National Society for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (King George VI Rehabilitation Centre) Zimbabwe Expand view A C 80 Ascot Bulawayo The Society aims to provide physically disabled children with access to mainstream normal curriculum education, training in independent daily living as well as provide them with the necessary therapy (ie speech, occupational and physiotherapy) at the same time
Uganda Society for Disabled Children (USDC) Uganda Expand view P O Box 16346 Kampala The principal aim of USOC is to provide the necessary resources and opportunities for children with disabilities to achieve their potential and lead fulfilling lives. Its objectives are community education about disability, transfer of knowlesge and skills, direct assistance to individual children and support to provision of essential services. The USOC resource centre is open to the public
Zimcare Trust Zimbabwe Expand view P O Box 90 Belvedere Harare Zimcare offer support and training to persons with learning disabilites to encourage equal opportunities within society
Central Board of Health (CBOH) Zambia Expand view PO Box 32588 Lusaka Provides comprehensive health policy guidelines and strategies for effective health care delivery at all levels as well as the monitoring and evaluation of health programmes. CBoH has a resource centre that is open to the public. It has a countrywide network of hospitals and clinics.
South African National Council in Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA) South Africa Expand view PO Box 663 Auckland Park 2006 Johannesburg SANCA strives to address alcohol and other drug problems in South Africa through the provision of specialised, accessible and affordable prevention and treatment services to all South Africans, thereby enhancing the quality of life and restoring the self-respect and dignity of people affected by chemical substance abuse. The resource centre serves SANCA Alcohol and Drug Centres, the Institute for Heatlh Training and Development, Associate members of SANCA, tertiary institutions, professional social workers in training, private practitioners and the public of southern Africa. It operates on a fee-based system
Ahfad Centre for Reproductive Health, Family Planning and Eradication of Harmful Traditional Practices Sudan Expand view PO Box 167 Ahfad University for Women Omdurman The health centre provides health care services for a large section in the community. The main aim is working in reproductive health issues, raising awareness to the community and working under a well established university, such as Ahfad University for women, aiming to attain the highest possible standards in health services, obtaining user satisfaction at an affordable cost
Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC) Tanzania Expand view PO Box 977 Ocean Road No 22 Dar es Salaam This is an autonomous institution under the umbrella of the Ministry of Health. It has the mandate of initiating and coordinating nutrition interventions, as well as carrying out research and advising the government and related institutions on all matters concerning food and nutrition. Resource Centre open to the public
Child-To-Child Kenya Kenya Expand view PO Box 19859 Nairobi Aims to promote and preserve the health of communities worldwide by encouraging and enabling children to play an active and responsible role in the health and development of themselves, other children, their families and the community at large. the resource centre is open to the public
Islamic African Relief Agency (IARA) Sudan Expand view PO Box 3372 Khartoum Aims to initiate and open communications among all mankind regardless of religious culture, language, race or colour; put into place the principles of charity and providing basic services to the vulnerable and needy; promote and protect human rights; and promote and support water and sanitation programmes
Centre for Environmental Health Activities- World Health Organisation (WHO/CEHA) Jordan Expand view World Health Organization P O Box 926967 Amman 11190 CEHA's mandate and objectives are to promote environmental health through technical support and strengthening national ccapabilities and programmes in the member slots of the Eastern Mediterranean region. Their resource centre is open to the public
Vocational Welfare Society for the Mentally Retarded Pakistan Expand view APWA College Compound 7 Karumabad at Railway Crossing Karachi Aims to give respect to the learning impaired, to care, train and educate them, and to rehabilitate them in their homes and in society
Gaza Community Mental Health Programme Palestine Expand view PO Box 1049 Gaza Strip GCMHP is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation and was established in 1990 and adopts community-based care to tackle mental health problems. It offers community mental health services and clinical care through three clinics. Each clinic consists of a multidisciplinary team. It offers training courses for PHC, health and other professionals. In addition, the Programme conducted and published research related to stress and violence issues. The main target groups are those subjected to torture and violence, women abuse, children and drug abuse.
Physicians for Human Rights - Israel (PHR-Israel) Israel Expand view 9 Dror St., Jaffa-Tel Aviv 68135, Israel Physicians for Human Rights - Israel is a not-for-profit organisation comprising of some 300 physicians, medical professionals and human rights activists, whose aim is to ensure equal adequate health services for all people under Israeli responsibility, irrespective of race, nationality, language, legal status, health condition, age, or any other premises. PHR - Israel works via direct intervention and advocacy to provide equal services for Palestinians, migrant workers, detainees, prisoners and female victims of domestic violence as well as working to afect general health policy in Israeli law. The PHR - Israel library is opoen to the public. They also run an open clinic for migrant workers
National Children's Bureau (NCB) UK Expand view NCB Book Sales 8 Wakley Street London EC1V 7QE The National Children Bureau (NCB) is a charitable organisation that acts as an umbrella body for oraganisations working for children in England and Northern Ireland. NCB offers a range of services to both members and non-members, including: library and information service; conference facilities; event management; consultancy. NCB is also a publisher in the field of children's services and children's studies. Titles can be browsed and ordered via the online bookshop. (online bookshop)