIEGLER, Stefanie
July 2011

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This policy paper is based on the practice and experience acquired by Handicap International (HI) in working with and supporting organisations representative of people with disabilities. The paper first outlines the development of DPOs and their particular roles and responsibilities with regards to the goal of improving the situation of persons with disabilities. It then discusses the importance of supporting DPOs specifically regarding HI’s engagement, presents key components of projects, and highlights links with HI’s institutional framework documents. This paper is useful for anyone interested in support to organisations representative of persons with disabilities

Disability inclusion in drought and food crisis emergency response

et al
July 2011

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"This factsheet provides base level information to practitioners for awareness raising, training, advocacy, project design and proposal writing. The information may be used and sent out widely, with reference to the Kenya Red Cross, The Association of the Physically Disabled of Kenya, CBM and Handicap International. The overall information in this factsheet is also applicable to older persons and other vulnerable groups"

Collective action and emancipatory aims : applying principles of feminist practice in a shelter for domestic violence survivors with disabilities

ALI, Alisha
MOWRY, Randolph
HO, Kimberly
April 2011

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This paper outlines that there is a need for need for domestic violence shelters that serve women with disabilities and highlights Freedom House, a fully accessible New York City shelter for domestic violence survivors with disabilities and their families. It presents the Freedom House as one approach of a viable feminist and liberatory model of care that is essential to recovery from trauma among domestic violence survivors with disabilities. Using a combined theoretical framework of the psychological theory of empowerment feminist practice and feminist disability theory, the paper concludes that this emergent model provides both a theoretical argument for empowerment and a framework for responsive feminist practice for women with disabilities within a shelter setting

Violence against women with disabilities

March 2011

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"The aim of this paper is to educate people about the violence experienced by women with disabilities, to make recommendations about what can be done by a variety of stakeholders to end violence against women with disabilities, to motivate agencies dealing with violence against women to include prevention of violence against women with disabilities in their work, and to empower women with disabilities to protect themselves against violence"
Barbara Faye Waxman Fiduccia Papers on Women and Girls with Disabilities

Availability and accessibility of treatment for persons with mental illness through a community mental health programme


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This article describes experiences in implementing a community mental health and development project in a rural district in southern India, including the position of persons with mental illness when the project was initiated, the challenges the faced and the strategies that were developed to overcome these challenges. The authors conclude that when services are locally available, persons with mental illness can be treated and rehabilitated within their own community. They can live with dignity and their rights are respected. There is a great need for inclusion of persons with mental illness in the existing developmental activities and in disabled persons’ organizations.



Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development, Vol 22, No 2

Including the rights of persons with disabilities in UN programming at country level : a guidance note for United Nations country teams and implementing partners


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"This guidance note outlines four main areas for mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities: UN cooperation at country level; country analysis (preceding UNDAF development); strategic planning (development of the UNDAF and its results matrix) and monitoring and evaluation (M&E)....By mainstreaming disability rights in their work at country level, UNCTs can respond to the request of persons with disabilities themselves, who have been calling for a new approach to disability, grounded on the conviction that all persons should be equally valued"

Gender and climate change : three things you should know


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Through gender analysis, this report presents ways to mitigate possible risks that may exacerbate gender inequality, and highlights opportunities to enhance positive outcomes in the context of climate change. It features three key implications: women are disproportionately vulnerable to the effects of natural disasters and climate change where their rights and socio-economic status are not equal to those of men; empowerment of women is an important ingredient in building climate resilience; low-emissions development pathways can be more effective and more equitable where they are designed using a gender-informed approach. This report is useful to anyone interested in gender and climate change

Analysing commitments to advance the global strategy for women's and children's health|The PMNCH 2011 report


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"This report seeks to further our collective understanding of the current Global Strategy commitments, facilitating more effective advocacy to advance the Every Woman, Every Child effort, as well as greater accountability in line with the recommendations of the Commission on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health. This 2011 report is based on structured interviews with those who made commitments, supplemented by reviews of related documentation. This report analyses the specific nature of each commitment recorded through May 2011 to produce a preliminary picture of the achievements of the Global Strategy commitments to date, as well as to identify opportunities and challenges for advancement"

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 3|A roadmap to stigma reduction : an empowerment intervention

et al

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community...The third Guide provides recommendations on how to develop an approach for reducing stigma. Through the use of a roadmap, several steps are discussed for reducing stigma related to a particular health condition"

Guidelines to reduce stigma : guide 4|Counseling to reduce stigma

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"This guide is part of a series of four Guides to reduce stigma. The guides are for all managers, health and social workers and service staff who have to deal with stigma in leprosy and other health conditions. These Guides provide evidence-based and best-practice information from different disciplines, and recommendations for field workers on how to reduce stigma against and among affected persons and in the community...The fourth guide explains the use of counselling at a basic level in dealing with stigma. It provides an explanation on different techniques and approaches for counselling persons affected by stigma"

Disability rights TOT training manual


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"This TOT training manual was developed by HI Laos to facilitate the process of effective and meaningful inclusion, empowerment, promotion and protection of the rights of people with disabilities." Practical exercises, cases studies, questionnaires and checklists are provided

