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Preparation of students with disabilities to graduate into professions in the South African context of higher learning: Obstacles and opportunities

NDLOVU, Sibonokuhle
WALTON, Elizabeth

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Background: Persons with disabilities continue to be excluded from professions in South Africa despite legislation on non-discrimination and equity. Objectives: We sought to identify both the opportunities and obstacles that students with disabilities face in professional degrees.


Method: Selected texts from the South African and international literature were analysed and synthesised.


Results: Students with disabilities are afforded opportunities to graduate into professions through the current climate of transformation, inclusion and disability policies, various support structures and funding. These opportunities are mitigated by obstacles at both the higher education site and at the workplace. At university, they may experience difficulties in accessing the curriculum, disability units may be limited in the support they can offer, policies may not be implemented, funding is found to be inadequate and the built environment may be inaccessible. Fieldwork poses additional obstacles in terms of public transport which is not accessible to students with disabilities; a lack of higher education support extended to the field sites, and buildings not designed for access by people with disabilities. At both sites, students are impacted by negative attitudes and continued assumptions that disability results from individual deficit, rather than exclusionary practices and pressures.


Conclusion: It is in the uniqueness of professional preparation, with its high demands of both theory and practice that poses particular obstacles for students with disabilities. We argue for the development of self-advocacy for students with disabilities, ongoing institutional and societal transformation and further research into the experiences of students with disabilities studying for professional degrees.

Training social facilitators in personalised social support: Trainers’ booklet

KIANI, Shirin
December 2015

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This booklet is the gateway for a training kit on personalised social support (PSS). The aim of this training course is to train social facilitators either in the personalised approach only, or in how to carry out a complete PSS process. The aim of this booklet is therefore to impart the methodological and educational components required to use the content of this training course to Handicap International’s (now Humanity and Inclusion) future PSS trainers. It therefore takes another look at the entire content of the PSS training course, explains the educational choices, presents the modules and other teaching tools created, and above all, provides advice/recommendations for future designers and trainers/facilitators on this theme. Throughout this booklet, internet links provide the reader with quick access to the content of training courses and other relevant resources

Knowledge of Primary School Teachers in Identifying Children with Learning Disabilities

Shari, M
Vranda, Mysore Narasimha

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Purpose: This study explores the knowledge of primary school teachers inidentifying children with learning disabilities.


Method: The study sample consisted of 200 primary school teachers from 16 schools in Bangalore, India. The teachers’ knowledge about learning disabilities was assessed using Knowledge Questionnaire on Learning Disabilities.


Results: The results revealed statistically significant differences in overall knowledge and various domains across gender, type of school, education, class being taught and years of experience.


Conclusion: The need to improve the knowledge of primary school teachers for the identification of children with learning disabilities was highlighted. Based on the findings of the study, the “Manual for Primary School Teachers on Learning Disabilities” was developed.

Enabling disability inclusive practices within the University of Cape Town curriculum: A case study

LORENZO, Theresa

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Background: Disability inclusion in the curricula of higher education institutions contributes to socially responsive graduates with a capacity to address the cross-cutting issue of disability in development. This article discusses a study conducted at the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa, to explore disability inclusion.


Methodology: An instrumental case study approach was adopted and a thematic analysis of data was done.


Findings: Academic staff found a variety of ways to include disability, such as discussions in class, practice and service learning, but mainly as part of disciplinary requirements. Including disability as an issue of social justice stems mostly from the personal interest of staff, and is done in an ad hoc manner.


Conclusion: Disability should be valued, and integrated into the curriculum in a structured manner as a perspective on diversity with which to interrogate our beliefs about ourselves and society. Theorising on disability is needed, as well as the unique perspectives that emerge across interdisciplinary boundaries, especially within the African context.

Availability and diversity of training programs for responders to international disasters and complex humanitarian emergencies

JACQUET, Gabrielle A
et al
June 2014

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"Volunteers and members of relief organizations increasingly seek formal training prior to international field deployment. This paper identifies training programs for personnel responding to international disasters and complex humanitarian emergencies, and provides concise information – if available- regarding the founding organization, year established, location, cost, duration of training, participants targeted, and the content of each program. An environmental scan was conducted through a combination of a peer-reviewed literature search and an open Internet search for the training programs.The authors concluded that "a variety of training programs are available for responders to disasters and complex humanitarian emergencies. These programs vary in their objectives, audiences, modules, geographical locations, eligibility and financial cost. This paper presents an overview of available programs and serves as a resource for potential responders interested in capacity-building training prior to deployment"

PLOS Currents Disasters, Edition 1

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Training Guide : Professional Training Series No. 19


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These eight training modules are meant to “inform and empower those who are involved in ratifying, implementing and monitoring the two instruments. While the Training Guide is mainly targeted at facilitators of training courses on the Convention and its Optional Protocol, it acknowledges that each and every one of us has a role to play. I recommend wide dissemination of the training package, and its use by all those who want to embark upon the essential journey towards greater awareness and effective implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities and, ultimately, the building of an inclusive society for all.”

