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The Lao Disabled Person's Association

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Established in 2001, the Lao Disabled People’s Association (LDPA) is a membership-based organisation for people with disabilities advocating disability rights and providing services to members based on their needs. 

The LDPA has over 11,000 members from across the country but seeks to represent the interests of all people with disability within Lao PDR irrespective of their membership status. The LDPA does this at a national and provincial level. The LDPA’s head office in Vientiane Capital works in partnership with several organisations on strategic advocacy and rights-based projects and also provides outreach, opportunity and empowerment at a provincial level where members are organised into groups.

EuRADE : European research agendas for disability equality


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This website provides information about the project European Research Agendas for Disability Equality (EuRADE). It outlines the project, provides updated news and events, and contains links to related resources. The aim of the project is to increase and enhance the full participation of disabled people's organisations (DPOs) as equal and active partners in future research initiatives. This website is useful for researchers and organisations interested in DPO involvement in Europe

