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People with disabilities in the suburban areas of Maputo and Matola : local assessment

April 2010

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"This report outlines the analyses and recommendations arising from the local assessment of the situation facing people with disabilities in nine of the capital’s suburban areas, performed by RAVIM and Handicap International between April 2009 and April 2010, as part of the "City and Disability" project. This assessment aimed to provide more information about the social representation of disability in the area, the socio-economic situation experienced by people with disabilities, the conditions for accessing health and social services, and lastly the operation of the local stakeholders system"

World health statistics 2010


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This annual compilation of health-related data for the World Health Organization's 193 member states, includes a summary of the progress made towards achieving the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and associated targets

IDF diabetes atlas

UNWIN, Nigel
et al

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This report presents evidence that diabetes is a global epidemic. It contains comprehensive information in the following sections: What is diabetes?; The Global Burden; Regional Overviews; Diabetes and Development; Linking Local to Global; Resources and Solutions; References; Additional Resources. This report is useful for health professionals, scientists, economists, policy-makers, and national and international agencies

Culture and mental health in Haiti : a literature review


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"This paper reviews and summarizes the available literature on Haitian mental health and Mental health services. This review was conducted in light of the Haitian earthquake in January 2010. The first part of the review describes historical, economic, sociological and anthropological factors essential to basic understanding of Haiti and its people. This includes discussion of demography, family structure, Haitian economics and religion. The second part of the review focuses on mental health and mental health services. This includes a review of factors such as basic epidemiology of mental illness, common beliefs about mental illness, explanatory models, idioms of distress, help-seeking behavior, configuration of mental health services and the relationship between religion and mental health"

Disability at a glance 2010 : a profile of 36 countries and areas in Asia and the Pacific


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This document provides disability information and statistics for 36 countries within the Asia and Pacific regions focusing upon the population of persons living with disabilities. The contextual definition of disability is outlined in each of these countries, as well as national policy, programmes and institutional mechanisms that exist on disability issues. This would be useful document for people who are interested in disability information in Asian and Pacific countries

Disability at a glance 2009 : a profile of 36 countries and areas in Asia and the Pacific

November 2009

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This document provides disability information and statistics for 36 countries within the Asia and Pacific regions focusing upon the population of persons living with disabilities. The contextual definition of disability is outlined in each of these countries, as well as national policy, programmes and institutional mechanisms that exist on disability issues. This would be useful document for people who are interested in disability information in Asian and Pacific countries

Contribution of chronic diseases to disability in elderly people in countries with low and middle incomes : a 10/66 dementia research group population-based survey

SOUSA, Renata M
et al
November 2009

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This article assesses "the contribution of physical, mental, and cognitive chronic diseases to disability, and the extent to which sociodemographic and health characteristics account for geographical variation in disability." Using cross sectional surveys of people aged over 65 in seven low and middle income countries, the findings highlight specific associations of chronic diseases to disability and overall that dementia, not blindness, is overwhelmingly the most important independent contributor to disability for elderly people in low and middle income countries. This resource is useful to people interested in the contribution of chronic diseases to disability in elderly people
The Lancet, Vol 374, Issue 97041
To access this article, users need to register (free) online

World health statistics 2009


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This book contains WHO’s annual compilation of data from its 193 Member States, and includes a summary of progress towards the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and targets. This edition also contains a new section on reported cases of selected infectious diseases. An online version of this publication and metadata describing the sources, estimation methods and the quality of estimates is available at The online version will be regularly updated as new data become available during 2009

Preliminary results of the survey on persons with disabilities conducted in selected Metro Manila cities

YAP, Joseph
ALBERT, Jose, Ramon
REYES, Celia
TABUGA, Aubrey
January 2009

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To better understand the economic condition of persons with disabilities (PWDs), it is crucial that information about their economic activities and daily life is obtained. This information can serve as basis for the formulation of policies and intervention strategies for the government, other stakeholders, and the international community. In 2008, the Philippine Institute for Development Studies collaborated with the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE) in Japan, to undertake a survey on PWDs in Metro Manila. The survey covered four Metro Manila cities, namely: Makati, Pasay, Valenzuela, and Quezon City. It was conducted in partnership with the Social Welfare Office of each of the cities and various PWD organizations. This report presents the results of this survey.


DP 2009-25

Training manual on disability statistics


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This training manual enhances "the understanding of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) based approach to disability measurement. It provides an overview of the ICF framework as well as guidelines on how to operationalise the underlying concepts of functioning and disability into data collection, dissemination and analysis." This manual is useful for anyone who is interested in disability data collection and dissemination for both national and international disability policy analysis, formulation and evaluation

Uganda demographic health survey 2006

August 2007

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The 2006 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS) is a nationally representative survey of 8,531 women age 15-49 years and 2,503 men age 15-54 years and is the first such survey to cover the entire country. The primary purpose of the UDHS is to furnish policymakers and planners with detailed information on fertility; family planning; infant, child, adult, and maternal mortality; maternal and child health; nutrition; and knowledge of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. In addition, in one in three households selected for the survey, women age 15-49, men age 15-54, and children under age 5 years were weighed and their height was measured to assess their nutritional status. Women, men, and children age 6-59 months, in this subset of households were also tested for anemia, and in addition the women and children were tested for vitamin A deficiency. In addition to the main report, the key findings, a preliminary report, a wall chart and fact sheet are also available online

