Resources search
21 records. Displaying 1 to 20 of 21.
Dhaka Hospital : moving from strength to strength
September 2001
Effect of nutrition improvement project on morbidity from infectious diseases in preschool children in Vietnam : comparison with control commune
et al
November 1997
Prolonged breast feeding, diarrhoeal disease, and survival of children in Guinea-Bisseau
et al
May 1994
The effects of postnatal health education for mothers on infant care and family planning practices in Nepal : a randomised controlled trial
et al
March 1988
Nutrition and urbanization : introduction
December 1987
Health services and environmental factors in urban slums and shanty towns of the developing world
December 1987
Trends in urban and rural food consumption and implications for food policies in Tunisia
December 1987
Nutrition-related health consequences of urbanization
December 1987
Source e-bulletin on Disability and Inclusion