
Save the Children UK


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PO Box 1124

SCFUK has a vision of girls and boys exercising their rights and having improved access to quality basic services and of child-led approaches being a cental element of all aspects of Save the Children's work. Its goals are the development of health systems which would lead to appropriate policies, structures, attitude and practices that will improve the accessibility of children and their families to quality services. In Uganda SC supports initiatives aimed at improving the lives of children living with HIV or orphaned because of AIDS

Kenya Red Cross Society


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PO Box 40712

Aim: to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield and to endevour to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Objective: to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being by promoting mutual understanding, friendship & cooperation & lasting peace amongst all peoples and to work as an auxiliary to the government

Kitovu Mobile AIDS Home Care


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PO Box 413

Organisational aims: to provide medical, counselling and social support to AIDS patients in their homes; to help families of patients cope through counselling; to provide HIV proactive health education; to provide HIV testing; to provide orphan and family support through education FARM schools and income generating projects

National AIDS Coordination Programme (NACP)


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2nd floor, Mukwati Building
PO Box CY1122
Causeway, Harare

NACP id responsible for coordinating the national multisectorial response to HIV/AIDS and TB in Zimbabwe. It is also responsible for coordinating the specific health sector response to HIV/AIDS with special focus on treatment and care, prevention and control of HIV/AIDS, counselling and testing, condom promotion and prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV. The NACP resource centre is open to the public

AIDS Counselling Trust (ACT)


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PO Box 7225

ACTs aim: To complement government efforts in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and also provide psycho-social support to the infected and affected. ACTSs objectives: Train a wide range of people in counselling, including potential care givers and those in contact with persons living with HIV/AIDS. Provide over the phone and face to face counselling . Identify, mobilise suitable resourse persons in the community who will facilitate the work of ACT. Develop, distribute and use appropriate materials, courses and other resources for the dissemination of informatnion on HIV/AIDS in order to influence behavioural change. The ACT resource centre is open to the public

St Francis Hospital


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Private Bag 11

This is a district general hospital, supplying first level services to a catchment population of 200 000, and second level surgical services to a population of 1 million. There is a nursing and midwifery training school, and it also acts as a training hospital for medical students, both local and abroad. The resource centre is not open to the public

Walio Katika Mapambano na AIDS Tanzania (WAMATA)


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PO Box 33279
Dar es Salaam

WAMATA deals with HIV transmission. AIms include: the reduction of social, pathological, psychological, legal and humnan rights problems for people living with HIV/AIDS; An increase in the institutions capacity in counselling and home based care services; Institutional support; Monitoring and evaluation of performance facilities with WAMATA branches. The WMATA resource centre is open to the public

World Vision Uganda (WVU)


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PO Box 5319

This is a Christian, development and child care agency. It believes that all development is integral to improving the well-being of children. Its aims are to contribute to the reduction of infant and maternal mortality rates through community-based programmes and empowerment of the beneficiaries; to improve water and sanitation; to increase education rates; to improve agriculture and the environment and to assist in the development of midro-enterprises. It s resource centre is not open to the public, but it is planned that in the future it will be

Mozambique Red Cross


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PO Bix 2986

The Mozambique Red Cross' objective for the next three years is to strengthen the capacity of the host vulneranable members of the population by supporting their development, particularly in protecting their health and improving their social conditions. In order to achieve this objective, the MRCS must first of all strengthen itself, becoming a national association that is capable, strong and independent

Matabeleland AIDS Council (MAC)


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PO Box 1280

MAC provide public education and research on HIV prevention and care. They run a youth programme and workplace programme, counselling, information, training and prevention. Their two resource centres are in `high density housing' areas of Bulawayo. They are open to the public. Actual Address: 97a Josiah Tongagara St.

Uganda Women Concern Ministry (UWCM)


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PO Box 1820

UWCM aim: to train community women in income generating skills and access them to financial and other resources; to build capacity of the community to handle issues of HIV/AIDS; to train and provide conditional grants to the poorest of the poor families; to support orphaned and needy children; to advocate for and promote child participaction, rights and responsibilities; to monitor and evaluate UWCM activities

The Association of People with AIDS in Kenya (TAPWAK)


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P O Box 30583

Aims to offer physicla, psychological and spiritual support to members of the organisation; create awareness of HIV issues in the general public; and advocate for the rights of people infected with HIV/AIDS as well as educating them on their rights. It has aresource centre that is open to the public