Inclusion in education : towards equality for students with disability


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All children in Australia have the right to an inclusive education. However, there are many barriers to the realisation of this right in the lived experience of children and families. Current efforts towards upholding the rights of all children are impeded by a lack of understanding of inclusive education and misappropriation of the term. Additional barriers include negative and discriminatory attitudes and practices, lack of support to facilitate inclusive education, and inadequate education and professional development for teachers and other professionals. Critical to addressing all of these barriers is recognising and disestablishing ableism in Australia.

This paper draws from recent research in addressing gaps in current understanding to provide a firm basis from which to inform research based policy development. Taking a rights-based approach, the paper focuses on developing a clear understanding of inclusive education and identifying strategies to enhance the education of all children in Australia

Inclusive Education in Bangladesh: Are Pre-service Teachers Ready to Accept Students with Special Educational Needs in Regular Classes?


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine pre-service special education (PSpE) teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education (IE) for students with special educational needs (SEN) in Bangladesh.


Method: 100 PSpE teachers from a leading teacher education institute in Bangladesh were purposively sampled. A 20-item based survey questionnaire was used to measure participants’ attitudes. Items of the survey were developed from a literature review in which Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education Scale (ATIES) by Wilczenski (1992), Concern about Inclusive Education Scale (CIES) by Sharma and Desai (2002), and Interaction with Persons with a Disability (IPD) Scaled by Gething (1994) were considered as the key specialist resources. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were utilised in the analysis.


Results: The results revealed that while the PSpE teachers hold favourable attitudes towards students with SEN, they are concerned about some basic issues of inclusion. Practicum and close contact with children with SEN were found to be important variables which shaped the attitudes of the PSpE teachers. Implications of the findings are discussed and further suggestions are made as to how teacher education institutes may engage PSpE teachers more effectively with their programmes to promote better inclusive practices.


Conclusion: The study suggests that there is a need for providing PSpE teachers with experiential learning prior to school practicum.

Problem Behaviour and Academic Grade Level Performance of Adjudicated Children with Juvenile Delinquency


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Purpose: This paper attempted to profile the contemporary grade level academic performance as well as the frequency, spread and intensity of problem behaviour in relation to a few associated variables, of children adjudged as juvenile delinquents in India.


Method: A cross-sectional exploratory survey design was employed, with randomised convenience sampling of 66 inmates, between 9 and 18 years of age, from two representative Observation Homes. To ascertain their current grade levels, a criterion referenced ‘Grade Level Assessment Protocol’ was prepared exclusively for this study. Another standardised ‘Behaviour Assessment Scale for Indian Children with Mental Retardation, Part B’ was used to profile their problem behaviour.


Results: The contemporary academic performance results satisfy the conventional two-grade discrepancy criteria, usually postulated for identifying children with learning disabilities. Among the associated variables examined in this study, inmates who were booked under sections of the Indian Penal Code showed significantly greater academic grade discrepancy compared to the other children. Similarly, poorer academic performance, greater grade discrepancy, as well as higher frequency, spread and intensity of reported problem behaviour were found among children from intact family backgrounds, where parents were illiterates or educated below primary school level, and more among boys than girls, and among those in the 10-12 year age group.


Conclusions: While these are tentative findings, they call attention to the need for extensive research on the possible links between academic performance, under achievement and learning disabilities, and juvenile delinquency in this country.

The implementation of inclusive education in South Africa: Reflections arising from a workshop for teachers and therapists to introduce Universal Design for Learning

DALTON, Elizabeth M
KAHONDE Callista

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South Africa has adopted an inclusive education policy in order to address barriers to learning in the education system. However, the implementation of this policy is hampered by the lack of teachers’ skills and knowledge in differentiating the curriculum to address a wide range of learning needs. In this paper we provided a background to inclusive education policy in South Africa and a brief exposition of an instructional design approach, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) that addresses a wide range of learning needs in a single classroom. We reported on a workshop conducted with teachers and therapists in South Africa as a first attempt to introduce UDL in this context. Knowledge of UDL was judged to be appropriate and useful by the course participants in the South African context as a strategy for curriculum differentiation in inclusive classrooms. Furthermore, knowledge of the UDL framework facilitates dialogue between teachers and therapists and provides a relatively simple and comprehensive approach for curriculum differentiation. We therefore conclude that there is potential for this approach that can be expanded through further teacher training.

