


Expand view

PO Box 1392
London SW6 4EJ

Grandma's provides practical support to families and children affected by HIV/AIDS by building and maintaining relationships with the children concerned. The services provided include babysitting, support around hospital appointments, keywork visits on a weekly basis. Future plans incluse daycare and short-term respite facilities

La Leche League International (LLLI)


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PO Box 4079
1400 N Meacham Road
IL 60168.4079

LLLI aim to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, education, information, and encouragement and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother

Child Health Foundation (CHF)


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10630 Little Patacent Parkway
Century Plaza, Suite 325
Colombia MD 21044

Our purpose is to save the lives of children at the lowest possible cost. Thus we encourage use of breastfeeding, immunisation, oral rehyfration solutions to prevent dehydration and methods to prevent and treat malnutrition. In developing countries these activities save lives; in the US they save expensive medical treatment and hospitalisation

World Neighbors Inc


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4127 NW 122
Oklahoma City
OK 73120

World Neighbors is a grassroots development organisation working in partnership with the rural poor in hundreds of villages throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America. WN brings people together to solve their problems and meet theur basic needs. By supporting community self-reliance, leadership and organisation, WN helps people address the root cause of hunger, poverty and disease. Programme priorities are food production, community-based health, family planning, water and sanitation, environmental conservation, and small business

Casa Alianza

Costa Rica

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PO Box 1734-2050
San Pedro

Casa Alianza provides both residential and non residential care to street children and at risk youth. Legal defence and advocacy are Key elements of the mission. 9000 children are attended to each year. The Casa Alianza's resource centre is open to the public



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Roca y Bologna 271
Lima 18

CEDRO's objectives are to promote education and information on all aspects of the drugs problem, highlighting its causes and consequences, in order to contribute to the prevention of abuse. CEDRO believes that the problem of drugs is related, among other causes, to poverty and lack of alternatives. CEDRO has anresource centre that is open to the public

Jamaica Association for Persons with Mental Retardation (JAPMR)


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PO Box 224
Kingston 7

JAPMR's mission is to facilitate the total development of persons with mental retardation and other developmetal disabilities so that they can take their rightful place in and contribute meaningfully to society. It also aims to create an environment wherein such persons will be treated with dignity and equality. The Association aims to (1) Create an awareness of the nature of the needs of persons with mental retardation and to assist them in realising their full potential & (2) to promote the prevention of the incidence of mental retardation where posible through public education. JAPMR is a multi-service agency that acccomplishes its goals through a number of programmes/sub-projects. The JAPMR resource centre is open to the public.

Centro Coordinator de Evangelización y Realidad Social (CECODERS)

Costa Rica

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P O Box 155-1011
Y Griega, San José

An official institution of the Catholic Church, CECODERS was created in 1985 with the purpose of doing socio-religious research, advising on the pastoral planning of parishes and dioceses, and attending to various social sectors from the perspective of the Social Doctrine. Since then CECODERS has carried out numerous surveys, it has taken part in the planning of diverse parochial churches and dioceses, and it has developed training, formaiton and support programs for parochial communities, labour unions, and groups of different natures, including HIV/AIDS patients. CECODERS resource centre is open to the public

Instituto de Educacion y Salud (IES)


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Calle Republica de Chile 641
Lima 11
Jesus Mana

This is a development organisation that aims to improve the health of young people. It runs training programmes to build the knowledge and capacity of public, private and community organisations. It also works with the youth helping them to develop strategies and actions that improve their health. Its resource centre is open to the public

Society of St.Vincent de Paul (SVP or SVdeP)

Trinidad and Tobago

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PO Box 1105
20 Duncan Street
Port of Spain

The SVP is a voluntary charitable organisation. SVP provide welfare assistance to further human development. The charity operates 10 homes for the aged, 2 hostels, 2 half-way houses, 3 shelters and a centre for socially displaced persons
