
Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH)


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PO Box 30259, Secretariat
Ibadan, Oyo State

ARFH's vision is to ensure the improved reproductive health status of individuals in Nigeria and elsewhere in Africa. Its mission is to initiate, promote, and implemetn quality community based reroductive health programmes that meet the needs of men, women and youth through training, technical assistance and programme support to individuals ans organisations in Nigeria and eleswhere in Africa. The ARFH resource centre is open to the public

Nigerian Medical Forum UK (NMF)


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65 Warden Hill Road
Luton LU2 7AE

Supplements the effort of the government and health professionals in Nigeria and West Africa to improve the healthcare system and the dissemination of health information and education

African Development Foundation (ADF)


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PO Box 5150

ADF focuses on expansion of direct economic assistance to indigenous African groups in such areas as food production, education, husbandry, water management and health

African Center for Women (ACW)


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PO Box 3001
Addis Ababa

The overall objective of the centre is to mainstream gender issues into politics, programmes, and structures of member countries and to promote the empowerment of women so that they play a more effective and significant role on political, social and economic life

ISIS - Women's International Cross Cultural Exchange (ISIS-WICCE)


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PO Box 4934

Runs an action oriented women's resource centre which was started in 1974. The organisation is committed to fairness, equality and justice in all human relationaships. Promotes the empowerment of women and the flow of information and ideas which lead to gender sensitivity and equal opportunity at all levels. The organisation's objectives are to influence policy makers and civil sociey towards gender sensitivity and equal opportunity at all levels; to cultivate mutually beneficial networking relationships with organisations at the national, regional and international levels; to adopt innovative means of information sharing; and to repackage and disseminate information for the different target groups. Resource centre open to the public

Kenema Female Circumcision Project (KFCP)

Sierra Leone

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PO Box 165

Kenema works towards the prevention of traditional practices that affect women and children in Sierra Leone and Africa. It plays an advocacy role and organises workshops on traditional practices that affect women and children

Township AIDS Project (TAP)

South Africa

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PO Box 4168
Johannesburg 2000

TAP aims to provide information, educaiton and training in behaviour, communication and change; to provide free information in its resource centre which is open to the public; and to provide support and care for PLAs

Jimma University


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P O Box 378

University with five faculties: Medical Sciences; Public Health; Business; Technology; and Agriculture. Also runs a busy 250 bed rural hospital. Aims to support and educate staff to supply appropriate services. The Resource Centre is not open to the public