Accessible ICTs and personalized learning for students with disabilities : a dialogue among educators, industry, government and civil society


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"The use of technology in education plays a particularly vital role by enabling flexible curriculum development and assisting students with disabilities to participate as equals in the learning experience. The recommendations contained in this report target teachers, policy makers and administrators. The main recommendations centre on a number of core themes that include maximising the use of the myriad of accessibility features in mainstream ICTs such as personal computers, tablet PCs, mobile phones etc. already in use in classrooms; empowering students to learn their own preferences and settings when using technology for learning and removing attitudinal barriers to the use of technology for inclusive education, in particular those of teachers who may struggle with modern ICTs"
Collaborative Expert Meeting Report
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris
17 -18 November 2011

Job ability


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"This database provides various sources of information related to livelihoods opportunities for persons with disabilities in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Users can complete a registration form online to access information, guidance, support and learning opportunities, as well as search and apply for jobs. This resource is useful for people with disabilities interested in livelihoods opportunities"

Including disabled children in learning : challenges in developing countries

CROFT, Alison
June 2010

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This is an exploratory study suggesting ways to analyse the challenges of the inclusion of disabled children and young people in learning in developing countries. This paper examines aspects of teaching and learning and ideas about the social purposes of education. It is based on a broad review of relevant literature drawing together insights from developing and developed economies. It argues that the pedagogy needed to include disabled children in learning can be developed by 1)working with disabled children and adults, 2)allowing and encouraging teachers to experiment and learn from their own and each others' experiences, and 3) sharing ideas about inclusive pedagogy between countries. All of these have implications for curriculum design and teacher education and support
CREATE PATHWAYS TO ACCESS Research monograph No 38

INEE pocket guide to supporting learners with disabilities

LEWIS, Ingrid
LITTLE, Duncan

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This guide offers practical ideas for including children and young people with disabilities in education during or after an emergency. It addresses current barriers to inclusive education. Specific sections cover curriculum content , tests and learning assessments. This guide will assist anyone working with teachers or facilitators in an emergency, whether as part of the formal education system or a non-governmental programme

How-to-guide : preparing teachers for inclusive education

NGUYET, Dinh Thi
HA, Le Thu

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"This guide aims to help CRS and partner education programs prepare teachers to implement successful models of inclusive education at the school level. It builds upon the previous publication while focusing more specifically on issues relating to teacher training and human resource development. Though the Vietnamese experience may not be universally applicable in all country contexts, it is hoped that the examples provided will serve as a reference of core themes that can be tailored to suit individual country needs"

Gender and disability : a first look at rehabilitation syllabi and a call to action

LEWIS, Allen N
BRUBAKER, Sarah Jane

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"This study provides an overview of recent scholarship in the area of gender and disability, as well as findings from an evaluation of syllabi from five core courses in graduate rehabilitation education programs. Findings from this exploratory study revealed a need for more attention toward integration of the topic of gender and disability into rehabilitation education courses. Study results showed that in only one out of three courses where there would be a reasonable expectation to see such topics was the content actually addressed. Specific recommendations for enhancing attention to gender issues within rehabilitation education courses are offered"
Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2

Partners in policymaking coordinator's handbook supplement : integrating online learning

July 2007

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This guide aims to facilitate the use of online courses and complement an online curriculum for individuals using the tools in classrooms or face-to-face group sessions. This comprehensive resource helps users of e-learning materials retain more information, explore particular topics in more depth, and demonstrate a higher level of competency. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in teaching aids, and disability and development

The reporting skills and professional writing handbook : a practical guide for development professionals


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This is a set of training courses and materials available online. Each module of the eight step programe is designed to help readers acheive effective reporting skills. The topics covered include: data gathering methods, analysis tools, intrepreting information and planning/drafting of formal reports. This resource would be useful for anyone with an interest in development and programme planning and implementation

Getting education right : first steps for quality assurance for students and tutors

BATES, Imelda
October 2006

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This is a practical guide for tutors and students aimed at making sure that educational initiatives for health professionals, including university degrees, workshops and training, meet international educational standards. Originally developed for the teaching hospital in Kumasi, Ghana, it outlines principles and practice of educational quality assurance drawing from UK national and institutional recommendations. The handbook covers key aspects of teaching practice, including recruitment and admissions, course design and delivery, assessment strategies, supporting students and developing tutors' skills