Comparing disability questions for censuses and surveys in Asia and the Pacific

LIU, Wei
February 2007

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“"This paper compares the construct and predictive validity of a set of disability questions tested on a sample of respondents in five Asia-Pacific countries. It finds that the construct validity of the Washington Group questions for the seeing, hearing, mobility and self care domains is good when WHO questions for the corresponding domains are used as a benchmark; this does not, however, apply to the questions for the cognition and communication domains. The Washington Group questions perform similar to corresponding WHO questions in terms of predictive validity. For the four models examined - explaining difficulty with household responsibilities, work and school, and joining community activities, as well as employment status - the different question sets perform similar in terms of significance and magnitude of the odds ratios"

Risk factors for participation restriction in leprosy and development of a screening tool to identify individuals at risk

et al
December 2005

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This paper explores risk factors for participation restrictions experienced by people affected by leprosy. The objective was to develop a screening tool to identify individuals at risk. An initial round of qualitative fieldwork in eight centres in Nepal, India and Brazil identified 35 potential risk factors for participation restriction. This was further assessed through quantitative fieldwork in six centres in India and Brazil. In all, 264 individuals receiving leprosy treatment or rehabilitation services made a retrospective assessment of their status at time of diagnosis. Their level of participation restriction was assessed using the Participation Scale, and regression analysis identified risk factors for participation restriction. Four consolidated items were identified as the basis for a simple screening tool to identify individuals at risk: physical impact of leprosy, an emotional response to the diagnosis, female gender and having little or no education. Such a tool may form the basis for a screening and referral procedure to identify newly diagnosed individuals at risk of participation restrictions and the need of actions that may prevent such restrictions
Leprosy Review, Vol 76, Issue 4

Active life expectancy and functional limitations among older Cambodians : results from a 2004 survey

ZIMMER, Zachary
August 2005

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'This study's aims are to: (1) determine the prevalence of functional limitations among older adults in Cambodia using activities of daily living (ADLs); (2) compare limitation prevalence with other countries in the region; (3) estimate active life expectancy; (4) examine standard correlates of functional status and assess whether they are associated with limitation in expected ways. ADLs included here are bathing, dressing, eating, and getting up from lying down. Degree of difficulty is used to determine whether limitations are moderate or severe. Results are generally consistent with expectations. For example, women live longer than men but spend a greater proportion of life with limitations, and older age is related to higher rates of limitation and less active life. Elderly Cambodians appear more likely to report limitations than their counterparts in neighboring countries. A contribution of the analysis is the examination of a basic measure of health among a population that until recently has been isolated from the rest of the world.'

The state of world population 2005. The promise of equality : gender equity, reproductive health and the Millennium Development Goals


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This edition of UNFPA's annual report explores the extent to which the world is meeting the targets outlined in the Millennium Development Goals. It assesses progress, examines shortfalls and provides examples of interventions that have resulted in improvements in the lives of individuals, in families and countries. It highlights the importance of women's education, access to reproductive health services and stopping gender-based violence

Disability and rehabilitation status : review of disability issues and rehabilitation services in 29 African countries

December 2004

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This report provides information related to disability issues and rehabilitation services, provided by 29 countries of Africa, and includes demographics, the presence of national policies and NGOs. The report is divided into the following three parts: a global review of information, the country profiles and a summary table of the information provided in individual countries. This report is useful for people interested in disability and rehabilitation services in Africa

Briefing note on the collection and dissemination of disability statistics

August 2004

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The first two sections of this briefing note highlight the importance of disability data collection and dissemination, and describe the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. The third section contains international recommendations and a framework for the collection, dissemination and measurement of disability data. The final section presents training workshops on the methodology, collection and analysis of data on disability organized by the United Nations Statistics Division to improve national capacity. This resource would be useful for those who work with disability data and statistics

Primary health care : a framework for future strategic directions

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO). Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health. Evidence and Information for Policy

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This report was commissioned by WHO to address the relevance of primary health care (PHC) in a changing world. It addresses three questions: what contribution does WHO see PHC being able to make, at Member State level, in improving the health of populations in the future? How should WHO be helping countries to optimize the contribution PHC can make to improve population health? and, What capacities will WHO need to operate in that way? The first four sections of the report summarise the context for, and outcomes from, the global PHC reviews (undertaken by each regional office) to date. The remaining sections then suggest a range of possible future strategic directions which could inform policy development for PHC, particularly at country level

Disability census questions, the perspective of developing countries

MBOGONI, Margaret

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This paper reviews questions used in developing countries to identify persons with disabilities on the one hand, and the estimates of disability prevalence obtained by the different types of questions on the other. The paper also reviews census questions on disability used in the 1990 census round for differences in concepts and type of question used. It also reviews available questions used in the 2000 round of censuses and compares the approach used in national studies to the one in the United Nations Principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses

