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Advocacy : building skills for NGO leaders


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A three-day, six-session curriculum designed as a companion piece to 'Cairo, Beijing, and Beyond: A Handbook on Advocacy for Women Leaders'. This manual uses participatory methodologies and is based on CEDPA's experience in building the skills of NGO leaders to advocate for change in the reproductive health arena. While the background information and role play scenarios deal directly with reproductive health issues, a trainer can adapt the sessions for other contexts

Empowering communities : participatory techniques for community-based programme development vol 1 : trainer's manual

DE NEGRI, Bérengère
et al
December 1998

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This manual presents a two-week course (suggested length) for the staff of organisations aiming to encourage community participation in health or other related sectors. Participants are ideally those who work directly with the communities involved in their programmes. This course trains participants to work with communities to improve their well-being through the use of participatory learning and action (PLA). While the course focuses heavily on the health sector, the skills that are taught can be applied to other development sectors, such as education or environment. The course covers the participatory programme development process; attitudes, behaviours and skills of successful PLA trainers; and specific techniques. The course includes a field component, and consideration of planning, monitoring and evaluation, as well as reflection on the experience

Empowering communities : participatory techniques for community-based programme development vol 2 : participant's handbook

DE NEGRI, Bérengère
et al
December 1998

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The purpose of this handbook is to provide course participants with key points for each session, case studies, exercises and a structured format for keeping notes during their field experience. Therefore, the handbook is not meant to serve as a stand-alone guide to participatory programme development (PPD), but as a hands-on tool for use during the course. The handbook is divided into three main sections: key points from the training sessions; case studies, exercises and PLA resources; and field notes

Preparing teachers for inclusive education


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This is a practical training package comprising a manual (available on the Internet from EENET) and video produced in Lesotho. It shows how primary school teachers implement inclusive education in overcrowded classrooms in remote rural areas with very few material resources

Life skills education for children and adolescents in schools : introduction and guidelines to facilitate the development and implementation of life skills programmes

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO). Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse

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This publication focuses on the teaching of daily living skills to children and young people in schools. It is therefore targeted at those organisations involved in school curriculum development, health education, and the development of school-based health and social interventions. Although directed at schools it can be adapted and interpreted to guide the development of life-skills education for children and adults elsewhere

Let's teach about AIDS : drama in AIDS communication


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Ideas, examples and practical activities and around using drama for AIDS communication. One in a series of six booklets developed in southern Africa for use by AIDS educators, describing participatory learning exercises that can be used with adults and young people. Other booklets in this series cover a range of issues, including how to use visual aids, education and evaluation

Let's teach about AIDS : assessing change


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Ideas, examples and practical activities and around project evaluation. Last in a series of six booklets developed in southern Africa for use by AIDS educators, describing participatory learning exercises that can be used with adults and young people. Other booklets in this series cover a range of issues, including how to use visual aids, education and drama

The Communication Initiative

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The Communication Initiative (CI) is a partnership of development organisations seeking to support advances in the effectiveness and scale of communication interventions for positive international development. The CI strategy includes provision of real-time information on communication and development experiences and thinking, facilitating horizontal linkages between people engaged in communication action, peer commentary on programmes and strategies and taking opportunities to promote strategic thinking on communication and development issues and problems. Themed sites within this website relate to: avian flu; HIV & AIDS; democracy & governance; early childhood development; health communication; ICT policies and studies; ICT for development; natural resource management; polio; and community radio and edutainment in Africa

Health and Development Initiative - India


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This website looks at issues relating to health programmes in India, in particular the popularisation of the Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse (DOTS) strategy amongst health care providers and Indian public. The site contains a variety of online resources, including training courses for health workers, conference reports, World TB Day toolkits, surveys looking at the implementation of public health policies in India, an HIV/AIDS guide, and the newsletter "TB News from India"

Health e communication


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The Communication Initiative (CI) website provides information on communication and development experiences and thinking, facilitating horizontal linkages between people engaged in communication action, peer commentary on programmes and strategies and taking opportunities to promote strategic thinking on communication and development issues and problems. The health window provides a point of entry themed on health communication. The 'evaluation' section of the health window signposts to useful examples and case studies of evaluation

Comprehensive reproductive health and family planning training curriculum


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These training modules have been designed for the training of physicians, nurses, and midwives by clinical trainers who do not have an extensive training background. Training sessions include simulation skills practice, case studies, role plays, discussions, clinical practices, on-site observation, specific measurable objectives, knowledge, attitudes, skills checklists, and exercises for the development of action plans. Module contents available online: 1. Introduction/Overview 2. Infection Prevention 3. Counselling 4. Combined oral contraceptives and progestin-only pills 5. Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECPs) 6. DMPA 7. IUDs 8. Lactational Amenorrhea and Breast Feeding Support 9. Condoms and spermicides 11. MVA for treatment of incomplete abortion 12. Reproductive tract infections 13. Postpartum/Postabortion Contraception 14. Training of Trainers 16. Reproductive Health Services for Adolescents

Bernard Van Leer Foundation


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The Bernard van Leer Foundation is an international grant making foundation with the mission to improve opportunities for children up to age 8 who are growing up in socially and economically difficult circumstances. The foundation primarily works to support programmes that are implemented by local partners by focusing upon strengthening the care environment, successful transitions from home to school, and social inclusion and respect for diversity. Their website highlights information about the foundation, their programmes and grants, and the countries where they work. It also features links to related publications, a newsroom and a blog

Capacity Africa


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The website provides information about a capacity building service based in Kenya. It outlines the range of services this organisation offers, such as training materials, courses and project & programme evaluations

